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🧵 Stone-age Europeans 'were the first to set foot on North America'

Anonymous No. 16199909


Stone-age Europeans were the first to set foot on North America, beating American Indians by some 10,000 years, new archaeological evidence suggests.
In a discovery that could rewrite the history of the Americas, archaeologists have found a number of stone tools dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, and bearing remarkable similarities to those made in Europe.

All of the ancient implements were discovered along the north-east coast of the USA.

The tools could reassert the long dismissed and discredited claim that Europeans in the form of Christopher Columbus and his crew were the first to discover the New World.

Previous discoveries of tools have only been dated back to 15,000 years ago and prompted many archaeologists and historians to question claims that stone-age man managed to migrate to North America.

But the striking resemblance in the way the primitive American tools were made to European ones dating from the same period now suggests a remarkable migration took place.

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Anonymous No. 16199910

Adding to the weight of evidence is fresh analysis of stone knife unearthed in the US in 1971 that revealed it was made of French flint.

Professor Dennis Stanford from Washington's Smithsonian Institution, and Professor Bruce Bradley from Exeter University believe that the ancient Europeans travelled to North America across an Atlantic frozen over by the Ice Age.

During the height of the Ice Age, ice covered some three million square miles of the North Atlantic, providing a solid bridge between the two continents. Plentiful numbers of seal, penguins, seabirds and the now extinct great auk on the edge of the ice shelf could have provided the stone-age nomads with enough food to sustain them on their 1,500-mile walk.

"Across Atlantic Ice", a book by professors Stanford and Bradley presenting the case for the trans-Atlantic trek, is published next month.

Anonymous No. 16199936

>28 February 2012 • 4:12pm

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16199947

Let the /pol/tard dream.

Anonymous No. 16199979

>noooo white people can't do something first!! facebook says so!!!!

Imagine believing mainstream history lol. This is why you are part of the slave class and why you keep me rich

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16200265

Why is it OK that redskins from Asia colonized the previously uninhabited Americas, but not OK if whites do the same thing?

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Anonymous No. 16200312

Absolute shit journalism.

Anonymous No. 16200318

lololol, nice

Anonymous No. 16200320

the real shocker is that current Europeans genocide them and then sail to Americas few thousand years later to finish the job

bodhi No. 16200451

I have countless hours of proof

Anonymous No. 16201496

>all out of listerine.jpg

Anonymous No. 16201609


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Anonymous No. 16201913

he was right but you wouldn't listen

bodhi No. 16202012

>ukulele starts playing

Anonymous No. 16202046

the idea that azns crossed the bering land bridge during the middle of the ice age is clearly a dumb idea that never happened, theres no evidence that it happened, the bering straight isn't even shallow enough for there to have been a land bridge.
so they had to have come by boat and if they can come by boat then theres no reason whites couldn't have come by boat too

Anonymous No. 16202245

fkn kek at filename

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Anonymous No. 16202258

In the middle of the ice age, sea levels were much lower. Combine much lower sea levels with extensive ice sheets covering the north pole even in summer, and it's trivial to walk from Siberia to Alaska, but also from Scandinavia to Iceland to Greenland to Newfoundland.

Anonymous No. 16202939

you've clearly never walked across glaciers, its not easy going and there isn't anything to eat. taking a boat along the edge of an ice sheet means you have easy access to food the whole time.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16202986

nice scientific post you dumb zoomer TRIPLE NIGGER

Anonymous No. 16203021

the n word is racist

Anonymous No. 16203374

>The tools could reassert the long dismissed and discredited claim that Europeans in the form of Christopher Columbus and his crew were the first to discover the New World.
What the incoherent fuck is this

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Anonymous No. 16203383

That bullshit is taken seriously by nobody today; genetic evidence is unanimous that everyone on the American continents came over from Beringia.
There are a few outliers in the Amazon which might be Melanesian, but guess what, that's not Europe either.
Pic related is less fake and gay than OP

Anonymous No. 16203413

>genetic evidence is unanimous that everyone on the American continents came over from Beringia.

where did all the haplogroup x in asia go???

