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๐Ÿงต NoFap

Anonymous No. 16203207

Are the benefits of it actually real or is it just bro science?
What scientific evidence is there to back it up or deny it?

Anonymous No. 16203210

social media isn't the place to get medical advice

Anonymous No. 16203214

Anon, in all honestly, I suspect it's nonsense.
Every other system in our bodies follows a use-it-or-lose-it conservation scheme. Refusing to lift anything anymore will not make your arms stronger. Refusing to solve math problem will not make your mind sharper.
Also, how would our bodies know the difference between masturbation and actual sex? Are we supposed to assume that men who make love to their wives every day are less masculine as a result than ones who can't attract a mate?

Anonymous No. 16203218

Thats what i was thinking, though could it be that being horned up all the time conditions you to be even hornier and that not getting that gratification puts your body in "attract mate mode" and gives you additional testosterone to compete against other males?
The nofappers said something about oxycotin coming only from sex and not masturbation.

Anonymous No. 16203251

I think there is something to it, no other animal in nature sits around fapping all day unless in captivity.

Anonymous No. 16203255

>unless in captivity
>unless having their food and water and shelter needs taken care of

Anonymous No. 16203273

>fapping for fun when "needs are taken care of" as you put it
it's mainly just apes that would do this,
apes are legit the most disgusting and shameless animals in the known universe.
as a species we should striver to be better in my opinion

Anonymous No. 16203275

meant for >>16203255

Anonymous No. 16203276

Be sure to no fap and sun your balls for max T.

Anonymous No. 16203291

multiline posting attention seeker, what do you think retard? do you think depleting yourself of the precious fluid it is a good idea? do you know what the refractory period is? are you so dense that you don't feel the fatigue set in right after? do you think draining yourself of blood is a good idea? have you never tested nofap to see the benefits for yourself? how you can reach such a question to begin with is mind boggling

Anonymous No. 16203355

>multiline posting attention seeker
Wtf does that mean? And why so hostile?

I have tried it and i noticed nlthing different except for that i was super horny all the time.
Why is it a precious fluid when it replenishes so quickly?
High blood pressure patients sometimes get their bloodlet, how would it compare?

Anonymous No. 16203379

>use it or lose it
Males of most species can go without copulation for years. It does not atrophy the gonads.

If you're an actual scientist you see the harm of both sex and masturbation. I for instance get little done if I am masturbating a few times a day and the mind is prone to distraction, sexual arousal, fatigue afterwards. The same applies to sex. There isn't anything gained from it. Simply the illusion of pleasure and one that is unsanitary. Being around a woman you've had sex with leads to erections. Erections mean hypofrontality and thinking about le sex.

Quite frankly, you're an idiot evidenced by how you write. You've reasoned poorly with simpleton analogizing. You view the body as a judge and view the mind like Decartes. And yes, men who make love to their wives daily are content to be dogs pleased with waging and getting nothing of importance done at home other than menial chores and distractions.

Anonymous No. 16203380

this is the only good medical advice

Anonymous No. 16203381

If you're doing it compulsively or habitually then yeah stopping is a good thing.
You're also likely to be consuming massive amounts of porn which is pretty harmful to the male brain.
This accounts for a huge amount of males, so yeah I'd say there are benefits.
What you're asking is no different from asking if there is any scientific evidence that quitting cocaine is a good thing.
We're supposed to earn our dopamine releases

Anonymous No. 16203402

>What you're asking is no different from asking if there is any scientific evidence that quitting cocaine is a good thing.

There isn't. Cocaine is stimulant and a weak one at that. It has a short half life and would provide wakefulness and prefrontal stimulation (exactly what is needed to avoid the mind being wasted on distractions that make le pee pee big). Most scientists from the 1880s to the 1920s were using it in low doses until other stimulants came along.

The only scientific reason not to use it is the cardiotoxicity and the difficulty in legal use through virtually any doctor refusing to rx it.

People addicted to it are really instead addicted to underlying behavioral maladapation while on the drug or have a preexisting mental deformity such as low IQ bringing impulse control (to which the stimulant may be treating). The former is to say they're not addicted to cocaine but rather addicted to drinking alcohol or fucking to which was paired with the drug and heightens these experiences for them.

