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Anonymous No. 16200931

>miscegenation lowers the IQ of Brazilians
>american political scientist says that the high proportion of blacks in the country reduces the national intelligence index

What d-did he m-mean by that?

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Anonymous No. 16201438

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Anonymous No. 16202094

Same thing has happened to California, it was very recently the intellectual center of the technology industry and now thats all gone and its the lowest IQ state in the nation, all thanks to importing low IQ foreigners.

Anonymous No. 16203164

import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world

Anonymous No. 16203172

We aren't supposed to notice that the White race invented, well, basically everything that matters.

Anonymous No. 16204986

But you're also supposed to know 100% that Einstein was the greatest genius of all time regardless that his entire life's work produced nothing of any use

Anonymous No. 16205031

Everybody fucking knows, it's just a perverse malthusian status game to pretend otherwise.
The truly rich and powerful don't care, they already won the game and you're fighting for scraps, the diversity scheme is meant to keep them safely in power and undermine all legitimate challenges.

Anonymous No. 16205743

Mass deportation now.

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Anonymous No. 16205855


Anonymous No. 16206037

Nobody sane is denying the numbers. What we want to know is whether it's nature or nurture.

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Anonymous No. 16206363

>political scientist

He's a real "scientist" just like a sports journalist is a real "journalist".

Anonymous No. 16206398

Anon the white Californians aren't marrying the Mexicans

Anonymous No. 16207272

>its not real because muh cringe semantics
nice cope

Anonymous No. 16208148

Race mixing is bad for everyone, most of all for the children of mixed race couples

Anonymous No. 16208989

this, mixed race kids have all sorts of medical problems that normal people don't get

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16209051

True and real.

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Anonymous No. 16209054


Anonymous No. 16210101

false distinction, the nature of the nurturing qualities of r selected species is different than that of k selected

Anonymous No. 16211008

>the white Californians
all moved to Texas, Montana or Colorado

Anonymous No. 16211016

Uphill battles are high-IQ

Anonymous No. 16211030

but blacks are a ridiculous minority in Brazil that compose less than 14% of the population unevenly spread all across the country, while caboclos are universal and along with mulattos compose overwhelming majority of the brazillian human trash. It's absolutely not their fault and your probably a mulatto or smth.

Anonymous No. 16212033

I need a date and a before/after picture of this map

Anonymous No. 16212050

A japanese president said the same thing in the 80s but he included hispanics as well.

Anonymous No. 16212079

>Mexicans move to California
>California becomes low IQ
>Whites move to Texas
>Texas becomes high(er) IQ
c'est la vie

Anonymous No. 16212095

>ISTOÉ – What is your IQ? Mr. Are you happy with him?
>Charles Murray – The school system in the town where I grew up gave IQ tests to students at age 13, and the results were used by schools to guide them. The students never knew the results, so I never knew what my IQ was. I am happy with my verbal ability and would like to have more mathematical ability.
Why doesn't he get his IQ tested?

Anonymous No. 16213247

meanwhile the present jap government is letting all sorts of jeets and africans flood into japan

Anonymous No. 16215598


Anonymous No. 16218593

Einstein said the same thing about Brazil. He said it was a low IQ country because there were too many negroes there.

Anonymous No. 16219601

No he didn't, he was literally against racism in the US.

Anonymous No. 16219641

>The accounts collected in the book "The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein: South America" are not flattering. The texts reveal some of the racist thoughts of this celebrated figure.

Anonymous No. 16219649

He was also an anti-nationalist but a staunch zionist. Really makes you think huh.

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Anonymous No. 16219716

Nowhere in that article does Einstein say Brazil is low IQ because of the presence of Blacks, he insults Indians and claims that one of the scientists he met was "a real monkey", The monkey in question:
>pic related

Anonymous No. 16219870

Shadow Obama administration is shipping in absolutely degenerate, low IQ, physically and mentally worthless demographics from around the world.
muslim and iran as well as other middle eastern enemies within the government, plus DEI hires are helping this process along.
We have been in WW3 and soft civil war 2.0 for a while. This is literally a war for our survival.
There are also plenty of crypto DEI and BLM crowd in the military, IC. The people claiming to fight against it also have some issues. Some of these people are all out degenerates who just happened to be holding the short end of the stick.
One thing is for sure. People shouldn't underestimate the elements of black deep state within the federal government and its organs. They will be removed, but it will take a year or two to really start seeing the difference. Whatever they may feel, they are just plantation serfs larping.

Anonymous No. 16220241

I don't think the people who made it possible for Cali to be Mexican land moving to Texas are going to raise the IQ, bro.

