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🧵 Medical discovery

Anonymous No. 16204525

How exactly do I go about reporting what could be a genuine medical breakthrough? I live in the UK, the thing I have discovered could be considered controversial, but it could help a lot of people. I have tried to find where I could report this to, but I just can't find anything. Does anyone have any idea what I need to do or who I need to talk to?

Anonymous No. 16204771

Talk to me boyo.

Garrote No. 16204795

Maybe an university.

Anonymous No. 16204802

Genuine question: Does it involve dicks in some capacity?

Anonymous No. 16204814

No, it doesn't. But people who like gay sex like this drug.

Anonymous No. 16204823

This discovery could help people with chronic constipation, ibs, hemorrhoids, piles, crohns, women who can't poo after giving birth. Honestly, this could change the game for tricky shits forever, nobody with bowel issues would have to suffer whilst pooping again.

Anonymous No. 16204831

In my case I had to take codeine and got so constipated I couldn't psychologically bring myself to shit, but this drug caused the poo to fall out. It should have been my worst poo in years, but it was easy and not painful at all due to the drug I just tried while pooping. This drug is legal, but usually recreational.

Anonymous No. 16204852

Talk about it here or on youtube

Anonymous No. 16204875

We already have laxatives, anon.

Anonymous No. 16204882

I have had serious bowel issues since birth, I've even been on laxatives the whole time I've been on codeine and they aren't enough. This discovery is going to change my whole life, I've already got one other person to try it, and they agreed that it's a revelation. I don't even care about money, I just want all people who struggle to poo to know that there is relief, and it's cheap. It's just not legal in every country.

Anonymous No. 16204886

This could be worth a try

This is the route I may have to go if nobody will take me seriously

Anonymous No. 16204941

>nobody will take me seriously
You are posting this shit on fucking 4chan over and over again instead of spending 30 seconds looking for academic email addresses on google.
There's a very good reason people aren't taking you seriously you dumb fucking piece of shit

Anonymous No. 16204944

Does it make women produce more poo? This will revolutionize the scat fetish industry.

Anonymous No. 16204965

No, if I told you what I was talking about and the reason I discovered this treatment, you would understand that reporting it to the correct people without me facing personal consequences is actually pretty difficult. I'm not doxxing myself, I can't use my name to discuss this, I searched how I could report this finding and couldn't find anything relevant. I'm not involved in the medical field, I'm not an academic, I'm just a person who has made a genuine, yet difficult to discuss medical solution. So, seeing as I thought the people on this board would know more about this than me I thought it worth asking.

It only does if they're already constipated, I just went 4 days without a shit so there was a crazy amount. All you'd need is to feed a woman crap loads of fiber, make her take this drug, and she'd literally shit buckets. I once went almost 3 months without a proper shit, so for fetish purposes you could probably take this pretty far without killing the woman. And you'd be able to fuck her comfortably anally straight after as she would have suffered no pain passing all that crap.

Anonymous No. 16204972

Does it change the smell or taste of the poo?

Anonymous No. 16205002

No, it doesn't alter the smell or taste of shit, I mean I didn't taste it, but it would be impossible for this substance to alter the quality of the poo.

Anonymous No. 16205052

report it here:

Anonymous No. 16205090

Are you retarded? Do you really not believe that people can discover new uses for preexisting substances?

Anonymous No. 16205093

Don't listen to this >>16204941 undergrad. You should put that on YouTube/reels/whatever zucc and Google. But you might have better luck posting it in tiktok to be honest. Don't bother with academic emails and whatnots that undergrad is talking about. Putting your ideas in academic field is a very strong battle and your odds are against it. Im an academic researcher and I have to spend months on putting my paper out.

Anonymous No. 16205113

On the off chance that it's genuine, either you get screwed over the royalties to it or you end up dead in a ditch
Welcome to 2024

Anonymous No. 16205132

Thank you for your perspective, I'll just try get the word out myself then.

I don't want, or intend to profit at least, this is a cheap product that almost anyone can get their hands on. I just want other people to not suffer anymore.

Anonymous No. 16205136

>this is a cheap product that almost anyone can get their hands on
In that case you will soon encounter a "groundbreaking study" that says it causes cancer in such and such and the FDA will rapidly ban it

Anonymous No. 16205145

That would be devastating to be honest. I've been in pain for so long, it's been nearly 30 years of suffering, and I know there are so many other people out there suffering. I just want to help people, but I worry you're right.

Anonymous No. 16205150

To add insult into injury, the pharma industry will afterwards discover and release a patentable analogue of your proposed medicine, but with a 1000x markup. Desperate people will flock towards the medicine and buy it en masse even going into poverty over it. The pharma will be hailed as heroes, which will enable them to get away with this behavior more easily in the future.

