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Anonymous No. 16200924

I don't get the whole deal about not being able to mix Quantum Mechanics and general relativity.

>Quantum Mechans: Particles act probabilistically, you don't know where a particle is but you know the probability of it being in a given place.
>Relativity: A particle in a given place bends space-time according to the Einstein equations.

You would think the states of space time will itself just be a probability distribution where the probability of each state is the probability of a particle being in a place that produces that state.

pic unrelated.

Anonymous No. 16200941

The problem isn't philosophical, it's about how to make the math and equations work out

Anonymous No. 16200983

Did you dive deeply into the issue? Wherein lies the difficulty? Numerical methods not good enough, they work for fluid dynamics.

Anonymous No. 16201010

General relativity works with classical mechanics, but classical mechanics doesn't mathematically work out with quantum mechanics. You would need to rewrite classical mechanics.

Anonymous No. 16201014

That movie looks gay af, but it's actually one of the best examinations of masculinity and foolish pride ever committed to film. Unequivocal kino.

Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy
Was he?

Mathematically speaking, at what point does Fuzzy break over from "wasn't very fuzzy" to "fuzzy"? How many hairs? That's similar to the crux of the QM/QR discrepancy.

Anonymous No. 16201986

Fuzzy wuzzy is a name
Fuzzy wuzzy could have never had hair to begin with, like calling the fattest guy in a group "tiny"


Anonymous No. 16201994

Grand Unified Field Theory was figured out several decades ago. You're not allowed to know about it though. Found out about it recently. Spooks the shit out of me. Can't unsee it. I don't want to get whacked for knowing. I also can't stop thinking about the things you can do with it. I desperately want to make some things with it. I'm probably gonna get whacked if I do.

Anonymous No. 16202002

How do you quantize spacetime?

Anonymous No. 16202026

image the amount of lisp spittle if this nerd tried to say that to you in person