Anonymous No. 16220350

The funniest part about DEI hires and black or mexican population in US is that they actually believe the reality they live in is a real one.
There is not a single country or population on this earth, which btw now is filled with professionals, educated high IQ groups, and competent well situated peoples, who think artificially placed black and mexican pop in US deserve to represent this country.
In the real world, credibility and reputation actually matters. For instance, what have the black population in this country done in the last 70 years except being low IQ criminal pests and bolshevik opportunists?
Collective identity means collective responsibility.
Some Hispanics in the military are smart enough to recognize how the world actually works, and agreed to take several million to northern mexico and yucatan as part of anti-cartel reconquista.
The world will not tolerate a usurped America. They also have no intention of listening to or taking DEI hires seriously anymore.
What's really horrifying is that some in the military actually took some part of the talk in the last several years seriously. They ALSO think they are free from any responsibilities and risks to their reputations from others, little different from blacks they secretly hate. Even many who were supposedly well aware of the situation have been and on the different side of the fence were acting no differently in the last several years.
This whole country until now apparently ran on some kind of delusional baby boomer fantasies or something. These people never lived in the real world, apparently.
Our national military has failed to secure our borders from 10 million invaders.
What legitimacy does a state military have if they have failed their job to secure our fucking borders?
As for the NAU pushing types or those who think this country can be run by the kind of personally preferred 19th century plantation dynamic, they have no idea how badly they screwed themselves when they have no values.

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Anonymous No. 16221321

He was never against racism, he just lividly hated white Christians, as all jews do. Learn to tell the difference between legitimate anti-racism and loxism in disguise and you'll begin to understand jews a lot better than you do.

Anonymous No. 16222794

jews are the most racist people you will ever meet

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Anonymous No. 16224071

Also some of the ugliest

Anonymous No. 16225759

>In the real world, credibility and reputation actually matters.
no it doesn't
>For instance, what have the black population in this country done in the last 70 years except being low IQ criminal pests and bolshevik opportunists?
and they've suffered no consequences for that, in fact things have only gotten better for them, thus proving that credibility and reputation does not matter.

Anonymous No. 16226776

This will have to change if our country is going to recover actual credibility on the international stage. People around the world have been disgusted by the 'popular culture' that has been coming out of our country for a while now, and at this point no one wants any part of it.
It's not even a matter of like or dislike at this stage. People quite literally cannot afford to be associated with people who are in that deep of a mess at a sociocultural level.
You've seen some blacks talking on national TV news discussions worried about national honor starting around 2021. Well, they are now coming around to realizing they were causing most of those problems.
Crips and Bloods from CA can tell them what happened to blacks the last time this whole thing happened. There is a reason why so many blacks even today are homeless, mentally ill, or just plain outside of 'mainstream society' in the West Coast.
They reduced themselves to caricatures, a species of fauna. Why?
Because they made everyone into their enemies.
Blacks have been scamming, looting, smashing, thieving, carjacking, and basically attacking everyone for some 'reason' ever since the summer of 2020. They don't realize the reality they think is entirely their own work was actually 200% a product of Cold War anti-communist agitation social efforts where people bent over backwards to ensure they won't always be a fifth column in this country.
It takes time for people to re-consolidate their families, restore man-woman dynamic, and become an actual entity again instead of being a species of fauna in a society.
Black have a choice to quietly accept it as someone like Clarence Thomas or Ben Carson did, realize they live in a society that has obligations and expectations as well adjusted and consideration citizens, just like any other country.
There are no advanced, well ordered first world nations that tolerate how blacks and hispanics behave as they do in this country. It's social suicide to do so.

Anonymous No. 16226798

>Source is some guy shilling his site
>Only a single retweet on twitter
>line up to run with it cheeks wide open

How did /sci/ become one of th dumbest boards in the site?

Anonymous No. 16226803

>What we want to know is whether it's nature or nurture.
Exactly. For example, the black/white IQ differences seen in the US didn't exist for the black children of black couples stationed as US soldiers in Germany, who were born and raised in Germany. It's a cultural problem.
A shit culture doesn't induce critical reasoning. Bitches and money and hoes and bling and booze and weed and laziness doesn't induce critical reasoning; that's the problem.

Anonymous No. 16226883

Since military really can't afford to cut corners with their quality, this makes sense.
But at the same time, we need to take into account the social and cultural dynamic in this country and how some thing just can't be upended overnight. It harms too many people who are not involved.
Not that it's what people think is going to happen in the future. Future will be fine - people will just start being sane and normal again, without most of the problems that plagued us for the last 70 years.

Anonymous No. 16226888


Anonymous No. 16227921

>I am sooooooo smart!!
>Everyone else is sooooo dumb!!!

Anonymous No. 16228374

Nice link with references, dongbangs. Considering you are shilling yourself perhaps you'd like to double read that wiki yourself.

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Anonymous No. 16228382

Memes are becoming reality, and you’re not allowed to talk about it. The dilution.

