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๐Ÿงต Scientists Warn Tattoos Cause Cancer

Anonymous No. 16201509

Roughly one third of Americans have at least one tattoo, 2023 Pew Research Center surveys show. However, very little is known about the long-term effects on our health of getting inked.

How many of the posters here on /sci/ have tattoos? If so, have you gotten cancer yet?

Anonymous No. 16201514

good, tattoofags deserve punishment, ruining the perfect body that their parents gave to them.

Anonymous No. 16201523

I hate to say this, especially since many of my respected family and friends have tattoos, but I tend to think tattoos are associated with lower intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16201527

in china, only the member of the lowest scum classes get tattoo. having a tattoo signify to other people that you are a either a criminal or a whore and should be avoided.

Anonymous No. 16201537

what's criminal or whorish about the OP's tattoo then? How about you try using your own brain to think of the various situations instead of going with what generally feels right?

Anonymous No. 16201545

why don't you use your own brain to read what I wrote again carefully? don't waste that 25% of the energy consumed by the body for nothing.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16201558

if you went to China and walked around with a "yay i heckin luv basedance" tattoo people would genially believe you must have escaped from a mental asylum and they would call the police.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16201560


Anonymous No. 16201612

How many tattoos do you have and how many times have you been diagnosed with cancer?

Anonymous No. 16201622

apparently most people with tats end up accumulating ink in their lymph nodes. that can't be healthy or good for immune function

Anonymous No. 16201630

This man has a job in the work industry.

Anonymous No. 16201714

This is the angle they're going to go with to cover up the fact it's microplastics, preservatives, and other assorted toxic shit. It's tattoos.

Anonymous No. 16202072

Moron take
You can very easily separate groups of people with tattoos and without and test them. This is a completely separate claim to cancer also being caused by other environmental pollution, which is also true and not a secret. Absolute shit for brains.

Anonymous No. 16202079

>You can very easily separate groups of people with tattoos and without and test them.
How? Its illegal to not have tattoos in this day and age.

Anonymous No. 16202088

I heard this was slowly changing, and in Japan also as the younger generation embrace them.

Tattoos are really trash IMO.

Anonymous No. 16202093

Why come no tattoo???

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Anonymous No. 16202556

literal dope tattoo tho

Anonymous No. 16202563

>and in Japan also as the younger generation embrace them
i can save them

Anonymous No. 16202581

Am I the only one who thought this was an image of a buttcrack?

Anonymous No. 16202587

>slowly changing
a gang hacked a high school student to death with machetes. they chopped him piece by piece for over an hour before he died to blood loss. the gang leader was a skinny twink in his 20s whose back was covered with a dragon and tiger tattoos.

Anonymous No. 16202592

mistakenly deleted: this happened in my hometown.
also, the gang leader was sentenced to death. his execution was broadcasted on local television. he was laughing before they shot him. you can never change my impression that people who get tattoos are more likely to be criminals and whores.

Anonymous No. 16202607

>Scientists Say
Oh, well if "scientists say," then it must be true. No need to evaluate how they came to that conclusion, that's it, tattoos cause cancerlol

Anonymous No. 16202627

True, I have tattoos and have been doing crimes all my life

Anonymous No. 16202760

How many tattoos do you have?

Anonymous No. 16202762

>Scientists Warn Tattoos Cause Cancer
I wish they wouldn't. Fuck tattoo-tards.

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Anonymous No. 16202876

Sun tan tattoo. That way you can get different tattoos every year. Also causes cancer.

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Anonymous No. 16203203

>Scientists Warn Tattoos Cause Cancer

And... name something that does NOT cause cancer... even sleeping in the park is 'cancer' causing

Anonymous No. 16203293

imagine the extra money they're going to be making from frightened sissy tattoo'd idiots who now need a cancer screening every few months

Anonymous No. 16203305

>i can save them

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Anonymous No. 16203332

how do you like my tattoo /sci/

Anonymous No. 16205011

how many tattoos do you have?

Anonymous No. 16205870

>people who get tattoos are more likely to be criminals and whores.
Its a massive tipoff of a personality disorder for sure.

Anonymous No. 16205874

I hate that the bible is right all the time

Anonymous No. 16205880

Clearly ai generated but disgusting nonetheless

Anonymous No. 16205883

Friendly reminder that people with tattoos are more likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues and to report sleep problems. Researchers also found that people who had tattoos were more likely to be smokers, to have spent time in jail, and to have a higher number of sex partners.


Anonymous No. 16206022

A lot of Tattoo inks literally contain mercury, lead, arsenic, antimony and lead to create the pigments.

The more fancy the color the more likely it is to contain arsenic or antimony or mercury.

Read, green, blue inks are really problematic.

This is known since decades.
And lasering it, will disperse the little poison molecules all over the body and lymphatic system.

Anonymous No. 16206029

I've always found all tattoos to be stupid and disgusting

Anonymous No. 16206557

Why would that be upsetting?

Anonymous No. 16207290

it shouldn't be, people should be happy to have easy access to such an incredible wealth of knowledge and insight

Anonymous No. 16207684

Just look at that inflamed skin. No sane person would get a tattoo. Just use a shirt with whatever color, pictures you ant on it. No need to put your body in stress.

Anonymous No. 16207686

A guy in his 20s got a stage 4 HCC(liver cancer) and he is full of tattoos right from his arms to all over his body.
But he has survived more than 5 years with stage 4 disease so there is that.

Anonymous No. 16208242

You think this because you follow your natural intuition. And you are correct. Tattooed people are filth and the human senses can pick up on this immediately. That's why it takes a 24 hour a day propaganda campaign to keep people thinking tats are OK.

