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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202020

You cant refute his claims. I bet you don't have any pantents

Anonymous No. 16202192

But there's only one of this thread.

Anonymous No. 16202472

I was looking for a post like this one, he's shit is very new to me and keep my mind open. We know 100% he's right if he ets clipped

Anonymous No. 16202506

Tyrone works for 1 hour and gets paid 1 dollar for that work. How much does Tyrone make? Show your working.
Assume that Tyrone won't steal anything or murder the white person paying him to do the work. Difficult I know, but lets also assume that that Tyrone does in fact work for the full hour and doesn't get bored after 1 minute and start stealing shit or sleeping.

Anonymous No. 16202704

>I bet you don't have any pantents
you don't even have a parent

Anonymous No. 16202712

Can you engineer a bridge assuming 1 x 1 = 2? Try it and get back to us.

Anonymous No. 16202713

I do have a patent actually.

Anonymous No. 16202805

he's not even wrong

Anonymous No. 16202807

>I bet you don't have any pantents
I bet you don't have a grammar.

Anonymous No. 16202995

I bet you don't internalize the nuanced psychological differentiation between the distinct abstract constructs of grammar and the singular concept of spelling. Bee. You?

Anonymous No. 16203017

>the nuanced psychological differentiation between the distinct abstract constructs of grammar and the singular concept of spelling.
Both are "abstract concepts" made by rockapes like OP's rockape who shills "his own(?)" abstract concept. "Ooga booga", nigger.

Of course I don't, like the average american I don't have 20 grand lying around and the patience to deal with the other kind of average american who does because they sued someone over reified bullshit laws. Like patents. This isn't even considering the fact I would have to retard myself down to believing in the idea of "intellectual property". Einstein worked at a patent office for this reason and look at the retarded shit he spouted.

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Mathemeticians Ha....png

Anonymous No. 16203031

>Disproving math by using math against itself but fail miserably because you confused arithmetic operations and their definitions.

I love Hotep logic when it comes to science and math. It's very rare, but always entertaining.

Anonymous No. 16203769

The way he reasons is like so:
one thing (1 set of things) x another thing (a set of one element) = 2 things being multiplied.
But that's not how algebra works.

Anonymous No. 16203770

>(1 set of some number of elements)
corrected for clarity, apologies

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Anonymous No. 16203876

Multiplication can identify as addition, becoming a transoperator. You need to educate yourself in gender math to understand those advanced concepts.

Anonymous No. 16204279

Consider 1 kg x 1 m = 1 kg m
Two things.

Anonymous No. 16204323

Just take the cartesian product,
1 dim x 1 dim = 2 dim

Anonymous No. 16205082


No one has any pantents

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Anonymous No. 16205439

No, you're overthinking it. It's literally this dumb...he was under the impression that:
>(thing) x (thing) = (ALWAYS a different thing)

...So his brain was shorted out by the simplicity of:
>1 x 1 = 1

This is the point where a normal child asks "how", then works to understand the explanation. By he's clearly afflicted with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, so he rejected the explanation because of the initial incongruity and then tied it into all the other shit he didn't understand (like the periodic table) so he could feed his need for self-aggrandizement by announcing to the world his amazing "discovery".

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Anonymous No. 16205465

I'm sort of refuting his claims. Starting from the very bottom of his paper here:

I'm formalizing his mathematical arguments. I don't know if I want to touch the physical ones but I can at least brute-force through his bullshit to create some algebraic structures.

Anonymous No. 16205467

Also, this is unfinished and extremely rough. Please feel free to rip it apart and make fun of me for legitimizing him, I'm doing this purely for lols and because I'm trying to distract myself from being jobless.

Anonymous No. 16205495

Maybe ill share it after i look through it later

Anonymous No. 16205496

Share it to who?

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Anonymous No. 16205727

Fixed a bit more of it. I made some mistakes, and I'm still expanding on my points.

Anonymous No. 16205748

>>16205465 >>16205467
that nigga really is the whole circus, ain't he?, best off luck wading through the bullshit my guy, i'll save you some trouble and tell you that those "concave polyhedra" Howard claims to have discovered where already talked about by Richard Buckminster Fuller in his book "Synergetics", Bucky's book might seem a bit crank-ish, and id say that is fair, but given all that he did, to compare him with Howard id find it to be insulting
have a good day, and best of luck in your employment prospects

Anonymous No. 16205751

oh, and (nร—n)_H=n*(n+1), i think

Anonymous No. 16205754

I'm actually not sure if I have enough of an understanding of geometry to be able to tackle his geometric arguments. I only really studied geometry through the lens of combinatorics and vector calculus, and barely some differential geometry because of my research I did in physics undergrad. I'll cross that bridge when I get there but for now I'm focusing on algebra and the logical endpoints, as well as potentially fixing the algebra so it can be consistent.
Thank you, I can add you to the reference list.

Anonymous No. 16205768

>I'm actually not sure if I have enough of an understanding of geometry to be able to tackle his geometric arguments.
neither do i, im only informing you that them's shapes didn't arise from him and as such are independent from is fuckery
>reference list
if you desire, oh and would you mind checking if Howards's multiplication distributes over addition?

Anonymous No. 16205774

>neither do i, im only informing you that them's shapes didn't arise from him and as such are independent from is fuckery
Ah, alright. Thank you anon.
>would you mind checking if Howards's multiplication distributes over addition?
It does not.

2*(3+4) = (2*3)_H + (2*4)_H = 8+10 = 18
(2*7)_H = 16

It is not distributive. I'm actually not sure how to go about fixing that.

Anonymous No. 16205785

>It is not distributive.
mh, thought so
>I'm actually not sure how to go about fixing that.
no need to, tropical algebra( ) makes +=min or max, *=+, ^=*, and so on due to + distributing over min and max, but then there is subtropical algebra which makes +=min or max and leaves * as *, ^ as ^ and so on, in site of the fact that * doesn't distribute over either min or max, but it is still useful(i would not be so optimistic with Howard's stuff though)

Anonymous No. 16205801

Interesting. I'll look into this, thank you for showing me. In the meantime I thought about extending my work to see if there's a Howard vector space, but I would have to work on fixing its algebraic structure before any of that. I'll probably sleep soon but I'll post one more edit before I do.

Anonymous No. 16205807

glad to help, sleep well

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Anonymous No. 16205818

Good night. Here's my last edit, please feel free to rip into it if you find any inconsistencies.

Anonymous No. 16205887

To the outernet

Anonymous No. 16206277

You can post my response wherever you want. I have no problem with people seeing it.

I'm working on some more parts of Howard's work right now so I'll probably be in and out.

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Anonymous No. 16206404

Generalized the formula for all natural numbers. Pretty sure it can be extended to the real numbers but I'm sticking to the naturals.

Anonymous No. 16206474

>Generalized the formula for all natural numbers.

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Anonymous No. 16206482

Make way for the true Hollywood genius.

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Anonymous No. 16206802

Can any chemists help me with the last part? I rewrote what he said as "accumulate atoms of
low potential together into systems of high potential [for particles to be able to bond and
allow atomic structure]โ€. I know next to nothing about chemistry since my background is math and physics. What are some good resources for learning about chemical bonds? Or should I just stay in my lane here?