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Anonymous No. 16200567

But just what IS momentum?

Anonymous No. 16200619

Velocity that any object with mass want to conserve.

Anonymous No. 16201908

>what is inertia
i dont know

Anonymous No. 16201925

It's the difference between where you are going and where everything else is going.

Anonymous No. 16201927

maintaining your vectors in space in the absence of any other inputs

those balls would be moving in the same direction at the same speed as the body they are attached to. When the pendulum ball comes down and hits the balls, it applies its directional vector which is transferred through the solid mass as though it were a fluid. The ball at the end then changes direction, and then accelerates again in the direction of its attached body through gravity, starting the process over again.

Anonymous No. 16202113

Newtons first law and its consequences has been a disaster for mankind

Anonymous No. 16202139


It's a fundamental universal symmetry.

Anonymous No. 16202147

Amount of movement

Anonymous No. 16202170

Integral of force

Anonymous No. 16202281

the thing you derive wrt time to get the net force

Anonymous No. 16202283

No one knows. The scientists are all lying

Anonymous No. 16202449

how to go go with no pushy...

Anonymous No. 16203621

Nobody working on this just like nobody working on magnets

Anonymous No. 16203637

The way I see it, you can go about it many different ways.

1) Something that is external energy thats traversing the universe and moving/repelling from one particle to another

And there can only be one source of that, otherwise, if each atom generated their own momentum, it would add up to infinite momentum pretty quickly. But thats not the case, so it must just be a single original source of the momentum. More so, the momentum of all particles in the universe must really come from either the same original source or multiple original sources. It maybe simpler to say it comes from single original source and various splitters along the ways divide the momentum into multiple arcs, which are further divided and so on. Alternatively, momentum are constantly generated from another which you could call a quanfum flux field, where all the "original" momentums are generated. But then the question is where does the quantum flux generate its momentum from. It could be "the original" but its an unsatisfying answer.

Anonymous No. 16203652

dimensional analysis, contrived garbage thought up by preschoolers

Anonymous No. 16203757

>But just what IS momentum?
It's the measurement of how much moving things don't want slow down.

Anonymous No. 16204069


Anonymous No. 16204096

Basedentists born after 1920 can't solve fundamental universal mysterie can't do ground breaking theory, anons consume popsci bullshit and wonder why shit aint working its because all they do is charge they phone, attend DEI seminars, give themselves citations, invent new basedence words, remove old people names from discoveries, suck dick and shitpost thru wifi

Anonymous No. 16204112


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Anonymous No. 16204145

The quarks trapped in the gluons inside the subatomic particles inside the atoms of the object with momentum, they are moving at light speed even though they are held in place. If you imagine each subatomic particle as a mirror box, with the quarks bouncing around inside, then when the box is moved the quarks bouncing off the walls are blue-shifted in the direction of acceleration. This takes energy to accomplish.

Anonymous No. 16204167

>What is momentum?
A mathematical description of emergent conservative behavior resulting from Newton's Laws
>What is energy?
A mathematical description of emergent conservative behavior resulting from Newton's Laws
>What is angular momentum?
Are we not getting the pattern yet?

Anonymous No. 16204188

There's that word again ...

Anonymous No. 16204272

An emergent quality of magnetic vector potential

Anonymous No. 16204300

Energy exchanges between virtual particle pairs in the vacuum like Cooper Pairs in a superconductor maybe?

Anonymous No. 16205036

Thats the quantum flux, but the source still needs to come forward with where they get their energy from. It really is an unsatisfying answer.

Similar question mirrors the nature of causation. Whether causation is self-caused, other-caused, etc.No real answer there either.

Retard No. 16205081

This thread is making me think the conservation of energy is just the observations of an efficient system that breaks down under scrutiny.

Anonymous No. 16205107

Physics girl.

Anonymous No. 16205333

Based No. 16205339

state of motion
nothing more

Anonymous No. 16205636

>what IS momentum
Mass, which ignores dark matter

Anonymous No. 16205644

nigga light has momentum

Anonymous No. 16205886


Light has momentum too despite having no mass.

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Anonymous No. 16205904

if you arrange metal balls made from tungsten like this picture, it becomes a "perpetuum mobile" once it has started

Anonymous No. 16205932

Why wouldn't it? Light is just soft matter.

Anonymous No. 16206139

Momentum is god pushing things along so they don’t slow down without good reason

Anonymous No. 16206278


Anonymous No. 16206343

Dielectric acceleration.