Anonymous No. 16205166

Is there any way at all to combat this? This drug could change the lives of people with so many different conditions, I'm actually shocked nobody has figured this out yet. I'm only not naming the drug right now because I would like to do this right and I only discovered its use in this capacity about 3 hours before I started this thread. I don't care about getting credit or money, I only care about helping other people, but I need to make sure I go about it in the right way.

Anonymous No. 16205175

FWIW I have a relative that could benefit from such a treatment. Send it to my burner mail at [email protected] and I'll see if I can do anything about it.

Anonymous No. 16205178

The substance is milk and OP is lactose intolerant

Anonymous No. 16205189

How do I know you're not big pharma?

It's not milk, but it would probably help people with lactose intolerance too. If you've ever had a poo so big it hurts, or so explosive it burns, this drug will help. There probably isn't a person alive who couldn't use this on at least one poo. And after using it once I'm never going to shit without it again.

Anonymous No. 16205191

>How do I know you're not big pharma?
You don't. You're gonna be asking this question every single time you share this either way however.

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Anonymous No. 16205248

>hurr durr I just want to help people but no I won't say how my revolutionary discovery works

Anonymous No. 16205292

You raise an excellent point.

I'm not even saying I won't post it in this thread, but I don't really want to post it and then have some random anon put out a video on how it works before I get chance. My whole life I've wanted to make one useful discovery, I did, I think I'm well within my rights to try figure out the most reasonable way to get this information out without some random dick stealing it from me and then using it to boost their own name and ego. Yes, I will always know I was the one to figure it out, but anyone could steal my idea and profit from it here. I don't want to profit, and so if I want this done right I'm doing it myself.

Anonymous No. 16205298

First of all remember that this place itself isn't "safe". There are glowniggers aplenty, and pharma shills in great numbers too. A day doesn't pass that a shill doesn't interact with me.

Anonymous No. 16205305

The burner mail can't be accessed right now. Spooky. Refrain from mailing it in the meantime.

Anonymous No. 16205403

>rambles nonstop with excuses why he won't just say what it is he thinks everybody needs to know
kys honestly

Anonymous No. 16205784

Sooooo…poppers? Kek.

Anonymous No. 16205795

>feels entitled to valuable information

Honestly, kys. I've been on this site for years and so many of you are entitled as fuck. You don't have a right to this information, I didn't come here to tell people what I discovered, I came here to ask how to get the information out in the correct way. At no point in the OP did I claim I was going to tell everyone what I discovered, I have found something useful, and very recently, I'm allowed to figure out what the best way to get this info out there is.

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Anonymous No. 16205797


Anonymous No. 16205813

yo i have a lot of similar issues, what is it op
i have daily chronic issues

ive been around hard drugs u can give me a hint

Anonymous No. 16205825

Propose it to a researcher at a university hospital
They will make a study whether its good or not
they publish the shit in a journal
it gets talked about.

Anonymous No. 16205957

It is poppers like another anon said, if anyone guessed based on the hints I gave I was happy to share. I've used them for fun when I was younger, but I've recently had an operation that makes it almost impossible to poo, but if I don't poo I'm in so much pain. Since this operation I've been too afraid to poo, so sometimes I've been going 4-5 days without a shit, which means when I finally have gone it's been more painful than I can bear. No laxatives have helped me, so I wished to God for a drug that would relax my bumhole enough to go. Then I remembered that that's what poppers do, I just so happened to have a bottle in the house, so I tried them on the toilet, I didn't even have to fully inhale and the poo just fell out. It was actually like a miracle, since I had that operation I've been in so much pain pooing that I've been avoiding it altogether. I'm never going to do a poo without poppers again, they do all the work for you. My piles didn't even get hurt because the shit just fell out, so now I won't have to be constipated ever again. I got my friend to try it as well and he couldn't believe how easy it made a toilet trip. I cannot overstate how good poppers are for pooing, I would call them poopers from now on lol.

Anonymous No. 16205971

Progress update: just did my second shit with poppers, no pushing, no piles activation, no pain. I've never in my life had a drug so helpful for painful poo issues.

Anonymous No. 16206050

Every time you post about giving an OP a chance, they virtually always turn out to be lying or a retard, as was the case here.

Anonymous No. 16206059

Are you actually retarded? I gave the answer, it works. Do you have no reading comprehension? It is known im the gay community that poppers relax the anus, so it would follow that it also relaxes a shit out. I've now managed multiple shits due to poppers, so maybe you need to stop being such a faggot. Honestly, I thought /sci/ was meant to be smart, but some of you are dumber than /x/.

Anonymous No. 16206078

OP is a faggot, the thread, diapers are for the other queers edition.