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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202901

how come europeans don't invent anything anymore?
back in the old days they were inventing everything from cars to antibiotics, what caused their era of productivity to come to a crashing halt?

Anonymous No. 16202906

nice cherrypicking.
and in other news, the image on the right is South Korean.

Anonymous No. 16203053

isn't he taiwanese? if not for the china-taiwan split, all of the chip industry are dominated by china. heck, even SMCI is about to catch up to Intel, maybe 1-2 more years.

Anonymous No. 16203055

SMIC*, not SMCI the american company

Anonymous No. 16203057

there is a lot of regulation in Europe which hinders innovation. Low population growth/population decrease also decreases the amount of potential young inventors.

Anonymous No. 16203061

Thats why we need mass immigration from Africa where all the inventors are. All the different races of humans are interchangeable economic units. None are more intelligent or creative than the others. Natural selection was incapable of creating a difference of intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16203063

Because they need Russian gas for their industry and we took it away.

Anonymous No. 16203078

All the money is used to keep lesser nations alive

Anonymous No. 16203192

All the money in america are to keep black welfare queens alive.

Anonymous No. 16203215

Because of the jews running everything and enslaving us.
Incentives breed innovation, incentives like wars or rewards in capitalism.
Who dont communists like in north korea increase the living standards of their people? North korea could easily feed it's population, they just dont want to.
Because they are (((communists)))

Anonymous No. 16203234

Also i should add, the biggest wave of innovation was the industrial revolution and it came about because tradesmen were thinking outside of the box. Now we have a big culture of people who go from school to university and stay
For life.
This vould be solved easily by only allowing people to go to university after they did an apprenticeship or vocstional training in a trade that related to the field of study. I.e. only master bricklayers and carpenters can become architects and only farmers and florists can become botanists

Anonymous No. 16203259

The best basketball player in the NBA started play professionally when he was 13. No school, no training, just get started young and keep at it until you're a master.

Anonymous No. 16203268

NVIDIA use Dutch photolithography machines to make their top of the line chips

USA is great at putting thing together for business but Europe still pulls its weight scientifically

Anonymous No. 16203289

danes just invented ozempic.

Anonymous No. 16203321

What are you trying to say? How did he advance the field of basketball through his impeccable muscle memory?
Niggerball is also not real btw

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Anonymous No. 16203329

Its not a black sport anymore, not that it was to begin with. The best players in the NBA are all white. America can't even win in international competitions anymore because the white European teams dominate the black American teams.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16203347

I call it niggerball because it contributes nothing to society, just like a nigger.
But im still wondering what your point was to begin with.

Anonymous No. 16203349

inventing something requires freedom of thought. The more freedom the persons mind has, the more he can create.

In Europe there is too much censorship. also this>>16203057

Anonymous No. 16203384

More of it is going to Israel, for every 1000 americans one israeli is fed

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Luka being racist.jpg

Anonymous No. 16203840


Anonymous No. 16203841

>how come europeans don't invent anything anymore?
ARM chips

Anonymous No. 16203848

I'm now filtering all these "how come" threads, because none of them are related to science

Anonymous No. 16203903

that fucking racist
you can be any ethnicity and be american

Anonymous No. 16203921

casually crafted the future paradigms for consumer grade CPUs, yet OP still believes the US of A is on top of it all

Anonymous No. 16203970

Europe produces specialized plastics and is trying to corner this market
going out on a limb I'd say Europe overall is a service-consumer economy, providing labour in fields such as education, finance and scientific research, as well as being relatively affluent and purchasing a considerable amount of luxury goods from inside Europe (textile products) and outside (electronics)
so in that sense Europe 'invents' luxury goods - high status cars and clothes
Europe also 'invents' a lot of policy
but really OP is disingenuous because inventions in the contemporary are rarely if ever localized to a single place or population, most innovations in technology, including the OP pic, are collaborative efforts utilizing international individuals and industries

Anonymous No. 16204002

We're too busy DEIing ourselves out of existence.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16204076

>Also i should add, the biggest wave of innovation was the industrial revolution and it came about because tradesmen were thinking outside of the box.
It came about because of the enlightenment which defeated the previous guard of high IQ people, and put normal people in charge.
It was indeed that and not those like Kant who opposed it. It was the scripture, vs peopme should think for their own, and Kant advocated for "a compromise" that people should think for their own about the scripture. They basically teach you that the enlightenment was the exact opposite of what it was.

