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🧵 Record Cold Strikes Asia

Anonymous No. 16199955

Coldest May temperatures in Japan since the 1980s

Polar cold has gripped Japan this week, felling long-standing temperature records.

The northern Tōhoku region has copped the worst of it, with Yabukawa posting -1.8C (28.8F) on May 26, its lowest May reading since the -1.9C (28.6F) set on May 29, 1989.

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Anonymous No. 16199956

It's proving an unsettled bag for Asia this week, with fierce cold anomalies striking through the heart of the region.

Heavy and rare late-May snows have also been noted, across the likes of Kyrgyzstan, including in Kopuro-Baza, Talas on May 26.

Anonymous No. 16199987

how can there be record cold throughout asia if global warming is real?

Anonymous No. 16200266

Asians are the world's biggest CO2 emitters, yet they still have record cold weather, how is that possible? Why doesn't the CO2 they produce trap all their heat in?

Anonymous No. 16201159

Stop asking questions chud, science is settled, trump lost

Anonymous No. 16201165

asians are racist. all their co2 goes to warming africa.

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Anonymous No. 16201218

Global warming is melting the ice caps, causing cold water to flow into the ocean where it is passed over by the jet stream that then delivers that cold air to Asia.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16201704

I didn't realize Asia had an offical logo, I was aware of their jingle though.

Anonymous No. 16202109

If this was true arctic should have record low ice

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Anonymous No. 16202751

Arctic sea ice is way above average this year

Anonymous No. 16202752

In short, getting hotter makes it colder.
Also getting wetter makes it drier.
Totally not a cult!

Anonymous No. 16202753

But muh global warming!

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Anonymous No. 16202757


Anonymous No. 16202766

You only posted for the North Pole but what about the South Pole and the East Pole? Does their ice not count?

Anonymous No. 16202795

why does record cold weather make the people who claim belief in global warming so angry?
if they were truly concerned about global warming then they would be happy if the weather is cold

Anonymous No. 16203558

Cows don't seem to mind too much

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Anonymous No. 16203897

>polar cold
Precision of words, anon. Precision of words!

Anonymous No. 16204055

>26 May

Anonymous No. 16205094

Thats why this is they wrong time of year to be looking for Tsuchinokos

Anonymous No. 16205990

they'd be hibernating for sure in such weather.

Anonymous No. 16206821

The global warming shills will chimp out massively over warm weather, but when something like this happens they ignore it completely.
All time record cold throughout large portions of Asia is a much, much bigger deal than when its a few degrees above normal for a day in your stupid little college town.

Anonymous No. 16206824

Losing face is a fate worse than death.

Anonymous No. 16206825

>East Pole
The what?