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🧵 Fraudulent physicists meet to scheme coverups for their frauds

Anonymous No. 16200385

A wave of retractions is shaking physics
Grappling with problematic papers and poorly documented data, researchers and journal editors gathered in Pittsburgh to hash out the best way forward.

Recent highly publicized scandals have gotten the physics community worried about its reputation—and its future. Over the last five years, several claims of major breakthroughs in quantum computing and superconducting research, published in prestigious journals, have disintegrated as other researchers found they could not reproduce the blockbuster results.

Last week, around 50 physicists, scientific journal editors, and emissaries from the National Science Foundation gathered at the University of Pittsburgh to discuss the best way forward.“To be honest, we’ve let it go a little too long,” says physicist Sergey Frolov of the University of Pittsburgh, one of the conference organizers.

The attendees gathered in the wake of retractions from two prominent research teams. One team, led by physicist Ranga Dias of the University of Rochester, claimed that it had invented the world’s first room temperature superconductor in a 2023 paper in Nature. After independent researchers reviewed the work, a subsequent investigation from Dias’s university found that he had fabricated and falsified his data. Nature retracted the paper in November 2023. Last year, Physical Review Letters retracted a 2021 publication on unusual properties in manganese sulfide that Dias co-authored.

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Anonymous No. 16200390

The other high-profile research team consisted of researchers affiliated with Microsoft working to build a quantum computer. In 2021, Nature retracted the team’s 2018 paper that claimed the creation of a pattern of electrons known as a Majorana particle, a long-sought breakthrough in quantum computing. Independent investigations of that research found that the researchers had cherry-picked their data, thus invalidating their findings. Another less-publicized research team pursuing Majorana particles fell to a similar fate, with Science retracting a 2017 article claiming indirect evidence of the particles in 2022.

In today’s scientific enterprise, scientists perform research and submit the work to editors. The editors assign anonymous referees to review the work, and if the paper passes review, the work becomes part of the accepted scientific record. When researchers do publish bad results, it’s not clear who should be held accountable—the referees who approved the work for publication, the journal editors who published it, or the researchers themselves. “Right now everyone’s kind of throwing the hot potato around,” says materials scientist Rachel Kurchin of Carnegie Mellon University, who attended the Pittsburgh meeting.

Much of the three-day meeting, named the International Conference on Reproducibility in Condensed Matter Physics (a field that encompasses research into various states of matter and why they exhibit certain properties), focused on the basic scientific principle that an experiment and its analysis must yield the same results when repeated. “If you think of research as a product that is paid for by the taxpayer, then reproducibility is the quality assurance department,” Frolov told MIT Technology Review. Reproducibility offers scientists a check on their work, and without it, researchers might waste time and money on fruitless projects based on unreliable prior results, he says…

Anonymous No. 16200396

>A wave of retractions is shaking physics
Excellent! The scientific method is working, as desired!
Would you have preferred if the fraud had never been detected, nor corrected?
Don't tell me you'd prefer that there never had been any fraud in science in the first place, we all do, but that's naĂŻve: that's like desiring human nature to completely disappear, come the fuck on.

Anonymous No. 16200421

>take public money for fraudulent research
>no criminal charges

Anonymous No. 16201493

you have no idea what the scientific method is

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Anonymous No. 16201567

Why are physicists all such massive liars and frauds?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16201576

Nigger faggot. AI is going to doom your whole profession and then we will run a lynch mob on all of you.

Anonymous No. 16201584

this is literally science working as intended. if there's a problem, it's that there are not great incentives to reproduce most results. high profile, sensational results, sure, lots of people try to reproduce them, and if they don't reproduce, papers get retracted. it's not the editor's job, not the reviewers' job, and not even really the authors' job to really put the work to the reproducibility test. publishing is the way an experiment gets communicated so that others can try to reproduce it. unless there's fraud, even failure to reproduce shouldn't be grounds for retraction.

Anonymous No. 16201708

Harold Hillman showed a lot of fraud in biology years ago

Anonymous No. 16201812

Only the most obvious fraud is getting caught, which is just the tip of the iceberg

Anonymous No. 16202134

Academia attracts blowhards and liars because academics don't produce anything useful for a living. On the rare occasion someone in academia accidentally finds something useful, they immediately leave academia and go to the private sector to cash in

Anonymous No. 16202255

>Only the most obvious fraud is getting caught
For now, if your statement is even true. Dubious claim, at best.

Anonymous No. 16202900

When the frauds outnumber the honest scientists - and they do by a lot - then that means the frauds can control the peer review process and its game over in their favor. The meeting they're holding is just window dressing, they're just pretending to do something about the problem so they can pretend the issue is being addressed while the continue to shill lies and thieve money.