Anonymous No. 16204079

>Also i should add, the biggest wave of innovation was the industrial revolution and it came about because tradesmen were thinking outside of the box.
It came about because of the enlightenment which defeated the previous guard of high IQ people, and put normal people in charge.
It was indeed that and not those like Kant who opposed it. It was the scripture, vs people should think for themselves, and Kant advocated for "a compromise" that people should think for themselves about the scripture. They basically teach you that the enlightenment was the exact opposite of what it was.

Anonymous No. 16204215

Its a whole thing

Anonymous No. 16204239

If Taiwan were Chinese we'd be 40 years behind in chip tech

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hitler was denied....jpg

Anonymous No. 16205075

Europeans stopped being inventive right after then end of the 2nd world war

Anonymous No. 16205321

Im not sure if i follow, sorry
What do you mean by the previous uard of high IQ people?
I think maybe you are approaching this from a too philosophical POV as
>scripture vs bandit mindset
(A bandit mindset being i only have to justify my actions to myself, morally)
Does not really tie into the actual mechanical innovations of that time.
To illuminate my point
James Watt was the son of a carpenter and a mechanic.
If he had gone to university he would never have invented the steam engine.

Anonymous No. 16205326

This. Euros are so afraid of being anything remotely like hitler that they demonize strength and hard work.

Anonymous No. 16205337

Source that they don't? I think you're full of shit.

Anonymous No. 16205426

"hard work" is not, nor was ever a virtue. only cucks glorify work

Anonymous No. 16205437

it is as long as there is a proportionate reward. You wouldn't be able to communicate your drivel to me without someone's hard work

Anonymous No. 16205444

It's not all of Europe that has that problem
Switzerland is all in on developing sci-fi tech and has the best STEM universities besides those in the US.
It's just that the rest of Europe is an overregulated hellhole.

Anonymous No. 16205449

seethe slave cuckie

Anonymous No. 16205458

You're a resourceless incel therefore your insults targeted at the fact that work are without weight

Anonymous No. 16205463

t. enjoys making other men rich with his slave labour

Anonymous No. 16205468

ok and you have no money and no ability to do anything in your life. Enjoy living in a pod and owning nothing

Anonymous No. 16205480

i'm pretty comfy actually. but enjoy toiling to further enrich your masters. they certainly enjoy it

Anonymous No. 16205488

I don't toil. I don't even work 6 hours per day. You comfort will turn to rot. You'll see

Anonymous No. 16205513

you're just trying to rationalize your selfish laziness

Anonymous No. 16205621

FFS only one medium sized bottling plant in my country spent like 10M€ to adjust to this crap

Anonymous No. 16205787

>What do you mean by the previous uard of high IQ people?
I mean the clergy. Basically they teach now (as far as I know) that the enlightenment was something like "we need to stop trusting our imperfect senses and intuitions, progress can only come from rigorous studying" when in fact it taught the exact opposite, and science didn't get corrupt until much later.
Yes, regular people did invent most of everything, I'm not sure if Watt is the best example.

Anonymous No. 16205866

>British company

Anonymous No. 16205867

Karl Benz in another good example.

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Anonymous No. 16205881

>Each year, tens of thousands of new patents are registered in the European Union through the European Patent Office (EPO). In 2022, the EPO received 193,460 patent applications and granted 81,715 patents. The number of patent applications and grants HAS BEEN INCREASING OVER THE YEARS.
>For the latest statistics, the EPO’s annual reports and statistics center provide detailed and up-to-date information.

