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Anonymous No. 16201338

>Pedro Domingos is a Professor Emeritus of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington

Anonymous No. 16201341


Anonymous No. 16201348

This is what happens when youre autistic but not high iq

Anonymous No. 16201365

>An atom isn't conscious
>I made that up
>Therefore I made up that nothing is conscious while disregarding the fact that I am conscious.


>What are these idiots talking about consciousness for all the time? I certainly am not conscious. And I don't believe consciousness is real. That would mean I'm an NPC. I need to prove these people wrong.
>I'll write this glorious proof of me being right.

Which one is more likely?

Anonymous No. 16201436

Proof that water isn't wet:
- Hydrogen isn't wet.
- Oxygen isn't wet.
- Adding two not wet things doesn't make it wet.
- Therefore nothing is wet.

Anonymous No. 16201450

proof that boats don't exist:
-an atom isn't a boat.
-adding an atom to something that's not boat doesn't make it a boat.
-therefore boats don't exist.

checkm8, marinetards

Anonymous No. 16201452

Proof that proof doesn't exist:
-no atom of proof exists
-adding atoms of non-proof together doesn't make proof
-therefore proofs are proven to not exist.

Anonymous No. 16201454


It's kind of weird to think that even a retard like me can see how it's retarded but he's a professor at university.

Anonymous No. 16201455

Proof that sucking cocks isn't gay:
- sucking an atom isn't gay
- adding an atom to something that's not gay doesn't make it gay
- therefore sucking a cock isn't gay

Anonymous No. 16201465

That is what happens when you are a computer scientist and you do know how to do anything other than elementary normal addition.
>University of Washington
one of the worst universities even among the west coast which says a lot since none of the west coast universities are good.
it's worse when you're high IQ but not autistic because you can't help but to notice how retarded everything and everyone is.

Anonymous No. 16201468

gasses are wet, and when hydrogen gas is exploding it is still wet.

Anonymous No. 16201471

>air is wet
get this man his meds

Anonymous No. 16201513

ITT: people who doesn't understand saracsm.
Pedro Domigos is a big alt right troll and have been involved in multiple arguements for the sake of arguement itself.

Anonymous No. 16201530

"I was merely pretending to be retarded!"
"I was only sucking cocks ironically! Im not a faggot, actually you got trolled hard xD"

Anonymous No. 16201534

yes, I can imagine Pedro Domigos sucking my dick while saying the same thing.

Anonymous No. 16201535


>an atom isn't conscious

prove it

Anonymous No. 16201572

Proof that homosexuality does not exist:
- An atom isn't gay.
- Adding an atom to something that isn't gay doesn't make it gay.
- Therefore nothing is gay.

Anonymous No. 16201733

proof that 0 grains of sand is a heap of sand

there is some amount of sand (n) that would be generally considered a heap.
if 1 grain of sand is removed from the heap it would still be considered a heap of sand.

therefor by removing 1 grain of sand at a time we can use inducive reasoning that any amount of sand is a heap of sand, including 0, and negative numbers.

Anonymous No. 16201826

Proof that rich people don't exist.
-A person with one dollar is not rich.
-Giving an extra dollar to a person who isn't rich doesn't make him rich.
-Therefore, a person will never be rich no matter how much money they have.

Anonymous No. 16201831

He is right and y'all seething

Anonymous No. 16201862

>one is uneven
>adding one to something that isn't even doesn't make it even
>even numbers don't exist

Anonymous No. 16201877

atom doesn't have brain
prof is made of atom
prof has no brain

Anonymous No. 16202306

obviously being sarcastic