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๐Ÿงต How does this work?

Anonymous No. 16203202

Biology student here, i kinda have a question cause i cant figure it out and neither can gpt. I like to browse weird fetish reddits to see what kind of shit redditors are into. Yesterday i discovered a degen subreddit all about shrinking ones penis and it has been a ride of seeing what redditors will do to themselves.

However i came across one comment, and only one on the entire internet that mentioned a method and I dont get how it works and neither does gpt.
It mentioned silicon scar removal cream as a "good way" to shrink ones dick, and i just dont get how that works (didnt even know scar removal cream existed). Seeing as i have scars on both my face, shoulders and one right above my penis, i'd like to know how this can damage stuff like the penis, both out of curiosity and wanting to remove my scars with consideration to be careful around my nether region. Any doctors or biologists that know how or why this does what it does in terms of damage and how safe other tissue is?

Anonymous No. 16203209

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16203221

What? Im kinda drunk and rambeling but just giving a short "how does this do x" seems pointless and weird, like im a fetishist asking. What a weird comment

Anonymous No. 16203223

you sure do seem to like talking about talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16203646


Anonymous No. 16203666

Stop drinking alcohol immediately and stop browsing Reddit. There is nothing there and the format of it encourages pornography use too. Never drink alcohol again. It is neurotoxic and will whittle you into a normie within 5 years or less, especially if used to the point of drunkenness. The scientific white man's drugs are stimulants and opiates. A low dose of a stimulant will encourage work. Morphine will relax you without taking reason away like alcohol and is not neurotoxic either.

The anti wrinkle shit works like glue, duh, which you could see if you had the misfortune of ever seeing a commercial for one. They aren't talking about systemic effects being channeled downward but direct application to the genitals. Probably are slathering it on and it constricts the expansion of superficial capillaries

Anonymous No. 16203679

Alcohol leaves no permanent damage unless you are an alcoholic, seeing as braincells are created all the time lol. That myth was debunked ages ago

Anonymous No. 16203695

Wrong. It is acutely toxic and the hangover experienced is a secondary toxicity. Neurons are not created all the time and this being offered as a counter to its toxicology is a retard pop sci take. You're just low IQ and only said all of this as a cope so you can go on coping with your shitty neurotoxic solvent.

Anonymous No. 16203753

.t pol retard cope

Anonymous No. 16203779

>That myth was debunked ages ago
Where should I look for info on this? How much counts as being 'alcoholic' (I know this naturally varies, but I'm assuming that health guidelines and the like are going to be stupidly conservative to discourage anything bad).

Anonymous No. 16203780

Alcoholics need alcohol

Anonymous No. 16203800

That is exactly the kind of non statement I'm complaining about. Like, if you drink enough to get physical withdrawal when you stop drinking, then yes that's likely a problem, and likewise someone who downs a bottle of vodka a day is clearly on their way to not even being able to get a liver transplant.

But how much can a given person reasonably drink and still not reach a point where they're unlikely to make a full recovery if they just stop drinking? I'm not expecting a definite or exact answer, but something like "X% of people can seem to drink X amount without fucking up their organs" would be something along the line of what I'm interested in. Like how much do people generally have to slosh themselves before they can't unfuck shit? How often do people 'accidentally' fuck their body because there aren't any overt signs they're harmed their brain or liver until it's too late, and how often, conversely do people damage themselves because they're just addicted and can't help to stop even if they know the signs they should are there?

Anonymous No. 16203864

anon is trolling you, ignore it