Anonymous No. 16203417

>that said

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Anonymous No. 16203470

>Kennewick Man was an ancient Indigenous American man who lived during the early Holocene, whose skeletal remains were found washed out on a bank of the Columbia River in Kennewick, Washington, on July 28, 1996. Radiocarbon tests show the man lived about 8,900 to 9,000 years Before Present, making his skeleton one of the most complete ever found this old in the Americas, and thus of high scientific interest for understanding the peopling of the Americas.
>Chatters, who initially investigated the skeleton, early on concluded that the "presence of Caucasoid traits [and a] lack of definitive Native-American characteristics", as well as the apparent context of the skeleton as part of an early Paleo-American group led him to state that the body was "Caucasian" (an anthropological term not synonymous with "white" or "European").
>Chatters found a 79 mm (3.1 in) stone projectile lodged in his ilium (part of the pelvic bone). There was new bone growing around it indicating a painful but old wound.[11] Chatters made a CT scan which determined the projectile was made from a siliceous gray stone with igneous (volcanic) origins.[11] The projectile, leaf-shaped, long, and broad, with serrated edges, fit the description of a Cascade point, characteristic of the Cascade phase from 12,000 to 7,500 years BP.

Even someone with no training at all in anthropology can look at the Kennewick Man skull and compare it to samples of Asian, Native American and European skulls and see that Kennewick Man's skull is distinctly European.

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Anonymous No. 16203590

sea levels were similar, its just location of the ice cap changed(few times) and with it face of the earth

Anonymous No. 16203716

>The tools could reassert the long dismissed and discredited claim that Europeans in the form of Christopher Columbus and his crew were the first to discover the New World.
I feel like this could be a game show: AI, or retarded journalist

Anonymous No. 16203726

The suggestion is that early Europeans reached the East Coast of North America during the last glacial maximum of thereabouts but subsequently went extinct. Noone is suggesting they are the ancestors of modern native ameticans.

Anonymous No. 16203729

Take meds

Anonymous No. 16203784

Unit the late 1800, the tale of Troy that Plato wrote about was considered to be just an old legend. Then the remains of Troy were discovered.
Plato also wrote about Atlantis, which is currently considered to be just an old legend

Anonymous No. 16203877

Do you all even read?

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Anonymous No. 16204010

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Anonymous No. 16204011

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Anonymous No. 16204019

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Anonymous No. 16204021

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Anonymous No. 16204023

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Anonymous No. 16204024


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Anonymous No. 16204026

7000-8000 year old preserved human remains found ritually buried at Windover Bog in Florida were found to have DNA that looked European, go to 6:20

There's also been an ancient sunken harbor discovered 2 miles off the coast of Florida, pic related. It's estimated to be around 7000 years old as thats the last time it would've been above water. (Built by the Windover Bog people?)

There are massive stone anchors/drogue stones that have been found in Florida that weigh thousands of pounds. Nobody knows who made them or where they came from but they look similar to the ones that are scattered around the area where Noah's Ark was said to have landed.

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Anonymous No. 16204030

Anonymous No. 16204162

Bottom line this shit for me

Anonymous No. 16204176

How did they walk across the ice without slipping and sliding around? How would they even get fuel to cook their food since there wouldn't be any wood or grass out on the frozen ocean?

Anonymous No. 16204949

>can't tell the difference between Hokkaido and western Europe

Anonymous No. 16205100

How did the polynesians cross the pacific without drowning? How would they even cook their food if there wasn't wood or grass in the open ocean

Anonymous No. 16205199

The "bold propaganda" is given in quotation marks to make clear it is an assertion by someone. Develop media literacy.
>Stone Age Europeans 'first to set foot in North America'
>Stone Age Europeans first to set foot in North America
Are these headlines the same?

