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🧵 Do you really want to say

Anonymous No. 16199708

that hubble tension is a result of a Nobel winning hoax from the 90s and no single basedencist noticed there's a problem with the data for nearly 30 years?

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Anonymous No. 16199710

Anonymous No. 16199736

>no single basedencist noticed there's a problem with the data for nearly 30 years
they knew but ignored it because without deliberately inventing a problem you can't sell the solution.

Anonymous No. 16199757

Wait so Supernovae dom’t exist?

Anonymous No. 16199777

They do, but supposedly there's a problem with the data in the study (studies) about them. What I don't really understand is why no subsequential studies revealed the problem, they only made hubble tension worse. How is the science done? Have been sciencist repacking old data into new studies without any verification? Mind blowing.

Anonymous No. 16199872

Why wasn't this brought up here before this pop-soientista got it out? Guess this proves that the only atronomyfags here are conformal.

Anonymous No. 16201000

Apparently she learned it from someone else who talks about the issue.

Anonymous No. 16201003

Subir Sarkar

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Anonymous No. 16201153

>Subir Sarkar
lol wtf is this. do physicists really?

Anonymous No. 16201157

Pajeet negroid only capable of analysing research instead of actually doing it.

Anonymous No. 16201226

There was a high school teacher who analyzed the data a while back using his own methodology and came up with 84 km/s/Mpc. Turns out when your methods are honest you get almost exactly 1/4c^2.

Anonymous No. 16201239

Uh, your units are kinda fucked up there.

Anonymous No. 16201444

If that bothers you I recommend you don't read any of Maxwell's original papers (who am I kidding, you're not going to anyway)

Anonymous No. 16201596

anon, would you just believe any old retard on the internet if they disagreed with established science? high school teachers are not particularly good authorities on cosmology, and 84 km/s/Mpc is WAY off.

Anonymous No. 16201634

>blindly appeals to authority
You can believe whatever you want, kid. Thinking is hard, I get it.

Anonymous No. 16201664

Based. We need people who know they aren't creative geniuses, but who are still smart enough to actually do the work, to just knuckle down and replicate/analyze/review/summarize things, because that's actually useful and valuable work that enhances the quality of science and academia. The last thing we need is more "creative idiots" writing junk papers that claim to advance something but which are just spinning wheels and mashing together combinations of things.

Anonymous No. 16201682

Not how it works. What must be done is people should be doing relevant work so there is actual motivation for replication. But that won't happen, because it is fraudulent paper mill activity fleecing government grants from taxpayers. This is the same fraud as found with any bureaucratic enterprise.

Anonymous No. 16201706

>scientists lied for fame and fortune
Why would they do that though?

Anonymous No. 16202067

What you're doing is specifically appealing to a LACK of authority. Genuinely stupid.

Anonymous No. 16202087

The basedentist plagirizer fears the pajeet reviewer
Emperor is naked

Anonymous No. 16202095

/sci/ is too blackpilled about academia to do this work
They would have thought it useless waste of time

Anonymous No. 16202219


And naturally Sabine accepts Sarkar's claims without a second thought. Because the guy the claims against the mainstream must be legit. There have been shown to be many flaws in his anayses which laid out the criticism. It's not the case that he pointed out errors and everyone accepts things, he uses totally different methods and gets different results.

Anonymous No. 16202223


There is tons of verification. Blind anayses, independent studies (by dozens of teams), mock data challenges. Sarkar on the other hand has done none of this. He finds different results obtained via different methods and claims everyone else is doing it wrong, despite the fact he has no deep knowledge of the topic.

Anonymous No. 16202225


As opposed to bringing up an uncited anacote where you decide that analysis must be correct because you like the number. Numerology not science.