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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205638

With the amount of damage done getting this stuff declassified is just about the only way to un fuck everything.

Sage No. 16205645


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16205648

We already have the means to travel among the stars, that's why the SR-71 leaks fuel so badly and was retired because it is outdated and the F-117 was shot down by a 1960s missile technology

Anonymous No. 16205663

He sounds like he's talking out of his ass.

Anonymous No. 16205667

You can't realistically declassify it right now because it's closely linked to advanced weapons technology that would upset the relative stability of the post-1945 era.
If you know, you know.

Anonymous No. 16205672

you just need to pray to jeebus

Anonymous No. 16205676

>and the F-117 was shot down by a 1960s missile technology
and that was in the 1990s
imagine how much less effective the current military regime is now with DEI clowns running the show

Anonymous No. 16205680

sounds like boomer rambling

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Anonymous No. 16205697

He never said that, schizo.

Anonymous No. 16205700

Yeah it was my plan

As brilliant at it sounded required popular support

Anonymous No. 16205738

yeah after it flew a predictable course and had it's bomb doors open and one of the missles fired didn't hit at all and he missile that did hit didn't actually hit it was indirect which caused the plane to crash

Anonymous No. 16205865

It's completely retarded to keep military technology secret. It's how you get a massive war, because both sides think that their BFG 8001 makes them win in no time.

Anonymous No. 16206019

>With the amount of damage done getting this stuff declassified is just about the only way to un fuck everything.

Anonymous No. 16206020

>that's why the SR-71 leaks fuel so badly
It DRIPPED fuel, because it had thermal expansion joints that only close when the jet was hot. There wasn't fuel pouring out of it, and it wasn't because it's poorly made.

Anonymous No. 16206075

who gives a shit about those craft? They're all for show anyway to make people think that they're the top of the tech hierarchy. The classified stuff is far more dangerous and is not even remotely close to some dumb ass fighter jet in terms of danger.
can't declassify it because if humans knew what it was and how it worked on a wide scale then that puts the entire planet at risk whenever some random joe-shmoe civilian motherfucker decides he hates humanity and decides to destroy the planet
Whatever conventional weapons people develop are useless. Even nukes are completely fucking useless. There is no arms race. Once you have the tech you become a god. The soviet's had the tech since at least 1978. The USA is leading in this space. There's a couple of other countries that have the tech. The only reason they're not destroying each other is because nobody knows about this stuff and the people that have access seem to actually not want to destroy the planet, regardless of whatever international bullshit politics is going on. Conventional warfare at this point is literally just a scam to funnel more money into the military industrial complex and as a form of theater. The more that they can convince you that you need to go die in Ukraine, the more money they get to fund more tech that will ultimately never see the light of day.

Anonymous No. 16206081

so much fuel on the runway that it had to be aerially refueled right after takeoff.

Anonymous No. 16206084

Let me also say, that this is similar in terms of nukes, but that once you have this godlike power, there is no possibility of someone to counteract your attack, even if they also have the same tech. Currently, right now, the USA has the ability to completely obliterate any nation in the planet in the blink of an eye without any possibility of retaliation of any kind. I think Russia also has this capability, but I'm not certain. The USA has had this capability for decades. They also have the ability to destroy the entire planet if they wanted to. As in, destroy the entire formation, not just everything on it. They could completely evaporate Earth.

Anonymous No. 16206090

If it leaked, and it did, why not put 1/4 tank on runway, take off, get hot, then top it off????

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Anonymous No. 16206092

It dripped very little fuel, pic related is the allowable drips per minute. The popular conception would have gallons of fuel pouring out of the plane rapidly draining the tanks, but that just isn't true.

It was refueled after takeoff because if you go through all the trouble to make such an expensive high performance jet as that, it only makes sense to put as much fuel into it as you possibly can. Replacing the fuel burned during take-off is common sense.

Anonymous No. 16206096

What are you talking about?

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Anonymous No. 16206098

for comparison, the plane held 12,000 gallons of fuel, nearly 50,000 liters. The drips were an inconsequential drain on the tanks.

Anonymous No. 16206105

The only mechanism they could have to destroy the earth would be some sympathetic earthquake machine and that would definitely stop functioning correctly because Earth acoustics would change when breaking apart. Maybe they could steer an asteroid into the Earth.
We do not have anything to significantly alter the Earth.

Anonymous No. 16206107

>vaporizing earth
take meds

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Anonymous No. 16206222

Are you talking about this, anon?
>Pic related
Pretty sure he's talking about Le Dugway Zapper, which (((allegedly))) uses a polariton driven gamma ray laser to exceed the critical field limit in order to generate a collimated beam of bound state positronium.

