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๐Ÿงต Wtf is his problem?

Anonymous No. 16204049

Anonymous No. 16204052


and its not a problem

Anonymous No. 16204070

doesn't have any; he solved all of 'em.

Anonymous No. 16204180


Anonymous No. 16204184

Born in a shithole country

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Anonymous No. 16204315

nah, he was just based and doesn't want to waste time in the bureaucratic cattle game of grant writing and teaching in the United States. you are a dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16204426

america = bad (even though their universities are what drives the fields of maths and physics)

Anonymous No. 16204463

He should be grateful he wasn't born 30 years earlier, otherwise he'd get drafted and killed in Ukraine thanks to some insecure faggot chilling in Kremlin.

Anonymous No. 16204469

Is that a recent photo? He looks similar to Kasparov here when you ingore the beard and hobo-look.

Anonymous No. 16204680

>drives the fields of maths and physics
lol, lmao even you retard. physics and math are mostly done by Europe. ameritards and chinkland are only good at faggotry tech scam like AI and crypto.

Anonymous No. 16204702

>30 years earlier
lol typo but it's true...

Anonymous No. 16204826

the russians already have established institutions for mathematics. he's just one of those easily frustrated savants who simply can't play the games people play, even in academia. if he learned to hold his ground he wouldn't be complaining about "dishonesty in mathematics", which is itself a laughable accusation, when you take the rest of the world into perspective.
Read Homo Academicus by Bourdieu.
Alternatively, there should be institutions where delicate flowers like Perelman are completely sheltered from le evils to the world.

Anonymous No. 16204828

*of the world

Anonymous No. 16204830

In an insane world the sane are called crazy

Anonymous No. 16204864

how the fuck is it weird that Perelman not wan to play the trannies game of chasing grants and publishing fake research in academia? what's wrong with not wanting to talk to or associate with the subhuman trash journalists? heck, he's even principled enough to refuse to receive the field medal unless someone he deemed contributed equally as him gets it too.
you fucking degenerate immoral cattles look at one of the greatest and most honorable man and wonder why he's not as filthy as you? fucking kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16204883

I see you're someone who's also easily frustrated, but an idiot one.
Having emotional resilience is a must for any proper adult. Perelman is a very talented man, but he simply abandoned everything because he's to fragile and socially inept to confront dishonest people. It's a shame. We get sad about it because, despite all of our cynicism, we enjoy seeing extraordinary people get their proper honors and laurels.
I also doubt he would have to chase grants and publish fake research, given his previous position.

Anonymous No. 16204884

take it easy big boy, everybody loves and respects Perelman,...they're just shitposting here

Anonymous No. 16205555

When you win at life, others can tell.
Still not sure how his antinatalism is going to pan out.

Anonymous No. 16205575


Anonymous No. 16205585

>Spend your life pondering things of absolutely no practical use to anyone
>Look like a smelly pile of shit because you have no practical skills
Many such cases

Anonymous No. 16205598

The US literally fucking hates mathematicians

Anonymous No. 16205624

Yeah it's totally that not the literal fraud

Anonymous No. 16205647

>the eternal seethe of burgers sitting around while brits and russians solve problems they can't

Anonymous No. 16205650

yah, he should sit around solving captchas on 4chins like you

Anonymous No. 16205654

>I'm pretty sure brits and russians walked on the moon.
I assume you're not some moon-conspiracy retard.

Anonymous No. 16205655

>I'm sure you're just as stupid and useless as I am.
NOBODY is as stupid and useless as you are.

Anonymous No. 16205657

>midwit oblivious to the math context of the thread

Anonymous No. 16205661

>There was no math in the moon landing.

Anonymous No. 16205662

struck a nerve.
you're not fooling anyone. all you've ever accomplished is dime-a-dozen contrarian chudposting on 4chins.

Anonymous No. 16205664

>midwit demoted to brainlet

Anonymous No. 16205666

Calm down. Go dilate your rancid axe wound.

Anonymous No. 16205670

>I am absolutely sure there was zero math involved in the moon landing!!!
I accept your concession.

Anonymous No. 16205674

Not him, but you have a low IQ if you still can't grok the whole "famous unsolved math problem" thing.

Anonymous No. 16205678

yep, struck a nerve with satan

Anonymous No. 16205679

>You have a low IQ if you don't value the same objectively useless shit I do.

Anonymous No. 16205683

It's not about the value of the problems. It's about your inability to reason analogically from a Wiles or a Perelman to an American. That points to a low IQ. Sorry, pal.

Anonymous No. 16205684

>I'm super gay for this guy and you have to want to suck his dick like I do!
And you're the one who blew a gasket over my post, so everyone here can see which one of us struck a nerve.

Anonymous No. 16205686

>It's not about the value of the problems.
So he's important because what he does has basically no value. Got it.

Anonymous No. 16205689

Incurable, I'm afraid. Even Paul (((Cohen))) was a closer match than NASA technologists and number crunchers:

Anonymous No. 16205691

>"I'm not seething" blog post

Anonymous No. 16205695

This is why homosexuality is a problem:
The OP basically hints at objective reality, which is a matter of how smart can this guy possibly be when he can't wrap his head around basic hygiene.
The retort is, "He's working on shit nobody else is bothering with!"
Yeah, that's because it's a waste of time for actual great minds, not because he's superior.
Call me when he finds a general solution to the Navier-Stokes Equations. THAT would be useful.
Until then, forgive me if I don't feel your boy-crush. Go meet him and ask him to cum in your ass instead of yelling at me for pointing out the obvious.

Anonymous No. 16205696

>Sick burn! I should have added "checkmate"!

Anonymous No. 16205702

I love psychopaths.

Anonymous No. 16206466

>The US literally fucking hates mathematicians

Yea thats why US financial companies and hedge funds like bridgewater, blackrock, 2sigma, jane street etc. pay mathematicians 7 figure salaries. Now tell me which other country pays mathematicians even remotely close to these salaries

Anonymous No. 16206470

BASED codemonkey pajeet goes on 4chan science board to brag about making shitty websites and apps

Anonymous No. 16207073

>just be a backstabbing niggerkike broooo
>whaaat? You can't even play the academia game bro?
Very American thing of you to say. Not sure if you are a naturalborn jewish citizen of the muttland, or you just picked up their thought process

Anonymous No. 16207141

He does kind of have a point.