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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต I took 2 shots of viral vector vaccines when I was 19. Am I fucked?

Anonymous No. 16201306

Anonymous No. 16201311

Yes anon, some molecule with a half-life of a few days will remain dormant for years and then suddenly kill you. That's the only logical possibility.

Anonymous No. 16201354

>Yes anon, some molecule with a half-life of a few days
He said viral vector not MRNA. The virus infects cells which causes the DNA within them to encode for MRNA to be produced generating the antigen to put it as simply as possible. This is all fine and good with the exception that when cellular division occurs part of the viral vector vaccine will be retained leading to permanent genomic expression. There's a reason why sane countries withdrew the J&J and AZ vaccines.

Anonymous No. 16201399

Yes, but it has nothing to do with the vaccines.

Anonymous No. 16202171

What about cell and dna damage?

Anonymous No. 16202173

meant this >>16202171
For him >>16201311

Anonymous No. 16202185

Anon, your cells have already arranged into 5G antennas. Once "they" flip the switch and "power up" the 5G towers to full capacity, you'll be a mind controlled slave...

Other than that, if you haven't noticed any side effects by now, such as irregular heart beats, you're probably ok.

Anonymous No. 16202200

The picture is revolting by every objective measure and I hope God smites you with all his wrath out of every plane of existence.