Anonymous No. 16206248

Because it required special tankers with high flow fueling booms and used a different fuel than the normal fleet of airframes. Not to mention the triethylborane fuel used to jumpstart the turbines.

Anonymous No. 16206251

Pretty sure diborane might have been used as well.

Anonymous No. 16206252


Anonymous No. 16206265

He may not be such a faggot after all, if he's talking about what I think he is. I don't know if you could scale it up to be a planet destroyer, but it does put nuclear MAD doctrine on it's head. If it is indeed real, there would be
>Zero fallout, only short lived gamma activation
>Zero launch signature
>Scalable destructive capability
>Exceptionally hard to detect as it essentially would appear to be a huge fucking lightning strike to a gamma detection satellite
I definitely think he's wrong about the Russians, because IF we are talking about the same thing, they never would have let Zel'dovich publish anything. And the Russians are known retards in this particular aspect. See Victor Vesalago, Anatoliy Koroteyev, and Pietor Ulmestev (and of course of friend Yakov Zel'dovich). I think the average person grossly underestimates how much of our defense technology magic started life as Russian research that they were just too retarded to understand the implications of.

Anonymous No. 16206332

Well, out with it Pollack. I know it's you. The population of coc/k/suckers and /pol/acks that cross post on /sci/ is very, very low.

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Anonymous No. 16206339

>Are you talking about this, anon?
>earthquake machine
Not even close
Automod thinks my post is spam (too many keywords at once).

Anonymous No. 16206341

>Invokes muh scalar wave Bearden bullshit
Miss me with that shit, tard. The only good thing that ever came from Tom Bearden is his diagram of his bullshit "sarcophagus" which in reality is Zel'dovich's experimental methane phase conjugation rig, which was stolen from a presentation at Phillips Lab in Kirtland AFB.

Anonymous No. 16206347

>Military industrial complex bad

Anonymous No. 16206349

Oh, so you've built a mirror and experimented with the results? Did you detect gravity waves? Do you even know how to detect gravity waves? Please show everyone the data where you performed such experiments and disproven gravity waves

Anonymous No. 16206387

Based "inertia and effective mass are an emergent phenomena of magnetic vector potential" anon isn't going to argue with muh "scalar wave" Bearden tard.

Anonymous No. 16206396

You use gravity as a noun?

Anonymous No. 16206407

What this dipshit is intending to get at is that there is a possibility the photon serves as the mediating force for inertia and therefore effective mass via magnetic vector potential. If that is true, you can use conjugate time reversal to fuck with the magnetic vector potential in real time. In Bearden's gay paper about tard scalar waves and the Aharanov Bohn effect, he never once mentions "phase conjugation" nor cites the guy who did literally all the foundational research (Yakov Zel'dovich) because he attempting to pass off things he heard whilst doing actual classified work at Redstone Arsenal as his own tard ideas.

Anonymous No. 16206417

That's what's scalar waves are, dumbass. You create gravitational waves by modifying potentials

Anonymous No. 16206440

>Currently, right now, the USA has the ability to completely obliterate any nation in the planet in the blink of an eye without any possibility of retaliation of any kind
this is your brain on marvel slop

Anonymous No. 16206444

If it was using zapping condensates of exciton with critical field limit exceeding laser systems to generate a beam of collimated bound state positronium, I might believe him. Instead is "muh scalar waves" which despite having highly classified, world ending potential, are allowed to have presentations by gay fucks like Tom Bearden and the subsequent PDFs approved for unlimited distribution. This would be like a Sigma at LANL giving a seminar on how to build a nuclear weapon if it were true (it's not).

Anonymous No. 16206445

Do you even understand bro?

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Anonymous No. 16206453

>zapping condensates of exciton with critical field limit exceeding laser systems to generate a beam of collimated bound state positronium
just don't cross the streams bro

Anonymous No. 16206586

zero EM wave vectors and pump potential using higher electrical power. Not hard to understand bro

Anonymous No. 16206599

Oh, the magnetic loses its transverse component and becomes linear.

Anonymous No. 16206602

Man, Omni was cool when I was 14.

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Anonymous No. 16206627

Longitudinal, but yes, that's the idea. The longitudinal waves have really strange properties that propagate outward from the center point. These waves can also (somehow) be contained and aimed in waveguides using certain metamaterials or by using fields. They warp spacetime by expanding and contracting spacetime itself in a local area of space, leading to effects such as increasing or decreasing mass. These can be used for an enormous variety of capabilities that confer godlike power such as faster than light travel, teleportation through the formation of an Einstein-Rosenbridge, time reversal, etc.

