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Anonymous No. 16205276

Jesus Christ…

Anonymous No. 16205284

Negroes say the darnedest things.

Anonymous No. 16205303

What does he think about 2*1?

Anonymous No. 16205309

It seems the way Terrence reasons is like so:

one thing (1 set of some number of elements) x another thing (1 set of 1 element) = 2 things being multiplied.

Therefore, he answers a question which isn't the correct way to iterpret the arithmetic expression "1x1":
>how many things are being multiplied?

But that's not how arithmetic works. Arithmetic, in particular when expressed as multiplication of sets of elements, answers the following question instead:
>how many total set elements are there once a certain number of equal sets are added together?
(counting, the basic function of arithmetic)

Terrence's playing with words, basically. He is smart indeed, but not how you think he is.

Anonymous No. 16205311

>another black soience man
now we have a duo so Neil Grass Tyrone won't have to kiss himself in the mirror anymore. they can just makeout with each other.

Anonymous No. 16205317

he is the epitome of /x/
he just makes random stuff up in the hopes it makes sense to other people for attention

Anonymous No. 16205350

> He is smart indeed, but not how you think he is.
His IQ is on the imaginary axis of the complex number plane.

Anonymous No. 16205366

>He is smart indeed
He definitely is not. If his jargon sounds compelling it's just because you're retarded

Anonymous No. 16205370

joe rogan fell for it

Anonymous No. 16205396

>He is smart indeed

Anonymous No. 16205397

>joe rogan fell for it
Joe Rogan will nod along with anything his guests say unless they suggest smoking weed is bad

Anonymous No. 16205407

You take one apple one time. How many apples is that equal to? Why to you need to make everything so convoluted and not frame the math so that even a first grader could understand.

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Anonymous No. 16205411

so aliens came down to ancient mesopotamia and limited human achievement by giving them a wrong multiplication table?

Anonymous No. 16205415

Probably 3 since he seems to equate multiplying to adding

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Anonymous No. 16205462

>He is smart indeed, but not how you think he is.
He's what Charlie Murphy called "functionally retarded". He's every bit as insightful as a person with Down's Syndrome, but a Downie doesn't waste half an hour of your time explaining their bullshit. Or get Joe Rogan to agree with them on a number of points.

Anonymous No. 16205499

>have an apple
>multiply it by one unit of time
>now the apple is rotten and has worms
The jews want us to believe the apple is still exactly the same and we should pay full price for it. Terry is redrilled on the jews. If you disagree with him you're a greedy jew yourself. Things in nature never stay the same. There's always change. Terry is into something when he asks what happened to the other 1.

Anonymous No. 16205569

Purely finitary reasoning, Wildberger would be proud!

Anonymous No. 16205607

>proof by mesopotamian civilization

Anonymous No. 16205612

I think they like to be called scientists these days
arithmetic is a binary operator therefore it is trivial to know that under our standard arithmetic
|x| = 2
>multiplication of sets of elements
what the fuck did you just fucking say you fucking piece of shit set theorist?
you deserve to fucking die
I pray your mother strangles you in your sleep after she realizes not aborting you was an affront to everything sacred.
I hope she shit a greasy diarrhea in your corpse mouth afterwards you fucking gay prostitute.

Anonymous No. 16205692

He's trolling right?
I mean in many ways he's benefiting from it just by having people report on it and talk about it.

Anonymous No. 16205877

>Some call them the Annunaki

Anonymous No. 16206966

>twitter screenshot thread

Anonymous No. 16207339


Anonymous No. 16208532

>the anunnaki sky people are a pillar of finitary reasoning
you know, that explains a few things

Anonymous No. 16208535

in this house its customary to use + for sums, although some hebrews prefer ﬩ instead

Anonymous No. 16208540

that is where he "published" his "proof"
no, he's mentally ill

Anonymous No. 16209633

smart in the sense that he uses tricks to mislead you, so that he gets attention for himself.