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Anonymous No. 16199799

Why did cavemen start cooking meat? Is it true that it really did help expand our brain capacity and learning capabilities?

Anonymous No. 16199807

cooking meant the meat doesn't have to be as fresh

Anonymous No. 16199817

Indians would regularly eat critters raw

Anonymous No. 16199888

cooking denatures almost all proteins, rendering them inactive. this allows you to digest them without risking becoming pozzed by some worms or something, in addition to effectively pre-digesting your food.

Spending less energy on digestion allows you to spend more energy on other shit, like finding ways to cook your food for yourself and your offspring more efficiently.

Anonymous No. 16200332

>Why did cavemen start cooking meat?
Because it is tasty and it was most likely an accidental discovery, otherwise they would have had to wait until someone eventually tamed fire, which seems unlikely since the following scenario is not implausible: perhaps they found partially cooked/charred animal carcasses after a wildfire went by, and noticed the pleasant odor emanating from the cooked flesh. Someone curious had a bite, especially if they already had a taste of uncooked meat, for whatever reason, and they took a liking.
It wasn't to kill parasites, nor to cook proteins in the meat, etc, that requires a type of modern knowledge that even just a few centuries ago we did not have or understand why, but we still cooked the meat because it was tasty.

Anonymous No. 16200382

>It wasn't to kill parasites... that requires a type of modern knowledge
Why would you need modern knowledge to observe that you are suddenly pooping uncomfortable live worms and if feels like they are tearing your stomach apart after you ate the worm filled meat?

Anonymous No. 16200386

>It wasn't to kill parasites
It absolutely was. Basic pattern recognition doesn't require a formal education.

You see grug eats raw meat and is cave-ridden for a week. His brother ogg eats cooked meat and is now chadding it up around the fire.

And this is only on the point of parasites. There's also other illnesses that can arise from raw meat (depending on the animal) like salmonella etc.

Anonymous No. 16200388

Though it is not impossible, it wasn't as simple as that: worms don't immediately manifest themselves after you eat uncooked meant, it takes days for eggs to hatch, more time for worms to grow, more time to affect your health, and more time yet to start crawling out of your ass. By then, you'd have had many other meals and other types of food, and the correlation would not be evident. Add superstition on top of that and you start blaming gods and deities, etc, and have bad reasoning all over in general. Modern logical thinking is a fairly recent invention, that's why ancient geniuses sometimes seems to us like they concluded obvious things, but they did not, they truly were revolutionary humans that stood out from the crowd. Watch this lecture to understand:

Anonymous No. 16200389

please read:

Anonymous No. 16200394

>it takes days for eggs to hatch
Yea it took them days to hunt too and it would be much harder to hunt the next one if you are still recovering from the parasites you got from the last one and you can see the worms crawling, so why wouldn't you put two and two together and figure out that worms go in mouth then worms come out butt because the stomach is filled with them?

Anonymous No. 16200399

This. Coupled with drying meat, and adding salt, can make it last until the next successful hunting. All that while still being tasty.

Anonymous No. 16200400

I think you are minimalizing the intelligence of the hunter-gatherer. He was basically as smart as your average person today. He had the same equipment, physiologically speaking. I think you're overstating superstition and "forest spirit make me sick".

There was obviously some of them eating cooked meat exclusively because it tasted better. When they evaluated "Why grug not sick anymore?", you didn't need cave-sherlock to figure it out. You don't necessarily require a theoretical framework on germs and parasites to figure out that cooking meat prevents you getting sick more often.

Anonymous No. 16200402

reminder that you have to eat every few hours along the day each day. Fruits, roots, berries, leaves, bugs, water, cooked meat (if you manage to catch anything at all, mind you, there's no supermarkets around), uncooked meat, it was all fair game for a hungry group of people walking around naked in the heat of africa. Suddenly a tribe member is feeling sick. "Oh look, the waxing moon is rising, the clouds are thundering in the distance, and the birds are flocking, THE GODS ARE ANGRY!"
watch the lecture, privileged modern human.

Anonymous No. 16200403

Watch the lecture. He explains it better and more thoroughly than I'm going to care to explain here.

Anonymous No. 16200404

I appreciate that my refusal to watch a 55 minute video may come across as bad faith and that I might be doing myself a disservice - but I think it can be simply explained by assuming hunter gatherer had the ability for pattern recognition and a distaste for falling ill. You don't really require anymore prerequisites than that.

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Anonymous No. 16200405

Relevant, play it without looking up any tips.

Anonymous No. 16200407

>reminder that you have to eat every few hours along the day each day.
No you don't, people would go for days without eating and generally throughout history they would eat just one big meal a day, its how ancient tribes still tend to eat.

Anonymous No. 16200444

>No you don't
sure, but you would if you were starving and surrounded by foliage and other edible matter. Try going without eating anything at all for a day, or more, you'll eat whatever you can get in your mouth. Try it, I have.

Anonymous No. 16200446

No, I wouldn't, your fatass might not be able to resist eating everything in sight all day, but I have enough self control to fast regularly as it is.

Anonymous No. 16200449

>why caveman cook meat
Caveman have pet fire
Fire work good, burn hot
Give fire treat of meat
Fire make meat smell amazing
rest history
Captcha wizard sdaksx

Anonymous No. 16200746

Anonymous No. 16201060

>Why did cavemen start cooking meat?

Cooking made food taste better, simple as: improved texture, flavor, aroma, overall cooked meat was just overall significantly more palatable and delectable than uncooked raw meat.
I'm gonna wade through the 'parasite' comment, but while the immediate benefits of cooking meat are the "improved dining experience"; hominids most likely eventually caught onto the idea that cooked meat was in some way "cleaner" or "better" due to how cavemen that ate cooked meat wouldn't have as many health problems as cavemen that still stubbornly ate uncooked meat. Just from generational pattern observation mind you.


Different Anon coming into this: we can only gleam so much information about their world from their shit, and "comparative similarities" drawn from primitive peoples that still exist today, but the general 'gist' seems to be that they both ate a large variety of foods AND held an encyclopedic knowledge of the various plants, animals, fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and insects, they were shoving into their mouths.
We can't definitively know if cavemen cooked their food because they knew about parasites in the food, but we *do* know that cavemen were consciously aware of parasites because they would self-medicate with toxic leaves and shelf mushrooms to kill them. Stuff like that.

Anonymous No. 16201070

Do you believe that certain micro organisms like Salmonella or E. Coli are beneficial to the human body?

Anonymous No. 16201073

5 minutes in and he's using iq scores to claim we're getting smarter. he better give context to this later.

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ill mannered.jpg

Anonymous No. 16201161

Even today members of hunter-gather type tribes routinely go days without eating not because they don't have access to food but because they don't feel enough need to eat each day to bother with it.

Anonymous No. 16201163

I would (figuratively) ejaculate if a chick did that on a date - getting her finger all messy like that >w<

Anonymous No. 16201164

>Do you believe that certain micro organisms like Salmonella or E. Coli are beneficial to the human body?

I'm under the general impression that bacteria become a problem when they're in a foreign environment. Much in the same way invasive species can get out of hand without their natural selective pressures. It's ecology all the way down. Salmonella and E. Coli cause food poisoning when you ingest them because they're trying to do what they would normally do in your intestine or colon, but they're doing it in your stomach and causing problems.

So I would say, "yes, but with some caveats".

Anonymous No. 16201171

The first time I ever tried fasting I did it for 14 days.

Anonymous No. 16201186

>Obama fanboy

>june 2016
I'll forgive him