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Anonymous No. 16200887

This is Laminin. The molecule Laminin is the protein that holds all human beings together. Did you notice its shape? It’s a cross! Isn't it amazing that God knew we would need the cross when he created us. He knew when he created us that we would sin. He knew we would need a Savior. He knew his only Son Jesus would have to die on the cross to save us, and so he made the very molecule that holds our entire bodies together in the shape of a cross.

Molecular biologists call Laminin “the glue of the body”, because without it, our bodies would fall apart. The truth is, without Jesus and what he did for us on the cross, our whole lives would fall apart. Colossians 1:17 says that Jesus “is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Jesus is the one who holds our lives together, just like Laminin holds our bodies together. Without Jesus, our lives are a mess. We are nothing without the cross of Jesus Christ!

Anonymous No. 16200903

You or someone found a way to represent the structure of a protein in a desired shape. One can do that with any shape and protein. You continue to make wild claims about said protein, as if you were well of if any other structural protein was missing. You then go on to somehow explain that you being able to represent the structure of a random protein in the shape of an historic torture device that was used in torturing and killing countless of people somehow means that one of the people who have been tortured and offed using this very device was holding everyone together ?
Go seek help