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Anonymous No. 16202365

thinking of doing a PhD, convince me otherwise

specifically an electrical engineering PhD on hardware acceleration of AI models

Anonymous No. 16202385

>convince me otherwise
Why? What could you lose?

Anonymous No. 16202409

>what could you lose
career development

there's a guy I work with currently doing a job that any bachelor level engineer can do
he said he spent 5 years doing his PhD and all he got was a hard time applying for bachelor level jobs since he was "over qualified"

if I work for the next 4 years, I could imagine myself earning 150k+
on the other hand if I do a PhD, the current scholarship rate is 33.5k (tax free) which is kinda fucked

finding a job at the end of the PhD might be difficult since there's fuck all high tech roles in Australia. we're basically an intellectual wasteland whose only scientific endeavors are towards more ways of pulling rocks out of the ground, extending the lives of boomers and making coral grow.

depending on my success at find a job after completing the PhD I could potentially be earning significantly more (especially if I move countries), but from a purely financial standpoint, earning and investing the extra money and progressing in my current career for 4 years would likely pay off more.

But that's just financially, the problem is the work is boring as fucking shit and I don't think I could be fucked doing this shit for another 10...20...30 years. So I guess that's my answer?

I guess I'm just looking for input from other people who have done a PhD and whether they found it was worth it?
Also wondering what the biggest focus during a PhD is for better outcomes? Is it networking? Publishing? Working on buzzword topics?
How do you land a good job at the end?

Anonymous No. 16202435

That was more of a rhetorical question I guess. The calculus is rather simple and not fundamentally different to masters. I don't think anyone here can add anything or answer if it's "worth it" for you.

Anonymous No. 16203863

Life is too short to be spent in a boring ass job

Anonymous No. 16203882

That stuff isn't real faggot

Anonymous No. 16204960

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