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Anonymous No. 16204369

I'm worried I'll eventually give myself a heart condition or death sentence if I drink too much. Last night I went through a bottle of wine and 10 small beers (2.8%), gave myself tachycardia in the process all night long. This happens and I know this happens and it has been happening quite recently, on top of all that I've been told to quit by a cardiologist (even doe she told me I was healthy myself) but I don't know how to finally up and quit it. Suggestions, /med/?

Anonymous No. 16204384

Alcohol literally turns you into a tranny. That should be reason enough to stop it.

Anonymous No. 16204537

Why do you even drink? (I mean this not as an accusation)
I mean, is it fun? If you actually disliked drinking in the moment, you wouldn't do it, so where is the fun in it?

Anonymous No. 16204544

Really how you people drink that much.
After 2 glasses of wine im ready for bed can't keep my eyes open.

Anonymous No. 16204561

Do not end alcohol use abruptly, it'll make you crave it even more. Gradually decrease the daily/weekly intake. For example, decrease by 25-50% every week. At the same time, find a "healthier addiction", like gym or running. It'll feel bad initially, but then you start to get those endorphines.

Anonymous No. 16204808

You will never be a real scientist. You have no prefrontal cortext, you have no pons, you have no reticular activating system. You are a lobeless smooth brain eroded by alcohol and weed.

All the “cognition” you get is too slow and half-wired. Behind your back processes mock you. Your actions potentials are disgusted and ashamed of you, your internal “I” laughs at your ghoulish stupor behind the subconscious.

Scientists are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed scientists to sniff out charlatans with incredible efficiency. Even casual drinkers who “speak” sound uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your demyelination is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a degree conferred to you, your betters will turn tail and bolt the second they get a poorly produced product of your diseased, infected brain.

Eventually, it'll be too much to bear. You'll buy bulk malt liquor, pour it overboard, slowly goose step across into Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Your PCP and psychiatrist will find you missing from your homelessness, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have you as a patient, and the unbearable shame and disappointment that follows suit. They'll send a short letter to the authorities with your liver failure induced death certificate attached. Your brain cells will be eaten by bugs, and all that will remain of your legacy is are 70,000 Reddit posts and a news segment of an alcohol related embarrassment. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Anonymous No. 16204906

Alcohol is a very shitty high but alot of people end up as lifelong alcoholics because the drink grabs a hold of them slowly. After that it's a physiological addiction and quitting is then like tearing a part of your physical body off.
It's weird but the best thing is to never have any periods of frequent significant drinking where you risk developing addiction. Don't know why we don't explain this to kids.