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๐Ÿงต Mars is an inferior to Venus as a terraforming candidate

Anonymous No. 16201449

>mass is too low
>can't hold onto an atmosphere
>dead core - no magnetic field
>1 minimum energy launch window every 26 months
>soil is filled with poison
>will never have earth normal surface gravity

Terraforming Venus' would take less effort than terraforming M*rs, at a bare minimum you would just need to strip off its excess atmosphere and some solar shades and you'd have a planet that has 90% of Earth Gravity to live on. And if you were able to selectively strip off the atmosphere you could use it to spin the planet up to an earth like day. The transfer windows are more frequent, and while it's magnetic field is 10 times weaker than Earth's is still preferable to the alternative.There is quite literally no reason to prefer M*rs over Venus.

Anonymous No. 16201464

Both are so far out of reach. Why do some types have such a great problem treating the one perfect home we have well instead of constantly deluding themselves into the alleged possibility of finding another.

Anonymous No. 16201474

the whole idea of space travel is to get away from the people shitting on the floor of your old home

Anonymous No. 16201492

If white men had this exact thinking years ago, they'd have never conquered the world. You must be either since ghetto nigga or absolute libtard who loves California so damn much.

Anonymous No. 16201505

>escaping problems on earth by going to either a radioactive desert or an acid hell

Anonymous No. 16201543

You can still make advancements and have a functioning society without going full-throttle progress-at-any-price mode. We were neglectful of the way we treat the Earth even accounting for what progress was made.

In China, new technology was kind of ignored for a while because their society was so stable they had no need for it

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Anonymous No. 16201578

I think i'll stick with artificial planets/habitats, they seem to be far more realistic than fucking around with a planet atmosphere and dealing with magnetic fields:
>move it the distance you want from the sun or make it orbit around other planets
>choose size preference
>choose gravity preference
>inexpensive access to the outer space
>better zoning if you want to build an sectors isolated from one another (solar farms, industrial sector, living sector etc.)
>use space materials like available asteroids to build it
>relocate at will
>potentially a generational spaceship
It's basically a mobile home.

Anonymous No. 16201579

>What the Norse colonizers of Canada lacked was the technological base to maintain themselves in the New World.
>They had a marginal technology for crossing the ocean, a marginal technology for fighting the Indians, marginal cold-weather clothes, and marginal farming/fishing/mining techniques.
>When it became clear that life in Newfoundland would be nasty, brutish, and short even by Viking standards, they gave up.

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Anonymous No. 16201588

Pretty much

Anonymous No. 16201899

yeah you forgot the part where you have to make the planet spin 243x faster and that there is no good way to get rid of the excess atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16201910

It's not about not treating the Earth well. The problem is that societies grow fractured in their thinking and the only two ways to solve that are a war where one side dies or free available land that people can just fuck off to.

Anonymous No. 16202458

Easier than increasing Mars' mass so that anyone that lives there doesn't become a jello baby

Anonymous No. 16203598

is ridiculous
has no hydrogen. Like fucking none. Making Venus Earth-like requires basically a moon of Saturn worth of water. It's ridiculous, but potentially doable to collide a moon of Saturn with Venus.
> you could use it to spin the planet up to an earth like day

Anonymous No. 16203739

>>can't hold onto an atmosphere
Why does this matter?
What do you think the timeline is for losing the atmosphere?
Why would you become a jello baby in 40% gravity?
Do you even understand what you're talking about?

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hey hey jello baby.gif

Anonymous No. 16203749

>Why would you become a jello baby in 40% gravity?
Bone and muscle loss due to the lower surface gravity

Anonymous No. 16203751

Obvious femoid propaganda

Anonymous No. 16203783

>Mars, the /r9k/ planet

Anonymous No. 16203811

Not just /r9k/. Men are from mars, foids are from venus

Anonymous No. 16204691

I want to get crushed by her

Anonymous No. 16205040

What are you doing on /sci/ Mr.Brosnan?

Anonymous No. 16205064

I have started a new career as a marine biologist. I record whale mating calls

Anonymous No. 16205853

it is a lesser of two evils

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Anonymous No. 16206303