Anonymous No. 16205202

Inuit burn animal fat since many moon ago. Bring moss from green places, make wick by dip moss in fats.

Anonymous No. 16205341

>The pelvis of one male had a bone spear point embedded in it.
odd similarity with kennewick man

Anonymous No. 16205362

I understand what you mean, and your point stands if someone is so discerning, but look around, does this crowd on /sci/ look as sophisticated as you or me?
People have to be aware, or they will fall for their misleading "presentation" of the news.

Anonymous No. 16206675

>everyone on /sci/ is sooooo stupid
>except me, I'm a super special snowflake genius
nice delusional grandiosity, but explain why are you here if you hate /sci/ so much?

Anonymous No. 16207014

For the same reason I occasionally use reddit, to inflate my ego by comparing myself to retards

Anonymous No. 16207356

The first people in the Americas were of European origin.

Anonymous No. 16208152

They probably traveled here via the North Pole during the previous interglacial

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Anonymous No. 16208190

testing showed he was related to the colville tribe, they gave his bones back to the natives and they buried him

Anonymous No. 16208200

No tests such as you're trying to proclaim ever took place, a judge declared that the skeleton was Indian property and that was the end of the story. All scientific investigations of the find were ruled illegal by the judge.

Anonymous No. 16208408

It was old news even in 2012.

Anonymous No. 16209185

The indians were desperate to prevent scientific examination of Kennewick man because they were desperate to protect their false "we wuz here first" claims which they use to justify their reservations and their gibes and their special snowflake status

Anonymous No. 16209230

Japs were here before the Siberian-Clovis arrived too.

Natives try to claim Jap ancestry and some Japs try to claim native connection (probably to try and build a tax free casino in downtown Seattle or some shit) but it’s not true, Japs were here on west coast separately from Clovis and were wiped out by Clovis.

Scots-Irish Vikings were already on the east coast separately from Clovis and integrated with Clovis when they finally came over from Siberia (why we are so tolerant I will never understand)

Anonymous No. 16209675

so now white people have an extremely strong claim on the whole american continents right?

Anonymous No. 16209677

>Professor Dennis Stanford from Washington's Smithsonian Institution, and Professor Bruce Bradley from Exeter University believe that the ancient Europeans travelled to North America across an Atlantic frozen over by the Ice Age.

wasn't Atlantis destroyed by a flood? maybe it was just the ice melting...

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16209680

>article from 2012
>book from 2013
kill yourself OP

Anonymous No. 16210530

America is the natural homeland of white people, indians are the interlopers

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Anonymous No. 16210675

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Anonymous No. 16210687


Anonymous No. 16211095

16000 years ago was before the yayoi culture arrived in Hokkaido so the first Americans were Jomon/Ainu.

Anonymous No. 16212205

>indians are the interlopers
both jeets and listerine-americans

Anonymous No. 16213284

if you go during the right time of year then there will be tons of baby seals waiting on the ice for you to eat along the way. seal meat is delicious stuff, it would be an enjoyable journey

Anonymous No. 16217451

Seal meat is extremely delicious, baby seals even more so.

Anonymous No. 16218019

Ah, conspiracy theorists proved right again

Also a Syrian/Cypriotic Sailor already proved this a few years ago, United Nations even covered it

We also have the historical document from Genoa which proves sailors and elites in Genoa knew of America 150 years before its fake 'discovery'
Hence America was announced to the world, not discovered, in 1492

Time to call and e-mail historians and history book writers to get it rewritten

Anonymous No. 16218024

Yes, the travel to 'india' was launched under a false pretense to obfuscate they already knew about the continent

Anonymous No. 16218986

Mediterranean navigators were already circumnavigating Africa over 2000 years ago, there is little doubt they did other exploring as well

Anonymous No. 16220325

phoenicia is in the mediterranean, anon, do you just not read?