Anonymous No. 16206639

So, there's compression and rarefactions of the em? Where is the dielectric?

Anonymous No. 16207079

If you mean regular electromagnetic waves, then yes.
>Muh made up longitudinal waves and made up metamaterials
Spoiler alert, dipshit...there is already negative refractive index metamaterials and they use good ole' EM and not some made up "longitudinal waves". There are even regular electromagnetic metamaterials that support optical phase conjugation, which is what your dumbass refers to as "time reversal".

Anonymous No. 16207089

And your retarded "scalar wave" is just the conjugate wave. You would know this if you actually knew what "phase conjugation" was or who actually discovered it.

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Anonymous No. 16207092

>And your retarded "scalar wave" is just the conjugate wave
Yeah no fucking shit. Making them at ultra low frequencies produces the effects I described in previous posts. Are you going to sit there and try to "acktuelly" me by continually picking apart every concept I've explained to you and just retort with a different name for it? What good does that do? What is even the fucking point of doing that?
>I'm driving a car
>Acktuelly you are conducting an automobile
what a fucking faggot holy shit
build the fucking device and try it

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Anonymous No. 16207101

Ive been looking at trying some of these for a long time

Anonymous No. 16207105

>It's like people have made an entire career out of phase conjugate non-linear adaptive optics...
I can point you to an actual, non-bullshit experiment in gain assisted superluminal propagation, if you would like. I'm not trying to give you shit, but Tom Bearden is full of a metric fuckton of it. That doesn't mean there isn't a kernel of actual information there, it's just not what you think

Anonymous No. 16207109

Let's pretend for one second that all this is real. Would you consider this "national security information"? Have you ever heard of Group 220 in the USPTO?

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Anonymous No. 16207118

Yes please

Its not on z axis in the donut beam is it?

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Anonymous No. 16207133

I think it was up until the recent present, than they dumped 10^109 electron volts of ufo stuff at a planck scale signal to noise ratio and left it up to us to to do the next tech jump

no i have not, but i have heard stories of cryptographers and the types of job offers they get if they get too good

Anonymous No. 16207136

Replace "rephasing" with phase conjugation. Note, everyone shits on this as "muh phase versus group velocity". The kicker is the that a plasmonic excitation is traveling orders of magnitude faster than light over the same distance as actual photons.

Anonymous No. 16207138

thanks anon, they did the exact same phase vs group stuff with the patent in the pic i sent

>lijun wang
same as the cesium column?

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Anonymous No. 16207143

>>16207133 (this is the best one, but you won't know why)

Anonymous No. 16207155

Yes. A Bose-Einstein condensate has can function as a non-linear metamaterial. There is another interesting actual scientist by the name of Ulf Leonhardt. His big paper is "General Relativity in Electrical Engineering" (or maybe the reverse, search his name and you'll find it)

Anonymous No. 16207158

Found it

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Anonymous No. 16207170

time reversal through phase conjugation

Anonymous No. 16207178

Yes, I know... that's why I posted it. Conjugate time reversal is the reason the military wants to stick laser on everything. You can largely thank this guy.

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Anonymous No. 16207184

Fucking righteous. All the beans are getting spilled in this thread I fucking love it

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Anonymous No. 16207188

>No longitudinal waves required lol
Chang even tried to recruit him in 2011 (?). I believe he wrote this while at the Max Plank Institute of Quantum Optics, which is where LiJun Wang went after Princeton and where Wolfgang Ketterle came from pre-Nobel at MIT. I'll give you another one, albeit for something I mentioned above
>What happens to the wavelength

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Anonymous No. 16207189

incredible paper so far, thanks anon.

rip philosopher

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Anonymous No. 16207192


Anonymous No. 16207193

God fucking damnit, anon...GTFO out with this Bearden bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 16207205

>Here's a fiction for you...
Good thing it's all just tales to entertain, right?

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Anonymous No. 16207213

this is quite a revelation for me,
thanks again anon

Anonymous No. 16207215

yeah and that's just a cylinder. what if you like, put the supercooled cesium gas into a toroid and then spun it real fast xD you'd have your em shielding around a volume and a pulse compressor

dude what if instead of using a laser you could just use backround EM haha wouldn't that be crazy

Anonymous No. 16207216

It's the a Kerr Singularity aka Ring Singularity analogue
Reminder that Roy Kerr didn't believe in point singularities and also just so happened to spend some time at the AFRL at Wright Patterson

Matches malone No. 16207217

Recreate reality from a picture?

