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Anonymous No. 16203849

>Biology = the study of living entities
>Geology = the study of natural earthen structure
>Ecology = the study of organisms and their environment
>Zoology = the study of animals

See a pattern here? It goes on like this until...

>Astrology = Batshit insane people who think that the position of the planet Jupiter is the reason why your favorite sports team lost.

When are scientists going to nut up and take back the word "astrology" and not cower behind "astronomy"?

Anonymous No. 16203856

Counterpoint: Rename the strictly empirical pursuits of knowledge in other fields
Economy FUCK

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Anonymous No. 16203865

>Economy FUCK

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Anonymous No. 16203887

>When are scientists going to nut up and take back the word "astrology" and not cower behind "astronomy"?
Yes, indeed. Is it too late though?
Astrology as currently used = astrodivination, astrofatalism

Anonymous No. 16203888

>Economy FUCK
lol, nice one

Anonymous No. 16203902

Ecology is the study of living beings and how they interact with their larger environment, from the root "eco" or "home/household" in Greek.
Economics should return to its mid-20th century name of "Econometrics", freeing up "economy" for what we now call "ecology"

Anonymous No. 16203906

I like this guy.

Anonymous No. 16203917

I believe that there is "something" to astrology, but not for the reasons astrology-believers think.
I think WHEN you are born in the seasonal cycles can have a big impact on you. We know that prenatal environment can have lifelong effects, as can the first 6-12 months of life after birth.
Consider two children in antiquity in a temperate region, one born in March and the other born in September. The child born in March is born just in time for spring and for food to become plentiful again. They are exposed to a wide variety of pollen and other plant allergens in their first few months of life, likely to give them a better immune response. The weather is likely to be fine, they are likely to be exposed to more sunshine and fewer respiratory pathogens.
The child born in September is born just as food begins to become constrained as the last harvests are made and many game species migrate away. They won't receive as much sun exposure, as winter sets in and the temperatures fall, they are likely to spend more time indoors and to be exposed to more respiratory pathogens.
Each child is going to receive a different proportion of foods based on what is available at the time of year that they are weaned.
It's absolutely conceivable that our ancestors noticed all kinds of correlations depending on "the sign" you were born under, even if the real relevance was the kind of lived environment that each sign was likely to indicate exposure to.

Anonymous No. 16204276

Predictive powers of astrology come from mapping human nature to an easily memorable mnemonic. It is significantly better than MBTI and other personality copes, with the exception of enneagrams - which is still worse in the large case though might be more powerful for the numerology types. It is archetypes applied to the mundane instead of great villainy and heroism.

Anonymous No. 16204285

You forgot
Cryptozoology, the only good field of study