Anonymous No. 16220890

2500 years ago Hanno the navigator, a major naval figure from Carthage, set sail on one of the great voyages of discovery. He sailed from the Mediterranean out of the straights of Gibraltar to explore the coast of Africa with a fleet of 60 ships, he worked his way down the coast past Mauritania to subsaharan Africa where he found his surprise that the people there all had "burnt skin" as he described it, which is to say they were negroes. After meeting people like this for a while every time his ships made landfall, Hanno eventually came to an island off the coast of what is now Cameroon that was filled with burnt skin people who were very hairy and extremely unruly. He named this tribe "Gorillas".
Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.

Anonymous No. 16222148

>Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.
In Indonesia they used to consider orangutans "people of the forest" before modern soience dogma made them change the way they think

Anonymous No. 16223330

were they interbreeding with orangutans the same way africans interbreed with chimps?

Anonymous No. 16224362

They had orangutan prostitutes

Anonymous No. 16226027

Thats not always how it works, the inbreeding in the cases of chimps and Africans is nearly all chimp male & African female

Anonymous No. 16227492

>European style stone tools suggest Stone Age people actually discovered America
Archeologists and historians have long known that it wasn’t really Christopher Columbus who discovered America. Native Americans had been living all over North, Central and South America long before he arrived. And Native Americans came from Asia across the frozen-over Bering Sea in the west. But now, it appears Europeans might have been first to arrive on the scene after all. Stone tools found recently in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia in the eastern United States, all appear to bear a striking resemblance to tools used by Stone Age peoples in early Europe, and have been dated to a time between 19,000 and 26,000 years ago, a period during which Stone Age people were making such tools, and long before the early Asians arrived.

It’s not an implausible theory, suggests Dennis Stanford, of the Smithsonian Institution and Bruce Bradley of the University of Exeter, because Stone Age people could have come from Europe by traveling across the ice-bound North Atlantic during the Ice Age. The evidence is further bolstered by the recent discovery that an ancient knife found in Virginia in 1971 was made of flint that originated from France. They two have coauthored a book on the subject, Across Atlantic Ice.

Anonymous No. 16227493

Stanford and Bradley also point out the lack of evidence of any human activity in the north-east part of Siberia or in Alaska any earlier than 15,500 years ago. And the reason early Asians won out, evolving into the people now called Native Americans, was because their window of opportunity was much wider, 15,000 years versus just 4500 for the early Europeans. Thus the original Native Americans were either assimilated or killed by the large numbers of migrating Asians. Evidence that it was likely the former has been found in the DNA of skeletons of North American Native American people. Also, the language of several Native American tribes doesn’t seem to have originated from Asia.

The two also say that it’s conceivable that Stone Age people could have traveled such a long way over ice from Europe to America because there would have been more than enough food to be had from the ocean. It all adds up the two say, to a compelling case for Stone Age travelers being titled as the people who truly did discover America.

Anonymous No. 16228699

When at the Asian colonizers going to apologize and pay reparations?

Anonymous No. 16229695

>It’s not an implausible theory
How is it considered just a "plausible theory" when they have 20,000 year old European artifacts?

Anonymous No. 16230700

because admitting its true would be racist

Anonymous No. 16230816

Not racist, it would expose that lot of "history" is fake, hidden and false.

Anonymous No. 16231200

pay with what nigga?, they broke as hell

Anonymous No. 16232224


Anonymous No. 16233797

Sorry Chief Drinksalot, but whites discovered America before your people did. The evidence is inarguable.

Anonymous No. 16234966

>Chief Drinksalot
>all out of listerine.jpg

Anonymous No. 16235819

They could have also just traveled along a transpolar route directly between Europe and North America.

