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Anonymous No. 16199908

Who decided that ADHD was not part of normal human behaviour and is instead something to be treated and nullified?
And is this a good thing?

Anonymous No. 16199911

ADHD is adaptive behavior for finding food and resources in an environment where they are scarce. If you had a crazy idea for a food source and actually went for it you'd be physically rewarded.

When this is placed in a modern-day setting, where people are expected to be good worker drones in an office, its a negative adaptation. Reduces the fitness of the human because of the environment he's in.

Anonymous No. 16200295

>Who decided that ADHD was not part of normal human behaviour
Nobody, it is part of normal human behavior, just not the dominant human behavior. In modern society it is a hinderance, unfortunately.

Anonymous No. 16200306

It's real bro, it's basically brain damage lite, the blood vessels and size of the prefrontal cortex is significantly dimished on the scans. I suspect all the drugs mothers take when pregnant cause brain changes in a child which leads to adhd and other symptoms. Dumb bitches don't care about anything but themselves, fuck the kid, just feel good and have fun while pregnant. For example, alcohol damages the prefrontal cortex, imagine drinking while pregnant...that definitely leads to adhd but no one addresses it because it leads to a lot of issues.

Anonymous No. 16200326

As the other posters have said, it's only "not normal" because normality in this context is defined as the default position of the majority.

I don't mean it from an airy fairy subjective point of view. ADHD literally has no draw backs in the era it evolved for (hunter-gatherer). When we shifted towards agricultural societies, only "job specialization" normies truly benefited in the long-term. I'm sure there was a cross-over period where the focus-jumping lead to some innovations in a world where basically nothing has been fucking invented yet, but as time went on and job specialization became more and more entrenched and innovation required longer focus on a subject, it became a disadvantage and ultimately a "disorder".

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Anonymous No. 16201055

God I fucking hate farmingcucks

Anonymous No. 16201079

Damn, I passed my undergrad at 14?

Anonymous No. 16201084

hey, i just had an appointment with a psychiatrist a couple hours ago to get an ADHD diagnosis. from what i gathered, these were my largest indicators/issues:
>becoming hyper-focused on projects and then suddenly completely losing interest
>having a lot of trouble listening to people when they speak to me
>randomly getting up from my desk, walking around, twisting my body in weird ways, jumping even, then sitting back down (im not even really aware when im doing this, its like im sleepwalking when i daydream)
now, i definitely dont NEED to be on stimulants; i have an engineering degree and a job, all without the help of amphetamines, but i did all that *in spite* of lack of treatment, not because of it. if you dont want to be medicated then no one’s forcing you to, but lots of people have goals they want to accomplish in their lives and stimulants can help them do it.

Anonymous No. 16201092

Ironically, I have mild to moderate ADHD, but i’m genetically more suited to a hunter’s makeup. Cognitive science is bullshit and the retards who started it have no idea why they did other than it itself was rewarding.

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Anonymous No. 16201134

It's pretty crazy how much difference externally enforced/built routine and structure help. I've gone full NEETmode since college and my day is definitely way more unproductive without someone telling me I have to be in X doing Y for Z hours. Self-enforcing is way harder.
Glad you managed to get and hold a job, I've been trying for a year now and employers fucking hate me for that wage gap. Been procrastinating my industrial/ops/logistics engineering master's thesis for 3 years and I think it's holding me back. Overqualified for mcjobs, underexperienced for real jobs so stuck in limbo.

It's definitely possible to get by without meds, my methylphenidate helped when I had a job but couldn't keep it because of the constant stress and boss being retarded, but I also got through the postgrad without even knowing about the ADHD.
Agreed, the one time I spoke to a drunken neuroscientist she ranted for hours about how psychology is almost complete bull, ethically wrong to profit from, and just a matter of getting the right chemicals in the brain to fix whatever you're dealing with, it was hilarious.

Anonymous No. 16201148

>Agreed, the one time I spoke to a drunken neuroscientist she ranted for hours about how psychology is almost complete bull, ethically wrong to profit from, and just a matter of getting the right chemicals in the brain to fix whatever you're dealing with, it was hilarious.

