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๐Ÿงต The High IQ Diet

Anonymous No. 16203225

What is your high IQ diet? For me, it is:
>Fresh vegetables (in particular, leafy greens such as spinach, chard, kale, arugula,
>collard greens, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, Swiss chard, turnip greens)
>Whole berries (not juice)
>Fish and seafood
>Healthy fats (e.g., extra virgin olive oil, avocados, whole eggs)
>Nuts and seeds
>Beans and other legumes
>Whole fruits (in addition to berries)
>Low sugar, low-fat dairy (e.g., plain yogurt, cottage cheese)
>Whole grains
>Fried food
>Pastries, sugary foods
>Processed foods
>Red meat (e.g., beef, lamb, pork, buffalo, duck)
>Red meat products (e.g., bacon)
>Whole-fat dairy high in saturated fat, such as cheese and butterI

Anonymous No. 16203229

for me I just eat whatever I crave at that given time, my logic is that my body knows better than me when it comes to what it may be depleted in so I just eat that.
however I do avoid foods high in sugar

Anonymous No. 16203232

can you explain your aversion to red meat?

Anonymous No. 16203236

op is indian

Anonymous No. 16203243

oats eggs cheese fruits

Anonymous No. 16203244

This but I'm okay with sugar and actively try to ignore my body's craving for semen.

Anonymous No. 16203261

I took a vitimin deficiency test and I had just about everything in good amounts. 4 things to watch out for to me are macros, micros, calories, and keeping sugar and fat in check. also, its good to eat things that are good for your gut like high fiber options. I also eat a lot of peanutbutter because nut eaters have less chances of strokes and that also takes care of my unsaturated fat stuff. the best peanutbutter is usually offbrand. "a choosy mom chooses jif" is total molarchy. jiff's only good thing is not being pan and also having a ton of emmulsifiers. get all natural peanutbutter that usually seperates. put it on bread, lightly toasted. whole wheat of course. I also sometimes bother to put honey on it, locally sources of course. on occasion I also eat oatmeal. oats are just good for you. fiber and omegas. light on the wallet.
I take multivitimins with minerals. nature's maid brand if that really matters.
in terms of fast food I will occasion eat it with family and friends because it is a social thing.

Anonymous No. 16203388

>sugar, salt and meat are le bad
WEF shill thread. I will NOT eat the bugs.

Anonymous No. 16203421

Sugar is for poor fags. Prefer honey, raisins, and sweet fresh fruits, not the corporate crap that only looks good but tastes awful.

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Anonymous No. 16203425

>sugar is le bad
>proceeds to list foods high in sugar that he prefers

Anonymous No. 16203430

pretty much the opposite of what you need to eat to be smart

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Anonymous No. 16204003

i eat almost nothing but fastfood and score high in online tests anyways
i don't really think what you eat matters that much No. 16205373

Veganism is the final redpill.

Anonymous No. 16205431

you mean not eating eggs and cheese is good? lol lmao!

Anonymous No. 16205483

Mediterranean diet, PERIOD. That's why Italy has produced the most important physicists and mathematicians of all time: Fermi, Peano, Calabi and Veneziano

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Anonymous No. 16205688

vegan diet has been proved to cause reduction in IQ

Anonymous No. 16205708

>vegan diet has been proved to cause reduction in IQ
Um, that's not quite what that says.
Not that I don't also hate vegans, because they're annoying as fuck, but a competent adult could probably maintain a vegan diet safely without deleterious effects.

Anonymous No. 16205721

whatever my mom or foreign wife makes me

Anonymous No. 16205946
