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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202534

Normies are taking notice

Anonymous No. 16202538

>Indians being dishonest

Anonymous No. 16202544

why do you /pol/tards keep accusing other race of being dishonest when according to you, the biggest hoaxe is climate changes and they're perputated by white lib?
I don't understand /pol/iggers brain.

Anonymous No. 16202557

If you don't understand them, how are you able to recognize one in three words?

Anonymous No. 16202577

A 5 year old doesn't understand the sun yet still can recognize it at first glance. Curious.

Anonymous No. 16202600

You have the mental capacity of a five year old?

Anonymous No. 16202621

> how are you able to recognize one
>mental capacity of a five year old
One of us definitely does. What odds do you give me it's not you?

Anonymous No. 16202633

New Mexico's record high temperature was record by a AWS at a nuclear waste dump.
Please stop derailing threads with your /pol/ obsession. This is a thread about temperature records in India, not about your OCD about a board that isn't /sci/.

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Anonymous No. 16202635

Only 56 C? Weak.

Anonymous No. 16202637


Anonymous No. 16202645

Just like all the sane people. 100 percent conviction. Based.

Anonymous No. 16202652

So your argument is what, that global warming isn't real because all the temperature readings are fake?

So why are glaciers melting?
Why is sea level rising?
Why are the ice caps melting?
Why are plants and animals migrating toward the poles?

If you're correct, that climate change is just a bunch of stupid scientists who don't know that thermometers can't be placed on top of rooftops, why does all the evidence support them?

Anonymous No. 16202671

glaciers, seas, ice caps, plants and animals
are all jews, obv
>shits on chess board, declares win & flies away

Anonymous No. 16202738

Sea level has risen at a constant rate for 100+ years. If this was related to GW, then there should be an accelerating curve would be there. It isn't.
Also, youtube news links are irrelevant. Obfuscating sources is a scam my nigger.

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Anonymous No. 16202764


Anonymous No. 16202768


Anonymous No. 16202771

Notice of record temperature highs?

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Magnum Meme.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16202803

The liberal trash belong to inferior white races that must be exterminated for the good of mankind.

Anonymous No. 16202806

>retarded 20th century drivel

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Anonymous No. 16203620

Notice of FABRICATED and possibly HOMOSEXUAL readings

Anonymous No. 16203634

same thing happened in australia
temperature readings were taken from next to an industrial heating system lol

Anonymous No. 16203900


You lying deceitful fuck. Switch it 800k years and see that nothing unusual is happening.

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Anonymous No. 16203923

>Why is sea level rising?
Sea level is changing in Southern US states due to isostatic rebound following the loss of the glaciers. Same as the UK, isostatic rebound is causing Scotland to rise (and sea levels to fall) whilst southern England is falling (and sea levels rising)

Anonymous No. 16203944

simple, we don't redeem your lies

Anonymous No. 16204014

>much hype about climate change
>retarded western governments and NGOs want to give a lot of money to shithole countries affected by climate change
>shithole countries now have an incentive to fake their climate data in order to receive gibs
No reason at all for them to be dishonest...

Anonymous No. 16204027

Imagine shilling for oil industry... for free!