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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16200522

I want to teach myself linear algebra and calculus in about 3 months. Are there any resources you'd recommend?

Roteman No. 16200528

are you me, cuz im pretty sure you are me.

Anonymous No. 16200536

khan academy

Anonymous No. 16200539

Good for calculus, but weak for linear alg. Kahn will prove things, but the proofs won't be motivated in terms of fundumental axioms, so it's just feel like you're going over things that seem like they're obvious for the sake of rigor that achieves not much of anything.

Anonymous No. 16200542

18.06SC, do two lectures everyday, you'll know Linear Algebra in a week

Anonymous No. 16200577

Stewart Calculus

Anonymous No. 16200672

Depends if you're smart or midwit or brainlet, each case has its own set of recommendations.

Anonymous No. 16200694

um maybe a maths book?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16201276

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16201858

Mit ocw should be good enough
3b1b videos would be a nice complement

Anonymous No. 16201880

The nigga wrote one fucking sentence about himself you gerrymandering tranny

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Anonymous No. 16201886

>i want to teach myself guitar and piano in 3 months

Anonymous No. 16201893

you could easily be playing simple songs in that time

Anonymous No. 16201922

Start a linear algebra and calc learning group. Make a discord
More incentive to learn, more momentum with a group

Anonymous No. 16202729

someone do this

Anonymous No. 16202739

Axler is pretty good for LinAlg. Retards on this board will tell you it's a meme book but in reality they are the meme.

Anonymous No. 16202744

You must be joking

Anonymous No. 16202746

No. Most skills take at least 1 year to reach a late beginner level. That's assuming 4 hours of study every single day. If you didn't start in time, it's pretty much too late. >>16201922

Anonymous No. 16202824

What's wrong with it?

Anonymous No. 16202831

Hating on Stewart is a meme. They like to sniff their own farts and think some unnecessarily convoluted "classics" are good for beginners.

Anonymous No. 16202848

You mean the classics which were designed for white men?

Anonymous No. 16202856

Gay and Canadian.

Anonymous No. 16202873

No, they were written by mathematicians who are smart and good at what they do, but terribly bad at education

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Anonymous No. 16202879

Don't do the problems in chapter 1 and 2, just read those 2 chapters. Then do the problems that have solutions in general back of the book for everything else.

Anonymous No. 16202891

>written by jews
>for white men
Actually checks out

Anonymous No. 16202981

What classics are we talking about? Apostol was a Greek. The only Jew I know who wrote a classic intro textbook is Courant.

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Anonymous No. 16202988

Is it judenfrei? Altland does not look chosen, but he looks like he's seen some shit.

Anonymous No. 16203094

Use Khan Academy if you can self-learn, otherwise get a free summer course from one of the local community colleges.

Anonymous No. 16204756

I taught myself the fundamentals of linear algebra solely through the book "Introduction to Linear Algebra" by Strang. There's also a great accompanying lecture series on YouTube: "MIT 18.06SC Linear Algebra" taught by Strang himself.

I'm no math expert but at least this book prepared me well enough for a couple masters' level statistics courses that required linear algebra as a prerequisite.

Anonymous No. 16204865

>3 months
> any resources?
You don’t need that much time, it should take you like a weekend, assuming you have a 3 digit IQ
Go on YouTube, search for the linear algebra playlist with the most views, and watch them in order.
After each video do a practice problem pencil and paper. This is crucial to help you process and retain the information
Repeat for calculus

Anonymous No. 16204871

Linear algebra without proofs is like a tranny without a dick

Anonymous No. 16205270

Which resource (text, video lecture, etc) would you recommend that presents linear algebra in a proof-based manner?

Anonymous No. 16205344

Bro you can play songs in like a week

Anonymous No. 16205353

Standard text is Axler these days
Should be good enough
Sci fags like Shilov

Anonymous No. 16205363

Proof based or plug and chug?
I'm down if anyone starts it. It's been 6 years since I graduated from college and would like to review these subjects again

Anonymous No. 16205367

Axler is not great. It's not terrible, but it's not my first choice.

I feel like separating into a simple applied book like Lay and then going into Hoffman and Kunze after the first 3-4 chapters of Lay is a better choice.

Anonymous No. 16205378

Simmons and Strang
Zorich and Shilov No. 16205380

Infinitesimal Approach by Keisler is my favorite, clear on most things, occasionally unclear on something in which case I cross reference Calculus (volumes 1 and 2) by Apostol

Anonymous No. 16205384

>Sci fags like Shilov
Linear Algebra and Geometry by Shafarevich/Remizov is also another good choice (Content is old from his lectures, but turned into a book in 2009).

Shafarevich being another elite Russian mathematician... and a noticer too apparently.

Anonymous No. 16205389

I got filtered by Hoffman in college so I rarely recommend it but my mathfag friends did love it.
Your suggestion sounds good. Probably more efficient.

Anonymous No. 16205399

If I'm being honest, I really disliked Hoffman and Kunze when I first saw it my junior year in undergrad in the "abstract linear algebra course" I took. Since then I've opened it up a few times and have found it much more delightful and elegant.

Sometimes just giving it time and not having the pressure of needing to understand it quickly for a grade can make you appreciate a classic more.

Anonymous No. 16205400

someone make the discord already lets LEARN boys

Anonymous No. 16205410

literally takes less time.
low IQs like you don't need to know the analysis so just look at the algorithms and contexts.

Anonymous No. 16205479


Anonymous No. 16205497

Fuck off retarded zoombies

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Anonymous No. 16205503


Anonymous No. 16205518

Why don't you kids just make IRC channels? Why does everything have to go through some corporate tranny system?

Anonymous No. 16205526

fuck off >>>/g/

Anonymous No. 16205529

cause they themselves are trannies
I mean it takes a few days at most to learn as much calculus and linear algebra as an engineer but they need to do a tranny ritual first
peak NGMI mentality and then they seethe at those more knowledgeable

Anonymous No. 16205603

>peak NGMI mentality
Ah right. They're building as many obstacles for themselves to climb as a way to procrastinate getting anything done in the first place.
>I-I couldn't study, my chair was uncomfortable!

Anonymous No. 16205626

yes exactly it's faux progress.
As much was already obvious with the start of the thread.
We have these kinds of things all the time.
And to virtue signal their "progress" they have to make a thread instead of just posting in /sqt/ or /mg/
It's honestly over for the future generations. Kids these days have too much brainrot. I thought it was bad during the early wojak era, but now it's just over. Probably for the best anyways.

Anonymous No. 16205805

Discord is easier to organize with all the different channels, search functions, threads etc.
It's a fucking study group, no one is sharing sensitive information for the heckin governmenterino alphabet agencies to collect and build an extremist profile. That is, unless you're a retarded mongrelized dog, in which case how is it my fault that your opsec is dogshit?
Mannnnn kids these days man, go back to your retirement home already. The ones who are willing to put in the work will succeed, the rest who cope and moan and procrastinate and scroll through Ick Tok and instagram reels will be left behind with nothing but their dicks in their hands.

Anonymous No. 16205809

Also worth noting that while, yes, one could post in the general threads and there wouldn't be anything wrong with that, it can be more convenient to build a community however large in order to have people immediately at your disposal, for this or that purpose.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16205929

>convenient to build a community
A community of retards who cannot teach themselves basic linear algebra and calculus, even with the dearth of preexisting resources. I hope that community fails to exist.

If you wanted to learn, you'd just do it. You don't need a band of fellow tards to commiserate with.

Anonymous No. 16207246

I second this, Strang's lectures are the best on linear algebra by far. I didn't even bother with my own university after just a couple of lectures.