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๐Ÿงต Atomic orbitals

Anonymous No. 16205601

According to science, this is what atoms look like. We can't see these orbitals or observe them directly because they are technically "probability clouds" but they are predicted by quantum mechanics. This is science.

Anonymous No. 16205635

consider an oscillator like a pendulum and I had to guess where it was and I knew it's initial condition but not the time and I can't look at it cause that's cheating
well then a pendulum actually looks like a probability cloud then

Anonymous No. 16205651

>well then a pendulum actually looks like a probability cloud then
but the pendulum is actually a wave with no definitive beginning or end, so its actually spread out along the path, no?

Anonymous No. 16205658

>According to science, this is what atoms look like.
Yeah, but what do they sound like?

Anonymous No. 16205659


Anonymous No. 16205668

Exactly like this

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Anonymous No. 16205675

>We can't see these orbitals or observe them directly

Says who?

Anonymous No. 16205714

Fuck me, it's like the black hole shit all over again

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Anonymous No. 16205725

If we could enlarge a proton to the size of say an apple, what would it taste like? Obviously neutrons would taste nothing. But pretty sure protons wouldn't be so neutral.

Anonymous No. 16206140

In what sense?

Anonymous No. 16206179

Nothing, because there would be no particles to interact with your taste buds

Anonymous No. 16206188

no need to enlarge them

Anonymous No. 16206189

I hope these posts are satire based on the fact that an atom looking like anything doesn't really make sense.

Anonymous No. 16206212

The flavor is in the neutrons. That's why 2 glasses of water can taste different, they are both H2O but one has different amount of neutrons

Anonymous No. 16206249

Water with more neutrons than usual is HDO, not H2O.

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Anonymous No. 16206733

Electricians call them "Fields", not that words explain shit or anything.
>But how does it "oscillate"
>wave of what?
>the shortened word for "atomize/Atomism" doesn't imply it's specific/particular
>an atom
I hope your post is the only satirical one so far.
>The only poster with a brain
>In the sense that we literally observed/used everything else other than "it" to prove "it" based on what it isn't/doesn't do
Oh, Dark matter too. Ah yes and basically every other "particle" you can put a name to other than maybe a proton. All have absolutely 0 empirical evidence. It is why they still call them "theories", anon.

Anonymous No. 16206826

they're predicted by classical mechanics, they just move so fast and have so many outside forces acting on them they appear in diffused locations, your detectors cant sensor single location because they're too slow

Anonymous No. 16206831

there is only 1 (one) electron

Anonymous No. 16206892

And I hope you die you stupid fucking retard. You have so much autism your brain is falling out of your ears. Eat shit.

Anonymous No. 16206923

Protons taste sour.
And electrons neutralize it.
So electrons must be sweet.

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Anonymous No. 16207002

>your brain is falling out of your ears
And the lack of yours could be mistaken for evidence for any of the theories I accurately described.
>Eat shit.
Keep feasting on famine.

Anonymous No. 16207799

>this is what atoms look like.
>We can't see these orbitals or observe them directly
because your premise is false

Anonymous No. 16207805

>this is what
> atoms look like
No. That is what mathematics predicts where we are most likely to detect an electron around the nucleus, not what they "look" like.