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Anonymous No. 16203389

If you had to kill yourself how would you do it

Anonymous No. 16203399


I'd like to know if the world is hollow, so i'd make an expedition to one of the poles

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Anonymous No. 16203400

Nitrogen asphyxiation.
Good to double or triple up on the redundancy because there's a slight chance you could end up mentally damaged but alive.
Several tanks with lab grade Nitrogen gas.
Several NIST certified regulators and hoses.
Good high quality tight fitting full face mask.
Triple redundant full body bags with pressure valves.
Hook it all up and make sure you are going to be in a pure Nitrogen environment for 1 hour.
Put signs on door warning people of the danger in the room, as it will also fill with nitrogen though not as bad. Maybe open some windows.

Anonymous No. 16203405

Didn't they use this for an experimental execution method in America and it turned out that it's by far not as painless as expected?

Anonymous No. 16203412

They probably used some bullshit "state approved" mixture at an improper flow rate.
Plus the prisoner was very combative may have held his breath or fake struggled to try to get it postponed again.

There are accounts of people immediately falling unconscious on entering a Nitrogen environment particularly in ship holds.

Anonymous No. 16203414

Pretend to have a IED attached to your body and attack a powerful jew. Their bodyguards are trained to kill you fast so you can't activate the device. Several direct hit to the heart: guaranteed fast death. Not like cops who spray bullets all over the place.

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Anonymous No. 16203419

Heroin/fentanyl overdose.
Before you do it, make sure you have given yourself all the opportinities and chances which could have created reasons for you to live and carry on.
Dont throw the towel yet.
If you feel like you have done everything thats in your power and nothing came out of it, well.. good night sweet prince.

Anonymous No. 16203432

NTA but would sitting in a bathtub with a vat of liquid nitrogen next to your feet work?

Anonymous No. 16203434

a bottle of sleeping pill and a locked door.
I heard it's the least painful way and you wouldn't even know.

Anonymous No. 16203446

No, oxygen is denser than nitrogen.

Might work but chance of not working is high.

Anonymous No. 16203447

The convict held his breath, that's why

Anonymous No. 16203466

intravenous chloral hydrate overdose

Anonymous No. 16203473

The chance of any singular method failing is too great to rely on it solely.
I would down an overdose of pills, set myself on fire, and then jump off a clif while I blast my brains out with a shotgun. Chance of survival, minimal.

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Anonymous No. 16203490

>take pain pills
>light self on fire
>grab shotgun
>forgot that shotguns are really long asl can't shoot self in head
>didn't notice the water at bottom of cliff
>decide not to kill self while falling
>water puts out fire
>pain pills allow you to swim to shore even with 3rd degree burns over 99.99% of body
>spend 5 years in rehab and skin grafting

Anonymous No. 16203495

Old age.

Anonymous No. 16203500


Anonymous No. 16203638

Suicide by volcano

Anonymous No. 16203656

Lmao, get a load of gramps here thinking red devils are still made and prescribed. Go eat your Werther's and relax grandpa and stop telling the youngins to kys just because the retirement home isn't treating you so kindly.

Anonymous No. 16203675

long drop hanging. I'd tie a noose around my neck, placing the knot under my chin. Then I would measure out the appropriate drop length. anchor the rope to a bridge and pencil dive off. Because of having bipolar 1, I've thought about this quite a bit. It seems like a reasonable method.

Anonymous No. 16203708

shoot myself into space while playing free bird

Anonymous No. 16203709

Exit bag is the only good option

Anonymous No. 16203745

Tie a long cheese cutting wire somewhere on my balcony and make a loop on the other end, pass my head through the loop and then superglue my hands on each sides of my head, so when I jump down the wire decapitates me and it looks like I pulled my own head off

Anonymous No. 16203755

>If you had to kill yourself how would you do it
hang out in /pol/

Anonymous No. 16203896

wander into my local police station waving a plastic gun around shouting "DEATH TO ALL PIGS!"

Anonymous No. 16203901

go to America on vacation

Anonymous No. 16203905

volunteer for Elon Musks Mission to Mars expedition