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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204887

What did you study in college? Did it help you get a job?
I studied Mechanical Engineering. No job so far.

Anonymous No. 16204895

Some of those things are real

Anonymous No. 16204918

Physics. I think it did in a way. People think I'm smart, so they hire me even though the job is unrelated to my degree.

Anonymous No. 16204932

All those women will have better paid jobs than you, and never experience any career difficulty whatsoever.

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NYU Undergrad Cos....jpg

Anonymous No. 16204938

NYU costs almost $100,000 per year. These are the people demanding you pay off their student loans for them because there's no way they're paying off $400,000 with the jobs they can get with those degrees.

Anonymous No. 16204945

Don't you see that their college/uni offers them those degrees so they can milk money out of them, and transfer that money to hard sciences

Anonymous No. 16204957

They are initiated into the lefitst cult that has completed the march through the institutions and will make sure they get a diversity consultant job for 200k a year, and it's easier for government&corporations to accommodate them than to have an army of unemployed activists stirring shit up.
Good luck with your belief that it's competence that matters in the business world, the age of men is over, the time of the nigger troon has come.

Anonymous No. 16205021

This guy gets it. Let it burn, says I.

Anonymous No. 16205026

Believe what you will. My field is male-dominated and I can make sexist jokes with my professor. European uni btw

Anonymous No. 16205044

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16205046

I am not asking for advice though just asking what lads majored in. Hope that's okay hon. xoxo

Anonymous No. 16205068

>European uni btw
They take a while to adopt american trends due to inertia, but when they inevitably do it's decreed from above and doesn't even cause debate and grassroots opposition like in Murica. Have fun joking around with your boomer professor while it lasts.

Anonymous No. 16205154

B.S and M.S in math. No, I live with my parents now doing a Ph.D (math). I'm just living on monk mode until roping and coping I guess. At least I'm having fun I guess.

Anonymous No. 16205160

>helping American students
>not on my watch, that money should go to Israel!
kys boomer
Israel demands your $1000 donation and demands you send trillions of more dollars

Anonymous No. 16205200

Theology is also "real".

Anonymous No. 16205208

wtf are you me?

Anonymous No. 16205290

Medicine, and yes, obviously. Imagine an MD not having a job.

Anonymous No. 16205306

This is /sci/ not /b/. Everyone here knows what a false dichotomy is.

Anonymous No. 16205307

I didn't go to college. I've been employed for the last 15 years.

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Anonymous No. 16205359


Anonymous No. 16205371

That's like twice what I used to start a small business with a yearly revenue of like $600,000. This is the dumbest possible way to use debt

Anonymous No. 16205404

>Israel demands your $1000 donation and demands you send trillions of more dollars
Fuck it, I'm learning Hebrew

Anonymous No. 16205414

>What did you study in college?
Physics and applied math
>Did it help you get a job?
Yes, eventually. After my 3rd or 4th job out of college I got a higher paying job that required a stem degree. I've never solved a differential equation for work but I do get paid enough to get out of bed.

Anonymous No. 16205420

Learn Hebrew so you can understand their last words before you turn the valve open