Anonymous No. 16205882

Dude Europe is nothing but a large Old age home at this point.
It's Economy has completely deindustrialised and it's society has collapsed into nothingness.
Yeah that's what happens when the median age of your society is 45.
EU has no future, it has gotten flooded with low IQ, unskilled immigrants who live on free money provided by the government, in Germany for example, official statistics show that two-thirds of welfare recipients have migration background, and taxpayer costs have risen 122% since 2010.
In next 2-3 decades EU will be majority Afro-Arab, after that their economic, social and political infrastructure will collapse.THE END.

Anonymous No. 16205884

Yeah all of that is garbage, of no use to anyone.

Anonymous No. 16205893

And still you need to resort to espionage, serious fraud, patent trolling, extortion, etc.

Anonymous No. 16205897

This reminds me of the whole usb-c lightning cable thing. While it's okay for other stuff, USB-C fucking sucks as a charging port because it gets so much gunk inside it with repetitive use. Now if anyone wants to make a better alternative to USB-C, they can't because euroniggers have imposed that shitty port. Ironically, Apple did more to promote USB-C than anyone else by removing all other ports from most of their macs like they did with the first USB in the past.

Anonymous No. 16205907

Guess who makes the machine that makes the superchip?

Anonymous No. 16205918

>Blocking your only contributor to tech from making money
Big brain move.

Anonymous No. 16205948

>by only allowing people to go to university after they did an apprenticeship or vocstional training in a trade that related to the field of study. I.e. only master bricklayers and carpenters can become architects and only farmers and florists can become botanists
You will find that the people who become bricklayers and the people who become academics are very, very different sorts of people.

Anonymous No. 16205968

US innovates
China copies
EU regulates

Thats the state of the last 100 years or so

Anonymous No. 16206010

>how come europeans don't invent anything anymore?
everything europeans were inventing came from germany, britain, eastern france and northern italy.
look at the ethno-cultural status of these places today and you'll understand.

Anonymous No. 16206014

ASML, a dutch company

Anonymous No. 16206028

>s-stop being selfish and help mr ceo to afford his next yacht!!

Anonymous No. 16206035

All wrong. All wrong. Idiots, idiots, idiots. As much as I hate niggers and kikes.

The real reason innovation has stifled is that there’s nothing to innovate anymore. We’ve been repackaging the same tech since the 70s
The only real progress in the last 40 years was in computing and that has now hit diminishing returns.

We are at peak tech progress. There’s nothing to do anymore.

>wake up
>waer high quality garments for cheap due to textile industrialization just like the 70s
> eat high quality food by Groccery system just like the 70s
>take asthma medication invente in the 60s
>get in ICE car used for the last 100 years, built by autimation robot invemted in the 60s
>get to work
>it’s hot, turn on Air Cinditioning (technology figured out in the 70s)
>catch intercontinental flight on a plane 747 invented in the 70s

Anonymous No. 16206043

>Open up the latest avantguard album on Vinyl and listen to it in high quality just like the 70s
>Use EM waves to transmit video to your tv or audio to radio just like the 70s
>get headache, take paracetemol just like the 70s
>Take train across europe, haven’t improved much since the 70s

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American students....webm

Anonymous No. 16206062

This is America

Anonymous No. 16206073

>There’s nothing to do anymore.
If that is the case, why haven't you KYS yet?

Anonymous No. 16206119

Technology has been more or less stagnant for 1000s of years, it's not a reason to kys. If anything we're back to the normal way of things.

Anonymous No. 16206129

>muh chip
Europe literally makes the machines that make the chips honey

Anonymous No. 16206282

He grew up in the States.

Anonymous No. 16206300

>If he had gone to university he would never have invented the steam engine.
Newton went to university and all sorts of crazy shit

Anonymous No. 16206305

absolute fucking moron

Anonymous No. 16206328

You’re the moron. Take away screens and it’ll be hard to tell if you’re in 1971 or 2021 idiot.

Anonymous No. 16206435

Taiwan doesn't design the chips. They just buy european machines and manufacture american designs. Taiwan is a glorified high-tech sweatshop.