Anonymous No. 16203064

>*Still believes Kosher light dualism switch theory over 100 years later.

Colleges make more money than ever. The keep building Tokamaks, colliders, and stupid bottle rockets knowing full well they're never going to work. No one's going anywhere.

Anonymous No. 16203085

> around 50 physicists
What is the ethnic breakdown?

Anonymous No. 16203086

>What is the ethnic breakdown?
That's antisemitic.

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Anonymous No. 16203087

>One team, led by physicist Ranga Dias

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Anonymous No. 16203092

He said "ethnic" not "religious".

Anonymous No. 16203807

fuck off back to /ic/ birkhead

Anonymous No. 16205272

Its weird how they're only concerned about covering up the evidence of fraud instead of being concerned about prevent academic fraud to begin with. Its like they're planning on shilling more lies and want to figure out how to do it without getting caught

Anonymous No. 16206753

academics are all style over substance, thats why they're so useless and unproductive.

Anonymous No. 16206758

anyone worth a damn goes to make real money in industry leaving only the increasingly incestuous dross sidling around academia

Anonymous No. 16207379

>researchers affiliated with Microsoft working to build a quantum computer. In 2021, Nature retracted the team’s 2018 paper that claimed the creation of a pattern of electrons known as a Majorana particle, a long-sought breakthrough in quantum computing.
Fraud is the only thing academics know how to produce

Anonymous No. 16208189

its funny because its true

Anonymous No. 16209004

Its retarded that they're willing to put that much effort into covering up fraud just to create nothing worthwhile and get away with it. If they put the same effort into doing real science then they wouldn't have to worry about putting extra effort into covering up their fraud

Anonymous No. 16210128

Low IQ people come up with worthless results when they do honest science too, such is the nature of the low IQ beast. Thats a big part of what leads them to become frauds to being with, they want to have success in their fields, but they're too dumb to do so on an honest basis, so fraud is their only other option.
Thats one of the less discussed ways of how affirmative action hiring propagates and exacerbates academic fraud. People hired for reasons other than merit can't compete honestly with those who were picked for reasons of merit alone, so cheating or failure becomes the only options available to the female or negro scientist

Anonymous No. 16210134

this is physicsts, the gold standard of science. imagine the bottom dwelling science fields like sociology, psychology, medicine... etc.
and they're enforcing scientism in this society like it's another christian renaissance.

Anonymous No. 16210157

nah it's worse than that. christianity had that whole truth worship through logos concept, all this crap has is nihlistic atheist hedonism opposed to beauty and the natural order

Anonymous No. 16210162

>sociology, psychology, medicine
nice b8

Anonymous No. 16211049

The idea of psychology as a science tends to offend people who are mentally ill and are not willing to admit to their condition

Anonymous No. 16212387

>physicsts, the gold standard of science.
maybe its time for you to reconsider your value judgements

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Anonymous No. 16212487

>Fraudulent physicists meet to scheme coverups for their frauds

Anonymous No. 16213273

This, those frauds should be defunded, then they wouldn't have the resources needed to concoct their schemes to begin with

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greedy lazy soyen....jpg

Anonymous No. 16218251


Anonymous No. 16220105

>A wave of retractions is shaking physics
is retraction a particle or a wave?

Anonymous No. 16221289

>is retraction a particle or a wave?
probably an anti-graviton

Anonymous No. 16222740

Its a wave, don't listen to >>16221289 he is a total pseud

Anonymous No. 16224082

>In today’s scientific enterprise, scientists perform research and submit the work to editors. The editors assign anonymous referees to review the work, and if the paper passes review, the work becomes part of the accepted scientific record. When researchers do publish bad results, it’s not clear who should be held accountable—the referees who approved the work for publication, the journal editors who published it, or the researchers themselves. “Right now everyone’s kind of throwing the hot potato around,” says materials scientist Rachel Kurchin of Carnegie Mellon University
HAHAHAH we published total frauds again HAHAHAH its nobody's fault. Oooooopss we did it again!!! Better increase our funding so we can shit out even more lies!!!!

Anonymous No. 16225727

accurate characterization, the per scientist welfare gibes several thousand times greater than the per negro cost. scientists are amongst the greediest, most wasteful and least productive people in america

Anonymous No. 16226659

>as desired!
Not quite: this took way too many years and fradusters got a massive career boost based on fraud, much paid for by the tax payers.


Anonymous No. 16227829

>People hired for reasons other than merit can't compete honestly with those who were picked for reasons of merit alone, so cheating or failure becomes the only options available to the female or negro scientist
If they were able to compete honestly the DEI and affirmative action never would have been needed to begin with

Anonymous No. 16229139

This, the fact the those programs exist is proof that women and darkies are not the intellectual equals of white male Christians