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🧵 Interpretations of quantum mechanics.

Anonymous No. 16200735

Which one are you and why?

Anonymous No. 16200762

hidden variable blackpilled chad reporting

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Anonymous No. 16200766

Gravity causes collapse because gravity is the result of consciousness transforming dark matter into reality.

Anonymous No. 16200772

Hidden variable (the hidden variable being quantum mysticism)

Anonymous No. 16200833

none because le quantum is just another theory that will eventually be thrown out. in fact you should throw it out right away and start to think about a real theory of everything and stop wasting your fucking time.

Anonymous No. 16200834


So hidden variables. Got it.

Anonymous No. 16200840

If anything then sub-layer reality that is everything based on logic deductions about nothingness. Because your physicalism bullshit is stupid as hell and you have blindly accepted this world that has been pulled over your eyes.

Anonymous No. 16200896

There are no particles. There is a threshold, noise, and a wave. When the wave adds up with the noise to reach the threshold, the corresponding event occurs, which makes it seem there are interacting particles, but there is none.

Anonymous No. 16200897

Oooh, I know, let's take the single best tested theory in the entire history of science and THROW IT OUT because anon doesn't like it! Brilliant!

Anonymous No. 16200902

explain the photoelectric effect then

Anonymous No. 16200933

Explain why a helicopter can sound pretty quiet to your ears, and be loud enough to rattle your windows.

Anonymous No. 16201039

None solve the measurement problem.

Anonymous No. 16201054

I feel like Copenhagen and ensemble should be swapped
What's a good book to read on the most common interpretations after a year long qm course?

Anonymous No. 16201077

stfu and calculate

Anonymous No. 16201082

Different anon, but that's just resonance I think? Helicopters sound pretty loud to me when I am outside, given their usual altitude. Are you talking about you standing outside next to the window or inside?

Anonymous No. 16201120

I mean the relation between frequency and the photoelectric effect is given as if it was somehow a self evident evidence of light being oarticles, but there are such frequency relations with sound, with no particles.

Anonymous No. 16201128

Reality is observation by consciousness, that consciousness is deterministic due to hidden variable

Anonymous No. 16201138


Doesn't exist. All measurements are discrete and entangle themselves with the experiment - the wave function never 'collapses' to a certainty. Everything evolves together under a universal wave function which is projected onto measured states for the sake of experiment but exists without 'measurement'.
This is the true (only) interpretation, unless one actually believes in the prospect of arbitrarily small uncertainty.

Anonymous No. 16201240


Anonymous No. 16201253

>Hmm could my math be wrong
>No, there must be infinite universes

Just call them "Dark Universes" to fit with the name theming.

Anonymous No. 16201282

Fucking retards, didn't even read the post.
There are no 'multiverses' that branch off, because there is nothing to branch off from. Again, both the observer and experiment evolve as an entangled state.
'Measurement' = interaction

Go search up 'decoherence'.

Anonymous No. 16201290


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Anonymous No. 16201295

>omg, my brain, it feels so big!!!
>its full of so much schizo kike jargon and fancy basedence polysyllables
>oh no
>i can't hold it in any longer
>i'm gonna…

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Anonymous No. 16201309


Anonymous No. 16202323

>Which one are you and why?
The only thing I can be sure about is that there is my own perception. Any attempt at interpreting quantum physics and its mathematics is beyond anything ever knowable, and therefore useless, pointless, and nonsensical. The search for meaning in a meaningless phenomenon. It just is, that's it.