Anonymous No. 16206778

>Europeans murder Ashkenazi Jews, their highest IQ sub-population
>Jews migrate to the US
>US becomes the new global superpower
truly a mystery

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israel iq.jpg

Anonymous No. 16207403

jews are low iq

Anonymous No. 16207424

Taiwan is Chinese, dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16207432

i mean the machines being used to produce all modern chips were invented by the dutch, and no other country has managed to make such inventions. of course, the supply chain to make those machines requires specialized parts that can only be sourced's actually pretty much everywhere, i think >20 different countries. yeah this question is a dumb one and you should basically feel bad

Anonymous No. 16207440

Thats like saying Americans are european. Nope.
Americans are Americans. Europeans are Europeans. Chinese are Chinese. Taiwanese are Taiwanese.

Anonymous No. 16207727

Whole wolrd operates on GSM standard (wich evolved to 4g/5g etc). Shitty US cellular phone is a primitve difunction and they can hold competition only with primitve barbarism and sanctions. UShithole mostly buy things (such as the phone touch) from Europe and - as always- pretend to be "inventive". Even transistor is a german invention, read the patents UShitholer.

Anonymous No. 16207743

Britain is geographically European, if not politically.

Anonymous No. 16207840

electric vehicles? efficient and low emission ICE vehicles?
5 Ghz CPU + 100 teraflops GPU? terahertz optic fiber infrastructure?
LLMs + txt2img?
MRIs + a fuck ton of other medical shit probably?
and those are just some things i feel like youve probably had first hand experience with. you think everyones been sitting around with their thumb up their asses for 50 years?

Anonymous No. 16207843

“Take away styles and fashion—and the computer screens,” said mathematician Eric Weinstein in a recent interview, “how do you know you’re not in 1973?”

Anonymous No. 16207844

>Even transistor is a german invention, read the patents UShitholer.
the first working transistor is an American invention, built by Shockley’s team at Ball labs. a patent is not a certificate of invention, you dont have to actually create anything to file and receive a patent.

Anonymous No. 16207845

>”Take away all the new stuff…”
>”…how can you tell you aint in the old stuff?”

Anonymous No. 16208124

What do AI chips do? Isnt AI just based in gigantic databases? I figure they are just specialized for processing information from these databases, like these chips used for mining crypto. Like you could just use general purpose computers but these are just faster, but only for a single purpose.
Is that all it is? If so, it doesnt seem like such a big deal.

Anonymous No. 16208133

everything has computer screens now, in my factory job every machine has a computer screen interface. Old microwaves didnt have an electronic interface, they had a mechanical clock timer.
New stuff that isnt electronic...

Anonymous No. 16208995

guns don't, nobody wants to buy guns with built in electronics

Anonymous No. 16210060

I have a car that has practically zero electronics in it. It works beautifully and gets me from point A to point B just as swiftly as one full of faulty electronics that were programmed by an 80iq jeet and I'll never need to replace it as long as I keep up the regular maintenance. Plus it cost a lot less than something newer filled with unreliable unnecessary electojunk.
I don't understand why ppl want the newer ones, seems stupid.

Anonymous No. 16210080

Car electronics do useful stuff like accurately controlling fuel and air ratios.

Anonymous No. 16210513

Dysgenics, america and USSR stole all the high IQ Europeans then promoted dysgenic jewish values among them and flooded them with migration.

Anonymous No. 16211093

no they don't, if what they were doing was so important than older fulling analog cars wouldn't be able to get the same gas milage as modern cars do. you've never worked on an engine and you have no idea what you're talking about, you probably couldn't even change a flat tire

Anonymous No. 16211120

>if what they were doing was so important than older fulling analog cars wouldn't be able to get the same gas milage as modern cars do
This is the case and you're completely full of shit.
>you've never worked on an engine and you have no idea what you're talking about, you probably couldn't even change a flat tire
Why are you like this?

