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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16203804

When I talk for too long (for example in a 1-on-1 meeting that takes over 10 minutes of continuous back and forth talking), I occasionally get a very brief "spasm" (no idea how to call it) where I blurt out a "blargh" (similar to the sound you make when you vomit) out of nowhere in the middle of a sentence and during it I get like a millisecond of a partial blackout (narrowing of my vision) and my mouth opens wide for that "blargh". I started getting this over a decade ago back in college. I never did any drugs and had no events that could cause me brain damage. The "blargh" is not too noticeable most of the time because I learned how to smooth it out and make it seem like a stutter, but sometimes it is quite noticeable. This isn't related to stress or anxiety, it could happen while talking to my grandma over a cup of tea.
Googling or GPTing this issue leads to unrelated dysphonia shit so I am asking here, what the fuck is this? I am only 34 years old, and this started at like 24.

Anonymous No. 16203812

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16203831

Stop replying with this to every thread. We get it, 4chan is a social media. Big brain take.

Anonymous No. 16203844

this is /adv/ material, not /sci/.