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Anonymous No. 16204072

btw these large scary math symbols are just for-loops

Anonymous No. 16204087

> t. Low IQ CSmonkey

Anonymous No. 16204101

You know that numbers other than integers exist right?

Anonymous No. 16204177

Yeah, there's also floats

Anonymous No. 16204226

You will never be a real number. Your finite precision is a crude mockery of nature's infinitude.

Anonymous No. 16204234

So, you're going to do multiplication by a float as a for loop somehow?

Anonymous No. 16204299

Why not? Just adjust the increment for each decimal place.

Anonymous No. 16204316

Wrong. There are only unsigned integers, everything else are social constructs. We will pass a law to punish anyone who says otherwise as white supremacists.

Anonymous No. 16204475

Absolutely based.

I guess you can on some level do "bitwise distribution" and separate the mantissa into individual integers. That's a pretty dumb way to do multiplication though.

Anonymous No. 16204476

Yeah and good computational mathematicians go between both in their head? What's your point? Programming and computers were made for and by mathematicians to *gasp* do math.

Sorry that the trannies abuse it to make websites or whatever useless shit they do nowadays.

Anonymous No. 16204478

Oops, the second reply was meant for >>16204299

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Anonymous No. 16204508

It's a response to pic related.

Anonymous No. 16204548

but abob, why does [1]x[-1] = [0]?

Anonymous No. 16204719

>a pretty dumb way to do multiplication though
How do you think computers do multiplication? Could you design a circuit that would multiply two values? Consider how that works without cheating and using analog circuits.

Anonymous No. 16204754

by shift-add, or carry through circuits, or wallace trees etc.

Anonymous No. 16204901

Sounds like for loops without the abstraction.

Anonymous No. 16204951

>prod = prod + a

Anonymous No. 16204954

Because the square root of 1 is 0, so it reduces to 1x0x0x1 which cancels out to 0.

Anonymous No. 16204959

Math you can't compile and run has a name: Schizophrenia.

Anonymous No. 16204975

this makes it way easier to understand than some nocoder symbols, thanks

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Anonymous No. 16205012


Anonymous No. 16205071

A for-loop is not always going to be equivalent to a sum operation. Consider infinite convergent sums.
The whole "n operation is just repeated n-1 operation" thing only works for natural numbers too. It breaks for real or rational numbers, for example.
I'm not saying these definitions aren't helpful, they definitely are, but context matters in math.

Anonymous No. 16205134

>or whatever useless shit they do nowadays
They make frameworks on top of frameworks on top of frameworks and bully people that do not use their library, and the bully people who do use their library if they're not queer enough.

The open sores world is fucking cancer. At least with Microsoft you know what you're dealing with.

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Anonymous No. 16205190


Anonymous No. 16205217

actually they're cauchy operators
get raped faggot

Anonymous No. 16205476

For-loops tell you the "order" of bitwise register operations. They don't actually perform the operation.

If you want to know how actual mathematical computation happens you're probably better of looking at a numerical analysis textbook than some computer science/programming nonsense. General computer scientists are pretty good at the "algorithms" part of scientific computing but have absolutely no clue how the mathematics works out.

Anonymous No. 16205577

Mathematicians engage in a phrase that I literally just invented called "esotericization". The act of intentional obsufucation to create the appearance of something being more complicated than it really is.

Anonymous No. 16205579

>btw these large scary math symbols are just for-loops
Help! I used 3.25 for b and everything went horribly wrong!

Anonymous No. 16205580

They're not, those operations are just recursion you retarded code monkey.