Anonymous No. 16211124

The ONLY reason mainland China even has fabs at all is because they steal technology and information from countries that actually make things. Not one piece of technology that has ever come out of the People's Republic has actually been developed by China without the "assistance" of stolen Western tech and information.

Anonymous No. 16211147

I guess politics? Also economic factors? The lack of economic opportunity for most Europeans is very low thanks to the political aims of neoliberalism creating a one world global economy that only works for the elites. America has declined in innovation as well the last 50 years. Remember no new technology has really been invented just refining the existing technologies. For example the car is over 100 years old.

Anonymous No. 16211149


Anonymous No. 16211155

First of all, this doesn't even answer the question of why Europe specifically does worse in innovation than the US. Secondly, idiots have been saying this at almost every point of human history. You're just downright stupid. Your post is both wrong and even if it were true (it's not), isn't even related to the original question.

Anonymous No. 16211350

>european colony
>picture is of a chink-founded company

Anonymous No. 16211377

>>picture is of a chink-founded company
Only 1/3 of the founders of nvidia is Taiwanese. The other two were white guys.

Anonymous No. 16211462

Damn straight.

Anonymous No. 16211467

I can breed her, can't fix her tho.

Anonymous No. 16211472

The Israel IQ is including sephradim and mizrahi though, if only Ashkenazis were tested the score would be to the right of the bell curve.

Anonymous No. 16211475

Taiwanese are rebellious Chinese and will be made loyal by the end of the 21st century.

Anonymous No. 16211838

>Secondly, idiots have been saying this at almost every point of human history

First of all this isn't true, ever since the beginning of the industrial revolution the quickly advancing and accelerating nature of technological present was present in the public conscious, especially in 1900-1950 where the insane rate of progress lead to the birth of a lot of science fiction, in the 80s, the year 2000 was seen as something that would be unrecognizable, back to the future, Blade Runner...etc
Now smart people are saying it. they are aware that progress is stifling and there's nothing to do anymore.

The reason Europe and Japan are not innovating is because they are smart, they don't have that Yeehaawww, Fuck Yeah, just do some stupid venture capitalist bullshit like Bitcoin, AI, they focus on real science and important proven technologies, building their infrastructure.

Anonymous No. 16211990

>g analog cars wouldn't be able to get the same gas milage
Modern cars have better fuel mileage than older cars.

Anonymous No. 16211995

>why Europe specifically does worse in innovation than the US.
They are poor and their scientific elites get poached by america. But the truth is that theres almost no interesting science happening, some new chip isnt new science

Anonymous No. 16212059

>still higher than Iran


Anonymous No. 16213250

Maybe for their part of the world, but letting those people into a high IQ nation is just going to lower the standard of living for everyone

Anonymous No. 16218092

this shit really makes me want to leave europe and go live in america with niggers

Anonymous No. 16218847

Be sure to bring your female relatives.

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Anonymous No. 16218868

1. Lack of risk-taking and innovation culture found in countries like USA
2. Aging demographics
3. Bureaucracy
4. They believe that America will do all the heavy lifting for them when it comes to innovation and security

Anonymous No. 16220223

>Lack of risk-taking and innovation culture found in countries like USA
It's literally only found in the U.S.A. Japan doesn't innovate anything anymore.

The reason smart countries don't innovate anymore is because they realize there isn't anything to innovate anymore and they don't waste their resources on venture capitalists bullshit

Anonymous No. 16221310

>still higher than Iran
not when you consider the population statistics. since iran has a much, much larger population there will be more over 140IQs in iran than in jewistan

Anonymous No. 16222767

when did they ever?

Anonymous No. 16222787

TV, chip, led, robot... n shit. in the 2000s japan was all the rage. now it's all china.

Anonymous No. 16222946

But do you get the general point?
>now it's all china

Stupid country like U.S.A trying to reinvent the wheel. But they have an excuse, they are a rising power that needs to catch up and start their own industries.

Anonymous No. 16224017

china is just wall street's off shore industrial park they set up to avoid domestic pollution and labor laws

Anonymous No. 16224080

This is absolutely true. Many europeans seem to want to see everyone being mediocre and not do anything extraordinary. Regulation is the result. Alot of the regulation kills innovation. It may even start at young age where experimentalism is killed in those kids that lean towards it.

