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Anonymous No. 16202624

Your not a transhumanist?... you're going to wither and die before exploring humanity's potential

Anonymous No. 16202625

I'm to old to be transhumanist.

Anonymous No. 16202681

That's literally the human experience. All of us will wither and die before exploring humanity's potential even with Elon's slop soldered to your skull.

Anonymous No. 16202700

Elon is troglodytic retard that will die when his rusting ship collides with a Chinese satellite

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Anonymous No. 16202839

(especially in prehistoric times) a person who lived in a cave.
a hermit.
a person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant or old-fashioned.

This is the opposite of Elon.

Degrees from Wharton and Penn, plus an honorary in Engineering from YALE

>rusty ship
Because it's sitting in a construction yard awaiting clearance from the incompetent Government to launch. It won't rust in space, idiot.

>collides with a Chinese satellite
What is Radar braindead MORON get off this board.

Anonymous No. 16203263

Adjective for troglodyte
a person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant or old-fashioned. Perhaps the individual who's running all his companies into the ground, butting heads with accredited scientists and continuing to cream his pants about 'doge'


>rusty ship
launches from the most corrosive environment in north America 'cape Canaveral'

>Kessler syndrome

Anonymous No. 16203284

>being this obsessed about someone you don't even know
get a life. musk doesn't even write or post the tweets you're chimping out over, he has a hireling to do it for him.

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Anonymous No. 16203306

Unlike you, I am not afraid of death. I know that my sense of self is merely an illusion that my brain creates. My life is essentially just one of many dreams. Once you strip away the ego, all there is is consciousness, and consciousness is immortal. I pity you lesser beings that desperately cling to their egos and cannot see the bigger picture. Death is inevitable, I embrace it, you fear it, that is what makes you weak.

Anonymous No. 16203348

If it's an illusion, how do you know anything? Contradiction right from square one, like every other boring ass npc materialist.

Anonymous No. 16203409

>doesn't even write or post the tweets
Are you the 4chan hireling because he clearly comes up with his own cringe.

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Anonymous No. 16203429

The illusion of self does not negate the capacity for knowledge; it simply reframes it. Just because the self is a construct doesn't mean our experiences and observations are invalid. Our brains process and interpret information, creating the illusion of a coherent self. This self navigates the world, perceives, learns, and understands.

Knowledge is not dependent on an immutable self; it is a product of consciousness interacting with reality. The understanding that the self is an illusion actually liberates one from the constraints of ego, allowing for a purer pursuit of knowledge, untainted by personal bias and fear.

Your dismissal as "boring ass NPC materialist" suggests a lack of deeper contemplation on these matters. Materialism, with its focus on the observable and the measurable, provides a robust framework for understanding the universe. It doesn't preclude the wonder and mystery of existence; rather, it grounds it in the tangible and the real.

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Anonymous No. 16203904

>before exploring humanity's potential
you must be living under a rock