Modern day people:

— ‘College students once stood out from the pack on IQ tests. Today, they're about average. A recent meta-analysis found that undergraduates' IQs have steadily fallen from roughly 119 in 1939 to a mean of 102 in 2022, just slightly above the population average of 100.’

Victorians as they were:

— ‘The Victorian era was marked by an explosion of innovation and genius, per capita rates of which appear to have declined subsequently. The presence of dysgenic fertility for IQ amongst Western nations, starting in the 19th century, suggests that these trends might be related to declining IQ. This is because high-IQ people are more productive and more creative. We tested the hypothesis that the Victorians were cleverer than modern populations, using high-quality instruments, namely measures of simple visual reaction time in a meta-analytic study. Simple reaction time measures correlate substantially with measures of general intelligence (g) and are considered elementary measures of cognition. In this study we used the data on the secular slowing of simple reaction time described in a meta-analysis of 14 age-matched studies from Western countries conducted between 1889 and 2004 to estimate the decline in g that may have resulted from the presence of dysgenic fertility. Using psychometric meta-analysis we computed the true correlation between simple reaction time and g, yielding a decline of − 1.16 IQ points per decade or − 13.35 IQ points since Victorian times. These findings strongly indicate that with respect to g the Victorians were substantially cleverer than modern Western populations.’

White people also just suck at breeding.

Anonymous No. 16228391

>This whole country until now apparently ran on some kind of delusional baby boomer fantasies or something. These people never lived in the real world, apparently.

It’s still ongoing. Most Americans think their country is the most racist place on Earth, and it’s a fucked sort of mentality.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16229621

I wish it was the most racist place on Earth.

Anonymous No. 16230685

Their religion teaches them to be that way

Anonymous No. 16231805

they do that while complaining incessantly about nonexistent antisemitism

Anonymous No. 16231827

I highly doubt it. But you can trace it back to changes in the education system, both in Brazil and in the US. Race has nothing to do with IQ, see the Korean twins case. Same DNA, the one raised in NK had far inferior IQ. Nutrition from childhood also plays a role but it isn't the case for Brazil and the US.
The changes made to the US education system are very similar to the ones made to Brazil's. And both are now design to produce leftist militants.

Anonymous No. 16231879

Let me explain the actual study to you, you disingenuous bitch
Children born to American soldiers RAPING German women.
To get started, American black soldiers are NOT REPRESENTATIVE AS THE MILITARY FILTERS FOR IQ. As 30% failed the mental test to get into the army, as opposed to 3% of whites. If one removes the bottom 30% black IQ, it raises the remaining average to 90. In addition, "20 to 25%" of the African rapists were North African (i.e. not black but Arab-ish).
Taking this is, what would we predict? We would expect German women to have a genotypic average IQ of ~100-105. The African soldiers ~90, and the American white soldiers ~101. Well we would expect white children to have an IQ of about 101 (removing bottom 3% of white IQ), and the mulatto children about 95-97.
So what were the white boy average IQs born to a white soldier and white German woman? 101.
Mulattos? 97.
The anomaly came when the white girls had an average IQ of 93, and the mulatto girls 96. What explains that? In any case, the mulatto resulting IQ is exactly what you would expect.

Anonymous No. 16231884

n=2 study confirms environment in fact matters
No fucking shit. Now go through the mental gymnastics of blacks in the US having a better environment than Belorussians or even Russians and scoring far far worse

Anonymous No. 16231889

This isn't surprising. Lots of Americans like to blame everything on American centric racism but blacks being low IQ and violent is extremely consistent across the world. There isn't a single country where their academic achievements or IQ differs significantly from the US.

Anonymous No. 16232655

It's just reaganite era policies gone wrong.

Anonymous No. 16232663

>see the Korean twins case. Same DNA, the one raised in NK had far inferior IQ
You made that up. Even if you didn't, it proves nothing. Height is similarly affected by both genes and environment. You could be the child of giants, but if you're malnourished until age 25 your growth will be stunted.
Genes operate in an environment, but the corollary of this is that the environment operates on genes.

Anonymous No. 16232671

They're breeding with them

Anonymous No. 16232811

>legitimate anti-racism
no such thing nigger

Anonymous No. 16232829


Anonymous No. 16233386

Also, they were enabled in ways they do not, or cannot, really understand.
You can be lucid about this only if you are completely uninvolved. These hired hands have no legitimacy, no recognition from anywhere around the world.
They are weak artificial wannabe usurpers within the federal and state government.
People will guarantee they will keep their current 'wealth' and prosperity, and maybe a different career. But if they insist on keeping the bullshit artificial world going because they have too much invested in it, they will have to face the wrath of the entire world, and they don't stand a chance.

Anonymous No. 16233820

>Race has nothing to do with IQ
let me guess, you believe in evolution, except for evolution above the neck in humans.