Anonymous No. 16209168

>But he has survived

Anonymous No. 16210371

Total Tattoo Death

Anonymous No. 16210382

Anyway, how is this something to get upset over? Yes, tattoos are bad for one's health. Yes, people who are social outsiders are more common to have them. But that's really all there is to it.

Anonymous No. 16210404

You can just take dewormers and cancer goes away

Anonymous No. 16210410

I wanna put my pp in there

Anonymous No. 16210507

It used to be like that in the West, too. That only changed in the past fifteen years. Blame millennials.

Anonymous No. 16210738

Molecule tattoos are some of the most pseudointellectual ones you can get.

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Anonymous No. 16210748

There are people who naturally produce anti carcinogens. That will be discovered this year and big pharma will do everything in their hands to discredit the researchers.

Anonymous No. 16212173

Tattoos were popularized in the west by the jewish media, they used to be something only ex-cons had

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Anonymous No. 16212246

>get put on SSRIs as a child
>completely overrides my disgust response
>parents keep me on them until I graduate high school
>by have a bunch of stupid tattoos
>come off pills
>develop body dysmorphia
>try to burn off one tattoo
>wound gets infected
>too paranoid of medical system to see doctor
>almost die from blood poisoning
>get put on antibiotics
i just wear long sleeve shirts now

Anonymous No. 16213153

All I feel is disgust and pity when it comes to tattoos. The idea that you would draw something memorable on your own skin is just primitive. I see them as a desperate, attention-seeking ape with no self-control. Not to mention how ugly and uninteresting most tattoos are.

Anonymous No. 16213432

you just ask them if they have tattoos??

Anonymous No. 16218646

enjoy ur cancer

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16220410

Its no surprising that people who let themselves be injected with random tattoo chemicals also let themselves be injected with untested experimental medications like the vax.
Zero self respect

Anonymous No. 16221358

People who are ashamed of themselves because they choose to lead degenerate lives find The Bible upsetting because it sheds light on all the mistakes they're making and bad habits that they don't want to give up

Anonymous No. 16221382

Tattoos universally look like shit and are faggot fashion. The only mark on my body is a religious symbol I cut into my chest, because I'm not a faggot metrosexual pussy.

Anonymous No. 16221415

Native Americans (south and north americas) and other parts of SE Asia, etc. have been tattooing themselves for 1000s of years (even today). Why haven't they gotten any cancer then? Heck, even some Africans have a tattooing traditions.

Anonymous No. 16221422



Colorful tattoo ink = toxic "heavy" metals
Traditional tattoo ink = copper oxides

Anonymous No. 16222858

the guy you replied to is clearly too dumb to read

Anonymous No. 16224025

Listerine-Americans and Africans are not know for their longevity or for they accurate medical diagnoses. How many tattoos do you have?

Anonymous No. 16225609

If that symbol isn't a swastika then you're gay

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Anonymous No. 16226362

Tattoos cause erectile dysfunction in males with sexual standards study show at the University of Sex, Dr Mike Hawk, senior anthropologist mansplains:
>We collected data at 69 buildings with grafiti and we found ugly bitches tattoed next to the buildings. Building owners preferred to have clean buildings with no noise complaints.
>When asking our Islamic cohort THE RESULTS WILL SHOCK YOU
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk

Anonymous No. 16226365

Imagine how small their attention span is, how strong their allure is to shiny ads. Today I saw a walking tumbleweed of tattoos ALL BRAND LOGOS he was like a Nascar driver sponsor.

Anonymous No. 16226368

Based and hilarious

Anonymous No. 16226372

I personally would prefer Hitler and black bbw qveens to be right all the time but that's just me shopping for wishes. God is an infinite and old hardass indeed and the Bible is humbly only the good book not the speaker phone by which we can skype God. To skype God please dial [Math PhD and shamanic experience required]

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Anonymous No. 16226378

>but its a heckin science tattoo!
Science says CANCER and correlations and guess what? Those judgements themselves are causation because they are actionable social signals!
>but what if I got a Jesus tattoo?
Bible says all tattoos are a sin and ye shall have no graven image idolatry

See how many missed exits to displaying high minded goodness you missed?

Anonymous No. 16226381

Why are the chinese so fuckin smart bros

Anonymous No. 16226392

Imagine a toddler started marking the Sistine Chapel with crayon and it wouldn't come off.
Imagine a junkie in a parking lot carving schizo bullshit onto your favorite celebrity's car.
Now reconsider how people who care about you feel about you polluting valuable carnal real estate.

Anonymous No. 16226696

Tattoos are for sailors and prostitutes. I don't see a ship.

Anonymous No. 16227820

same is true in japan

Anonymous No. 16229150

Its true everywhere, if you see someone with a tattoo it means you're seeing human trash.

Anonymous No. 16230588

Are there any nerds on /sci/ who got faggoty IFLS science tattoos?

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Anonymous No. 16231728


Anonymous No. 16232646

There is nothing causing a worse feeling of cringe than those gay midwit science tattoos

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Anonymous No. 16233776

This is why I support real fake Christianity
>yes it's bullshit but I believe it damn it if it will keep you from boning your nose and tattooing pitbull assholes and your face!

Anonymous No. 16234984

Never forget that feeling, keep it with you and let it protect you and steer you away from being a low IQ trendy IFLS pseud

Anonymous No. 16235806

thats why its good news that tattoos cause cancer. hopefully watching rick & morty and futurama and bill nye causes cancer too

Anonymous No. 16237088

Nobody will admit to it because they're rightfully ashamed of themselves

Anonymous No. 16238186

I bet theres a bunch of low IQ fags on this board with stupid lame fag tattoos, tattoos are extremely attractive to low IQs

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Dr. Cool Ice, PhD.jpg

Anonymous No. 16238821