Anonymous No. 16237090

Anything that highlights any positive or impressive aspects of white history is racist

Anonymous No. 16238232

wrong, the archaeological evidence shows that native europeans were the first people in the americas

Anonymous No. 16239063

>the lack of evidence of any human activity in the north-east part of Siberia
theres barely even any human activity there currently

Anonymous No. 16240351

Good link, would go a long way to explaining Kennewick man

Anonymous No. 16240408

>Advances in genetic research made it possible to analyze ancient DNA (aDNA) more accurately than earlier attempts when the skeleton was found. In June 2015, a study was published which analysed his sequenced nuclear genome, which concluded that his genome was nested within the diversity of contemporary Native Americans.
retards kek

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Anonymous No. 16242219

>omg hay goys!!!
>muh replication crisis soiyence delivered the politically correct result again

Anonymous No. 16242303

> It's a long discredited claim from 12 years ago.
> "New Science!"

Anonymous No. 16243568

Nothing about it has ever been discredited, whites were the only people employing those tool making techniques 20,000 years ago. The only possible explanation for the archaeological finds are that whites were in North America

Anonymous No. 16245089

They have enough money to buy pickup trucks, get drunk, crash their pickup trucks, then buy new pickup trucks.

Anonymous No. 16245396

>taking a boat along the edge of an ice sheet means you have easy access to food the whole time.
nonetheless when the first guy arrived at labrador after months along the ice edge, he fell on his knees and swore a solemn oath not to eat raw fish again for the rest of his life.

Anonymous No. 16245410

>his genome was nested within the diversity of contemporary Native Americans.
this is the same as >>16208190 "testing showed he was related to the colville tribe", is it?
besides, what does that weasel wording even mean? it could have had the X2 haplogroup, generally thought to be the remnant of solutreans, as the specific X variant in american natives is closest to the euro-middle east X variant, not to the much later syberian ones.

Anonymous No. 16245412


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Anonymous No. 16245427

>Justify their reservations
That wasn't their idea, nigga, and it definitely wasn't justified by them being here "first", it was justified by them having de facto control over territory and being a political pain in the ass for the USA. It doesn't really matter who's "first", that's just some rhetorical trick. What matters to that totally irrelevant discussion is totally irrelevant extant political circumstances. So you should just take that investment out of this discussion entirely.
Shitty bait thread

Anonymous No. 16245430

A lot of Native activist groups are actually against the idea that Native Americans come from a migration across Beringia, B.T.W.

Anonymous No. 16245435

I would not take "we were always here" and "in the beginning the great manitou laid an egg etc." alternatives very seriously.

Anonymous No. 16245444

I don't take it very seriously either but apparently a bunch of wigger nats here do. Or maybe they're not thinking that fat ahead.

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Anonymous No. 16247082

Don't get too technical, you'll just end up going over the heads of the self identified experts who never studied the topic past what the politically correct drive that government primary school taught them.

Anonymous No. 16247084

>In a discovery that could rewrite the history of the Americas, archaeologists have found a number of stone tools dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, and bearing remarkable similarities to those made in Europe.
So stone shards?

Anonymous No. 16247126

take some look at solutrean stone spearpoints, then at clovis spearpoints, then at syberian microblades, then at early amerindian microblades. plus there's a great shitload of other stuff, like the unexplained habit of both solutreans and clovis hunters to bury caches of sometimes unfinished blades and not retrieve them.

Anonymous No. 16248313

If there was any significant evidence that Europeans were the first to settle America, the government and academia would definitely collude to cover it up as much as possible

Anonymous No. 16249720

>Native Americans are from Asia Minor
that really lines up with Plato's Atlantis tale

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bodhi No. 16249725

Anonymous No. 16249752

If we can rediscover metallurgy multiple times independently, what are the odds that we can rediscover flint tools?
I'd need to see some genetic data if you want to say there was mass-migration.

Anonymous No. 16251122

its in >>16247082

Anonymous No. 16252310

Yes, I saw that, but I ignored it intentionally because regardless a plethora of evidence I refuse to believe that Europeans colonized North America before 1492.