Anonymous No. 16203457

NTA but the first two parts of your reddit spaced post were actually good and furthered the discussion
The third part is some r/atheism faggot shit that 14 year old bullying victims would say

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Anonymous No. 16203829

Fapping itself isn't harmful. If you have mutual masturbation or a handjob with a sexual partner, do you think it magically harms your brain or body? Like, your dick can tell a hand is touching it instead of a vagina and it sends self-destruct signals to your brain?
The harm can come from stuff associated with fapping. Do you grip too hard to the point of desensitizing yourself? Do you try to orgasm quickly because you live with your parents and you are trying to hide the act? Do you edge too long to the point of getting hemorrhoids (yes, it can happen, an intense boner for too long puts pressure on your anus)? Do your wrist starts to hurt because of an awkward angle you got used to? Do you need video pornography to get an erection? As a result of porn, did your brain get wired in such a way that you are aroused by irregular or impractical sex related acts (sugarcoated with the word "fetish")? Did porn "raise your standards" too high to the point of not feeling attraction to the average breeding age female? Does your fapping completely inhibit your desire to find a sexual partner?
Stop seeing everything in black and white. It isn't even a matter of shades of gray. Learn to separate issues instead of lumping unrelated stuff together.

Anonymous No. 16203853

The similarity with junk food should be obvious: you're not getting real nourishment so you're not getting real satisfaction. This leads to a cycle of falsehood replacing the real. This adds to our suffering. Reality is acknowledging that a man needs a woman. Instead, for more than a decade now social media have been dominated by angry middle aged men manipulating younger men into thinking all women are evil and the juice ain't worth the squeeze. That ideology has obviously failed because these men have never stopped paying attention to women. That makes them the ultimate cucks: forever standing on the sidelines commenting on what's happening but never being part of the happening like journalists wishing they were the football players on the field. Men have ruined more men than women.

Anonymous No. 16203855

All sexual activity, arousal and losses harm the male body. Just because it's a key aspect of human behavior doesn't make it immune to incurring a biological cost. All sexual arousal makes the totality of the brain go hypofrontal (aooooogaaah) to focus on le sex. Then once complete you have a release of various cytokines and prostaglandins that induce an inflammatory response. People think they can magically have their cake and eat it too.

Anonymous No. 16204391

If you know you're masturbating and not having sex, your body knows it too, as your brain is part of your body.

Nobody claims that the penis itself can understand what action it's participating in, even though you could even make that argument.

Anonymous No. 16204413

The only benefit is an increased chance of prostate cancer

Anonymous No. 16204507

>Males of most species can go without copulation for years. It does not atrophy the gonads.
Pretty much this. Didn't read the rest because of plebbit spacing.
>go back.

Anonymous No. 16205409

Pornography companies sperg out and say nofap is antisemitic, so as far as I'm concerned that proves nofap is good.

Anonymous No. 16205548

I firsthand know that there is benefit to NOT gooning. Do not edge. This shit gives you prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain. Do not masturbate multiple times a day, do try to masturbate every 2 days since that is more pleasurable. But if you have started, finish it through.

Also don't hold your urine. If you are in a car, stop wherever the fuck you are and take a piss on whatever needed. Don't fuck with pelvic sensitivity. This is there to save your life. If you ignore it and damage it, it will alert you to piss every single second, 24/7 for months or years.

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Anonymous No. 16205551

>Males of most species can go without copulation for years.
I'm pretty sure that nearly all mammalian species masturbate in one form or another.
So do you have a source to back your highly suspect claim, or are you just assuming every male creature is as big a loser as you are?

Anonymous No. 16205573

It's just dopamine you fucking lying Jew coomer.
It's the only reason anybody does anything

Anonymous No. 16205576

Imagine getting medical advice from doctors after covid revealed the truth about them.

Anonymous No. 16205767

Dopamine transmission in the prefrontal cortex strongly aids executive functioning, which is precisely what is needed to resist porn. Keep thinking dopamine is bad retard.

Anonymous No. 16205898

There are tastebuds on the penis.

Anonymous No. 16206317

You get depleted of certain vitamins and minerals when you splurt.

Anonymous No. 16206948

I believe whatever benefits it might have are irrelevant compared to the fact that once you jerk it off youre not wasting tons of time thinking about it.

Anonymous No. 16206959

I did 1 year nofap and didn't see any benefit. In contrast I was very horny and I was having wet dreams once per week. It is definitely better than being a coomer but conpared to an average once per week guy there's no benefit.

Anonymous No. 16206963

porn bad
maintenance good
Just use your imagination instead of frying your brain with a goon cave But no, you don't get superpowers not releasing. I did find that at around 30 days I was a lot more aggressive with risk.

Anonymous No. 16206965

>I did find that at around 30 days I was a lot more aggressive with risk.
That's a sign of your testosterone increasing.