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Anonymous No. 16199962

>mfw bipolar 1 and adhd
>tfw been to the psych unit 5 times in the past 5 years
>tfw its happening again

guys.... how do you cure bipolar the meds i take dont do anything.. Its not even a meme when i have manic episodes i dont sleep for days and hallucinate until i have to be admitted.

Anonymous No. 16199968

alcohol and pussy

Anonymous No. 16199977

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16200048

fuck you man my life is in shambles

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Anonymous No. 16200062

Remove the jew crap from your life and work hard building something of value. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16200849

manic episodes are fuckin rad, just don’t alienate any loved ones, better yet just don’t interact with loved ones during this period. make the most of it, go write some short stories or something.

Anonymous No. 16200858

>not just 1 but 2 fake diagnoses

Anonymous No. 16200864


dude how it can it be fake when i legit lose my mind and cant sleep during mania?? I am just faking going crazy to end up in a psych ward wtf

Anonymous No. 16200868

you should channel your wakeful fits into a productive creative activity like making art or learning something new in detail through reading. the reason you can't sleep is because your body is trying to regulate your mood, if you supplement vitamin d with whatever precursors it needs for bioabsorption and also go outside in the morning sun most of your problems will go away.

here's an idea spend 1 week at sunrise getting 15mins of sun (on your face and body), take the vitamin d and a multivitamin in the morning and eat regular meals spaced out at 6 or 8 or 12 or 18 hour intervals whatever you are comfortable with.

Anonymous No. 16200901

just meditate bro

Anonymous No. 16200956

Hi op. I’m in the same boat with the same diagnosis. I’ve been to the psych ward probably a dozen times I’ve lost count.

I’m currently on a once a month abilify injection that’s kept me out of the loony bin for two years. I guess it’s working but I did gain 70 lbs from it.

Idk what to tell you. Shit sucks. Just posting here so you know you’re not alone.

Anonymous No. 16201041


The weight gain from pills is so weird. I literally didnt change a single thing about my eating habit or what i eat really and i gained 40 pounds over 2 years of being on these anti psychotics...

Anonymous No. 16201042

Yeah it’s ridiculous. I had a psychiatrist tell me that even hard core vegetarians gain weight with these pills. They say they increase your appetite but I didn’t notice any difference. What they do is change your metabolism and how your body breaks down food. It honestly sucks normal people throw a shit fit if they gain 10 pounds while we’re supposed to tolerate 50+ pounds to maintain our sanity. Like I said shit sucks.

Anonymous No. 16201088

The stuff you ingest is poison and doesn't fix anything. Mice on antipsychotics show signs of brain damage like a reduction in white brain matter.

Anonymous No. 16201100

I’m aware. I’m more concerned about developing tardive dyskinesia personally.

Anonymous No. 16201116

Nigga, that's literally the point. Antipsychotics (as known as 'neuroleptics', 'pharmacological lobotomies') work by blocking dopamine and serotonin receptors.
Having 80% of your D2 receptors constantly blocked leads to fucking brain, and also fucks with metabolism cus dopamine release triggers TAAR1 which naturally increases metabolism.

Anonymous No. 16201121

Fuck autocorrect

Anonymous No. 16201150

Does this happen around the same time every year?

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Anonymous No. 16201196

Take more meds or take different meds. I've also got bipolar 1 with psychosis. Shit's awful. I would rope without medication, and I don't even have depressive episodes.

Anonymous No. 16201674

yes mostly end of the year

mannn the depressive episodes are the worst!!!! idfk what to do since the meds stop mania and dont help with depression