Anonymous No. 16224381

>Many europeans seem to want to see everyone being mediocre and not do anything extraordinary
Europeans are unironically the current "chinamen" of the world, doing nothing, hooking on the drug of hedonism and most have this crab mentality of dragging everyone down to the same level in the name of "equality". total spiritual death of a continent and its people after WW2.
maybe it's better if greater countries like USA, China, Russia to invade Europe and enslave their population to stop them from wasting more resources on their useless shit.

Anonymous No. 16224398

>doing nothing, hooking on the drug of hedonism and most have this crab mentality
What else is there to do? Japan does the same thing

Anonymous No. 16224402

>What else is there to do?
kill yourself maybe? inferior subhuman hedonistic animals.

Anonymous No. 16224407

Then help me. Your holier than thou attitude, someone asks you for help and you tell them to die?
If the alternative is people like you than the status quo is probably better. What else is there to do? Japan does the same thing

Anonymous No. 16224423

the fact that you ask the question "what else is there to do?" is the giveaway that you have a mindset of a zombie. it's impossible to help people with your mindset. they're like fucking virus, they will just drag other people down to their fucking level and ruin everyone. they need to be quarantined. there are always something else to discover and to achieve, faggot. you must aspire to do great thing even if you die for it. find yourself some meaning in life first. it's impossible to help people like you. you're already dead but still breathing.

Anonymous No. 16224443

>there are always something else to discover and to achieve, faggot. you must aspire to do great thing even if you die for it.

This is not confrontational or an insult. But what greatness have you achieved?

Anonymous No. 16224445

>But what greatness have you achieved?
Not really anything great. the highest is I participated in the national exam the IMO but failed there, and I published a couple of papers with a hundred of citations. but I do what I can, unlike you faggot. you have a mindset of a useless loser. that's what differentiate me from you. I'm cultured and civlized, you're a subhuman zombie.

Anonymous No. 16224446

But anon, Pakis invent and innovate new ways to stab people all the time over there.

Anonymous No. 16224447

NTA, but:
>Discovered atomic energy
>Put men on the moon
>Made automobiles affordable for the average person
>Greatest medical advances in history (eradication of several major diseases)
>Invented reusable rockets, reducing the cost of space exploration by 40%
All of this done by a society that celebrates innovation and discovery.

Anonymous No. 16224448

>I'm cultured and civilized
What are your favorite films/albums?

Anonymous No. 16224449

>a brainlet narrow definition of culture and civilization
see? this is why you're considered by us as subhuman, not only your mindset is shit, you're also low IQ.

Anonymous No. 16224450


Anonymous No. 16224453

Also again not to be confrontational or an insult but Terrance Howard is much smarter than you and he likes anime, so does Cedric Villani.
I just like asking people about their favorite media.

Anonymous No. 16224455

>Terrance Howard
Lol, that was meant to say Terry Tao.

Anonymous No. 16224466

>>Discovered atomic energy
>>Put men on the moon
>>Made automobiles affordable for the average person
>>Greatest medical advances in history (eradication of several major diseases)

Yeah we've done all those things in the 60s. We can't keep riding that high forever.

Anonymous No. 16224469

Lots of rules and regulations. Probably why it's so much easier to build cool shit in Dubai like the world's tallest building

Anonymous No. 16224472

The new Chinese

Anonymous No. 16224477

The machines that make the semidconducters on the pic in the right come from europe.

Mods should just do their fucking job and delete these bait threads.

Anonymous No. 16224493

We're still making incredible discoveries. Fusion energy is just around the corner, MrNA vaccines could prove to be revolutionary for cancer treatment, and once Starship is fully operational. large-scale space exploration will become feasible.

Anonymous No. 16224506

Exquisite Bait, but the "around the corner" part is too on the nose

Anonymous No. 16224525

Left: a cheap and efficient method to solve problems many people deal multiple times a day.
Right: a niche computer chip purpose-built to help Jews keep their concentrated hold on competitive AI.