This is true for all disorders, except for ADHD, where brain imaging and longitudinal research has quite firmly established dopamine hypoactivity in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) as the cause.
Meds predate most neurological research, but all experimental results indicate a positive modulation of attention and salience by dopamine in the PFC and midbrain respectively. You would might as well call it: "dopamine deficiency disorder".

Anonymous No. 16201176

Sounds like you don't have ADHD. All these psychological diagnosises only apply when you are actually negatively affected by these issues.

They are eitherhuman habits/quirks turned up to a harmful degree. Or, as with ADHD there is some underlying, physical cause for the issue. With ADHD it is an impairment of the brains function to self regulate thoughts and sensations, which is apparently done in the prefrontal cortex.

If you are not actually suffering from whatever is going on you don't need medication.

Anonymous No. 16201187

idk but nicotine pouches fixed it for me

Anonymous No. 16201190

>the one time I spoke to a drunken neuroscientist she ranted for hours about how psychology is almost complete bull, ethically wrong to profit from, and just a matter of getting the right chemicals in the brain to fix whatever you're dealing with
A neuroscientist would believe that psychology is bullshit and that medication is all that is needed. But that is bullshit too. Because there are issues that have no physical cause yet negatively affect people nonetheless. If you have learned harmful patterns of behaviour as a child there is nothing actually wrong with your brain chemistry. You just have shitty habits. Psychology can help you identify those and work on learning new habits of thinking.

Anonymous No. 16201199

Ur gonna fucking love amphetamines.
I got prescribed them and realised I didn't have ADHD, but the hyperfags fucking love it. >>16201190

Anonymous No. 16201204

>neuroscientist would believe that psychology is bullshit and that medication is all that is needed.

Based and pilled.

Anonymous No. 16201219

>dopamine deficiency disorder
ADHD's definitely a misnomer, we have attention and just have trouble regulating its focus
Yeah, I think it's reductionist to insist either is the full truth based on an anecdotal experience. IMO its treatment could use both needing to develop the neural pathways to have proper habits and support tools, as well as some external help in a diet rich in zinc and magnesium, as well as a stim.

Or we could just retvrn to the hunter-gatherer days. I'd love that one.

Anonymous No. 16201234

>IMO its treatment could use both needing to develop the neural pathways to have proper habits and support tools, as well as some external help in a diet rich in zinc and magnesium, as well as a stim.
Isn't that already done? I'm from Europe. Here any ADHD diagnosis involves checking blood levels and diet and the treatment plan consists of therapy and, if needed, medication.

Anonymous No. 16201237

>I've been trying for a year now
hang in there brother, wagmi
>Sounds like you don't have ADHD.
oh okay thanks for the clarification, ill let my psychiatrist know.
>All these psychological diagnosises only apply when you are actually negatively affected by these issues.
what counts as a negative effect? if i want to read for an hour a day but i can only manage 55 minutes, am i not being negatively effected? i was rejected from every grad program i applied to as a result of 1) poor gpa, and 2) procrastinating on my applications, both of which could have been mitigated with stimulatants. does that not count as suffering?

Anonymous No. 16201245

Combo of this >>16199911 and dysgenics selecting for those traits to excess causing maladaptive ADHD.

Anonymous No. 16201248

>in the era it evolved for (hunter-gatherer)
People seem to think evolution happens very slowly. This isnt the case if your population has high variance in a particular trait, then all it takes is to promote those outliers to have seemingly extreme change.

Anonymous No. 16201256

FPBP. That's basically the psychiatric definition - if it interferes with your ability to be a productive citizen, it's a disorder. Especially if someone can profit by selling drugs to treat it.

>if you dont want to be medicated then no one’s forcing you to
If you're an adult (and not in on a 51/50). We've far too many parents medicating their children into being life-long dependent, mental and emotional cripples. You should really be on the verge of having CPS ready to interfere, before you resort to medication to raise a child, especially before the age of reason. Set backs in elementary school won't ruin your child's life, unless you drug them until they're no longer a problem.

