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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16200038

If covid was real then how come black lives matter protests did not lead to a spike in
coronavirus cases?

Anonymous No. 16200066

Because that virus was not designed by the CIA to kill nigs.

Anonymous No. 16200073

Open air exposure to aerosols was not as dangerous.
It's like cigarette smoke, inside the smell is way stronger compared to smoking outside.

Anonymous No. 16200103

the vaxtards that didn’t “died suddenly” will eventually get canceraids and blame it on anti-vax chads like myself. greatest psyop in history.

Anonymous No. 16200105

>two weeks

Anonymous No. 16200118

>they still made us wear a mask outside
>they still banned smoking outsidd

Anonymous No. 16200142


Anonymous No. 16200155

Unfortunately true. If you want detached logical thinking these days, free of mind virus, your best bet is /pol/

Anonymous No. 16200157

The same reason they were peaceful and arson-free


Anonymous No. 16201289

/pol/ has good, well researched and well informed science discussion more regularly than /sci/ does

Anonymous No. 16201370

turns out the virus dont like being outside and was mostly spread by white people coughing on each other on planes and having parties during lockdown

how surprising

Anonymous No. 16201495

Weird since outdoor anti-mask protests were called superspreader events.

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Anonymous No. 16202121

Except when the white people were Democrat politicians