Anonymous No. 16224571

>identifying with retards who can't use bottle caps over people with the skill and resources to use cutting edge computing power
Peak slave morality post. Fortunately it indicates that your opinion doesn't matter.

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Anonymous No. 16224593


>flies safely in your path

Anonymous No. 16224602

Perfect plane build for a age where they dont need it anymore.

Anonymous No. 16224634

>muh ASML is a european company
no you dumbfuck. ASML tech has a fuck ton of america technologies contributed to it. that's why the US holds such a big strangle on this company. go fucking read the history of silicon valley and asml. without america, you wouldn't have asml today.

Anonymous No. 16224703

yes your right, americans are responsble for every tech achievement ever, they just have their companies in nations with the highest wages and regulation in the world for fun.

Anonymous No. 16224709

ASML is an american company placed inside Europe. America have special ownership over ASML. that's why you see America can just order ASML around to sanction anyone Americans want, without needing any approval from European countries.
>muh European chip company
is a brainlet fantasy. your continent don't have shit and didn't contributed shit in the AI revolution.

Anonymous No. 16224720

>we are american company
>it's just that most of our employees are european
>but because it's reads american on paper every achievement this company makes is american!!!!
Next your going to say the internet is a american achievement too.

Anonymous No. 16224723

quite likely so for the semiconductor industry. the original silicon valley gang invented mostly what all chip companies base their tech on nowaday. except america, you only have china and russia that also contributed to the semiconductor industry. yuropoors didn't do shit and are just trying to take credit because an america company is placed inside europe for historical reasons.

🗑️ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16224724

All Americans are overweight and have weird b.o. plus they're educated cattle

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🗑️ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16224727

The Rican half white population pic related

You were had by England

Anonymous No. 16224733

If anything it's americans trying to steal the credit of asians while projecting their insecurities on europeans.
American ego's are fragile as fuck, they shit on how bad american is all the time but as soon as somebody else then a american says it they get defensive as fuck to the point that they start making retarded screeching noises.

Anonymous No. 16224742

Too many regulations, taxes are too high.

Anonymous No. 16226065

>be european
>accomplish nothing
>claim credit for american inventions in order to try and save face

Anonymous No. 16226069

its wild how a fat fuck like him performs better that those skinny athletic joggers

Anonymous No. 16226070

>America have special ownership over ASML
Israel have special ownership over America

Anonymous No. 16227255

>muh jewish domination over america
not an argument, tranny.

Anonymous No. 16228669

post nose

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Anonymous No. 16228736


Anonymous No. 16229788

that is what a scientist looks like

Anonymous No. 16229833

Europeans only have a monopoly over ASMR because they uniquely have a French/Italian accent

Anonymous No. 16230322

bump, see >>>/g/100930947 for crossboard discussion

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another plagiaris....jpg

Anonymous No. 16231379

>/g/ plagiarizing content from /sci/
this is what a /g/ poster looks like
show the children

Anonymous No. 16232891

I understand that reference

Anonymous No. 16233973

The Taiwanese guy was only included because they needed someone to deal with local politics and business issues manufacturing in Taiwan, he had nothing to do with the technology end of things

Anonymous No. 16234035

Where do chip companies get their chip making machines?

Anonymous No. 16234048

What's she saying?

Anonymous No. 16235100


Anonymous No. 16235114

The only thing Europe innovates in is regulations.

As government interference in a free market increases, innovation and prosperity drop.

This is why the world is getting worse; statist scum.

Anonymous No. 16235130

Don't forget Faraday and Maxim

Anonymous No. 16235149

blacks store their fat in the ass and thighs, it's called gynecoid distribution. They're not actually 5% fat

Anonymous No. 16235156

North Western Europe

Anonymous No. 16236060

>a fat fuck like him
Luka puts in the effort to carry that extra weight around because thats what makes him such a good rebounder. He wouldn't be able to out rebound the 7 footers at 6'7" 190lbs, but at 230 he can do it.