Anonymous No. 16201260

could be both. Think of something like an alcoholic being depressed because his kid died, I'd expect he'd have abnormal brain chemistry, but he'd have it for perfectly logical reasons.

Anonymous No. 16201387

I did adderall for a while but it was kind of too much, yes I did love it but too much. With nicotine I can adjust the effects up and down throughout the day as needed instead of spazzing out for 10 hours. It did help with focus though.

Anonymous No. 16201507

What the atual fuck, I'm still mentally a teenager ?

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Anonymous No. 16201531

>Who decided that ADHD was not part of normal human behaviour
Big pharma and bad parents

Anonymous No. 16201768

It says executive age which means executive function capacity. You don't have the intelligence of a teenager, just one's ability to follow through and self-regulate important stuff.
Yeah, most serious docs generally recommend both better habits/diet, plus therapy, and maybe meds. Heard some docs are wildly opposed to meds tho.
Thanks mate. I hate HR women so much it's unreal.

Anonymous No. 16201822

>I've gone full NEETmode since college and my day is definitely way more unproductive without someone telling me I have to be in X doing Y for Z hours.
Took me like 6 years of wasted time but I was able to get myself functional enough to enter a grad program now, I do not want to take meds to fuck up with my head but honestly if they help I'll take them at this point.

Anonymous No. 16202059

Good job mate. Stims do help think clearly but it's easy to overdo if you're not measuring the right amounts. Simply caffeine is good to start but the difference with actual meds (have only tried methylphenidate, no amphetamines so far) is night and day.

Anonymous No. 16203283

ADHD is a construct, it's the amplification of a normal reaction to reject modern lameness and slavery.

Yes, the poisons in modern diet (whatever out of our hyper-carnivore genetic makeup) and environment degenerating gene expression, leading to accentuated behavior.

Anonymous No. 16203721

Coffee is how I've been able to walk as far as I have, if stims are better at that job I'll definitely give it a shot

Anonymous No. 16203892

it's fundamentally a lack of functional memory. Hereditary as well, I believe,
but don't take anything I say as being true, just a starting point to go satisfy your curiosity.

Anonymous No. 16204084

>Hereditary as well, I believe,
Nope, give a kid enough alcohol and they got it for life

Anonymous No. 16204143

>and is instead something to be treated and nullified?
Nobody. Concerta, Straterra, Ritalin, and Adderal have never nullified my ADHD. They merely help me keep my focus on things I need to do.
And they sure as fuck don't fix my executive organizational ability. I NEED to keep lists for tasks, especially if they're multiple long term tasks or date dependent. Either on paper or in notepad or in fancy management software, as long as they're in one place.
I don't need medication for practically any physical activities. I can go hiking, hunting, crabbing, running, play handball, go shopping, etc. and be perfectly fine. Well, honestly it might help a bit with shopping if I don't physically have a list.
It may help with fishing, because that's something I find boring and it's hard to relax sitting around doing nothing. But multi-tasking by talking with buds or listening to music is good enough.

I enjoyed math and science classes growing up. I didn't need meds to learn in those subjects because the enjoyment helped me keep attention. But I would make constant mistakes on my math tests regardless. I wasn't doing the math wrong. I would blaze through everything too fast and misread the questions or equations. Stuff like treating a division symbol ÷ as a plus symbol accidentally. I knew that I did that, so I would always re-read everything after I was done to check for those mistakes. And still miss some of them. When on meds I made much less of those types of mistakes, and caught almost all of them on the re-read.
Where it really helped was with subjects that didn't excite me, or that I found boring. I still only averaged 70s in English and Social Studies classes in high school. But that's because I didn't do any essay homework.

Anonymous No. 16204152

>Who decided that ADHD was not part of normal human behaviour and is instead something to be treated and nullified?
Nobody, modern psychiatry acknowledges neurodiversity as normal variation between people. The meds are to help you focus on everyday tasks and do better in life.

Anonymous No. 16204915

>"dopamine deficiency disorder"
Shut the fuck up, this would be Parkinson's, that's what dopamine deficiency ACTUALLY looks like