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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199742

is there anyway we can reverse this growth and go back down to around 1 billion population?
idk if it has to be a violent event or not, if we can somehow get people to kill themselves out of their own volition that would be the best way of going about it.

Anonymous No. 16199744

A medium-sized asteroid would probably do the trick.

Anonymous No. 16199746

forced eugenics where only 120 IQ and above are allowed to reproduce would cut a big chunk and solve the race mixing problem.

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Anonymous No. 16199758

where would it have to crash into though, seems like smack bang in the middle of Africa maybe Nigeria would do the trick?
then again if we let climate change run amuck, people in third world will be taken care of anyway.

Anonymous No. 16199764

You should kill youself, be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem you're complaining about

Anonymous No. 16199765

Environmental death cult

Anonymous No. 16199770

the fact that I see this as a major problem means that I need to be here to see this through to the end.

Anonymous No. 16199773

>The Earth is not big enough for me!!
greedy narcissist

Anonymous No. 16199782

the amount of matter on the Earth remains constant it cannot support human civilization growth forever.
90% of the worlds population doesn't actually do anything other than use up energy and other recourses

Anonymous No. 16200713

Chinks will releade the next pandemic in 8 years, no worries

Anonymous No. 16201401

you don't do anything other than use up energy and other recourses

Anonymous No. 16201620

I hope so

Anonymous No. 16201643

As far as I can tell we're heading for a (probably pretty rough) saturation period. Even most of the developing world is starting to see rapid decline in birth rates (especially India, Brazil and China) as their middle class grows. Africa is still a ways away from this, but Nigeria is starting to get there.

Anonymous No. 16201644

the developed world will just import Africa to combat their declining birth rate which is exactly what they doing now

Anonymous No. 16201661

We should accelerate so we can reach 30 billion by 2200 and completely colonize the entire solar system.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16201667

How come none of the people who bemoan the supposed overpopulation problem the most are never willing to do their part to alleviate the problem?

Anonymous No. 16201693

sounds very dystopian