Anonymous No. 16236367

I agree. I went to college for Computer Science only after learning many practical programming languages and algorithms and having worked as a developer for years. I can tell that I would not have grasped most of the theoretical concepts had I not had extensive practical experience.

Anonymous No. 16237476

>gibes me dat muffuggin micruhfun wyt bitch

Anonymous No. 16238313


Anonymous No. 16239087

>European knockoffs of the Boeing 707

Anonymous No. 16239110

Jews killed all smart people.

Anonymous No. 16239397

>Blows you out through the door plug.
Nothing personel... passenger.

Anonymous No. 16239708

kek you're fucking retarded
the only reason the US has any power on ASML machines is due to retarded export control that can affect trades between two foreign countries because maybe at some point one part of it came from the US

case in point : use of radioactive material for lenses
it's not manufactured anymore in europe but burgers don't care about the health impact so they still do
any and all use of such glass coming from the US has to be approved on a case by case basis, meaning the primary application (defense) is a no-go

Anonymous No. 16239776

How is the best Europe can do after importing so many engineers?

Anonymous No. 16240565

Is it true that it uses some sort of irradiated material to produce the EUV?

Anonymous No. 16240580

I guess that's why they left you.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16240587

Do you think they will do anything else wherever you are? That's why they insist on loans abd foreign investments - they will look for retards and will shower them with money. Later when they take over (like in the west in the 60s and 80s) they will isolate and exterminate all the smart people. Thst's what "incels" are - they have a network of people, and male there is always some local capo who makes sure that the girls/women stay isolated from normal men, and try to force them to fuck with retards. Most women chose to stay childless instead.

Anonymous No. 16240590

Do you think they will do anything else wherever you are? That's why they insist on loans and foreign investments - they will look for retards and will shower them with money. Later when they take over (like in the west in the 60s and 80s) they will isolate and exterminate all the smart people. Thst's what "incels" are - they have a network of people, and make sure there is always some local capo who makes sure that the girls/women stay isolated from normal men, and try to force them to fuck with retards. Most women chose to stay childless instead.
Any tech they give you is either fake or stolen by mossad from somebody else.

Anonymous No. 16240599

EUV is tin droplet plasma

Image not available



Anonymous No. 16240643

Fuck you I want a Dominator.

Anonymous No. 16240660

I've been using the same USB-C cable since 2019 in disgusting conditions and it still works like brand new with no gunk. What kind of subhuman filth are you living in that results in that? Do your pores ooze lard?

Anonymous No. 16240721

Just one more generation bro, just €50 billion more, swear on Allah we will start paying for ourselves.

Anonymous No. 16240791

>if not for the china-taiwan split
If not for that, Taiwan would not have had the kind of incentive to build up their semiconductor industry, and it'd certainly be dominated by USA.

Anonymous No. 16240792

Systemic racism keeping the science men down.

Anonymous No. 16241277

>I've been using the same USB-C cable since 2019 in disgusting conditions and it still works like brand new with no gunk. What kind of subhuman filth are you living in that results in that?

I go through them in my bag that I take to work in construction. Out of all of the various electronic connectors going all the way back to the 1970's, USB-C is among the weakest and most finicky. Of course, the socialist retards in the EU mandated them. Of course.

Anonymous No. 16241455

kek, by the same logic, Microsoft and Google are Indian companies.

Anonymous No. 16241678


Anonymous No. 16242359

well if you put it that way... they're 100% funneling stolen industrial secrets back to pooland.
The dutch should do the same with photolithography stuff.

Anonymous No. 16242367

no they don't

Anonymous No. 16242383

this connected plastic cap is very usefull and comfortable.
i dont need to hold it anymore while drinking and i cant loose it anymore.
nice invention.

Anonymous No. 16243712

they're both globotrash

Anonymous No. 16245136

>what caused their era of productivity to come to a crashing halt?
They spend billions on trash like CERN these days without producing anything of any use or value.