Is not reality ain't it just the look of it if at all

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Anonymous No. 16207219

Also, it's the same guy, anon.

Anonymous No. 16207222

holographic universe

Matches malone No. 16207226

Yeah I know is visual reproduction in the form of thoughts, the impronting

Anonymous No. 16207227

How drunk are you on a scale of 1-10?

Anonymous No. 16207229

There are multiple retards in this thread that are just completely fucking incapable of speaking in clear English. /sci/ is worse than almost every other board with that problem. /g/ is fucking terrible at communicating too

Anonymous No. 16207236

Where did you find a full text copy?

Anonymous No. 16207256

>closely linked to advanced weapons technology that would upset the relative stability of the post-1945
So the prison planet meme isn't a meme? We're bound to this planet by our own violent and evil inclinations.

So once you have unlimited godlike power, you quickly find out your true limits is ethics and morality. Ethics is no longer an abstract or nebulous thing. No more an after thought or something to fight to avoid and get around, but is actually a true binding and limiting force on you. And with unlimited power you can suffer unlimited consequences should you fuck it up. So taking the easy out simply saying "fuck all this shit I don't wanna deal with it anymore" and ignoring the ethical quandaries you find yourself in doesn't work anymore. So here's a question.... why aren't we heavily invested in ethics and morality? Why don't we have a Lockheed Martin or Skunk Works think tank for solving the ethical, moral and spiritual ramifications of having immense power??

Anonymous No. 16207259

one could find this paper from her majesty the pirate queen if they so desire

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Anonymous No. 16207746

It's literally the exact same thing as the papers you have posted. The exact same mechanism. The products of what he is creating is the exact same thing as the guys you're posting have created. I don't know why he makes you so angry.

Anonymous No. 16207762

>solving the ethical, moral and spiritual ramifications of having immense power
Not really a problem you can solve is it? Only real problem to solve is disallowing unstable ammoral people access to the tech and heavily screening and monitoring everyone that does have access to the tech, which is what the entire global surveillance state it all about. It's about having as much control over the populace as possible and making sure they never find out about this stuff. And if they did, making sure they can never build the stuff. And if they did, making sure they would never be able to use it or tell other people or shatter the illusion. Anyone that does have access is watched so closely that they can't take a shit without being monitored in real time. I'm really starting to think the global surveillance state isn't so bad after all, or at least it wouldn't be so bad if they actually gave a shit to care about us and attempt to make our lives better rather than just using us as a money extraction point and ignoring everything else.

Anonymous No. 16207773

Fuck off with that "secret knowledge" bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16207876

Or you could post it...this is /sci/, and we can PDF post here.
>Conjugate waves in a non-linear optical medium - Real
>Made up Longitudinal waves - Not real

Anonymous No. 16207922

Elites going back to the beginning of recorded history and presumably before then have conspired to hoard the most valuable and useful knowledge to themselves while controlling those they rule over. This has happened in literally every single society to ever exist. You're an honest-to-God dumbass if you don't think they're still doing that today

Anonymous No. 16207944

Infinite regress paradox. Who watches the watchers?

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Anonymous No. 16207948

>Not really a problem you can solve is it?
Was that a question?
Personally I think the problems of ethics and morality are just the same as any other problem. That is to say, answers to the problems do exist.

I feel like it would have been better if we advanced the science of morality and ethics to a point where we were forced work on physical sciences in order to keep working on ethics. If there is truth to OP, then I'd say the situation is reversed. we're at the point where the physical sciences has advanced so far that it now being held back by the lack of ethical/morality sciences. You literally can't advance any more for fear of destroying yourselves.

>or shatter the illusion
pic related
>I'm really starting to think the global surveillance state isn't so bad
capitulating to your masters won't curry favor

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16207973

>Made up Longitudinal waves - Not real
why this paper will be so interesting to try
it provides good mathematical description of their definitions of 'scalar' 'longitudinal' , etc

Anonymous No. 16207997

I agree with retard here. The game is to be sold not told. Knowledge is power. And power is how they keep you little gremlins in check

Anonymous No. 16208184

It's more likely that there isn't a single head to the leviathan. More likely all of these different groups are sort of playing this game together. If one of them is compromised then they all lose the game. So they all have the same motivations in a decentralized sort of way, making their swarm like behavior self sustaining.

I mean, I suppose it could be possible that the watchers have watchers and they have watchers and they have watchers potentially infinitely to greater degrees of power and complexity. I don't think that's the case though. It doesn't need to be the case for a self contained decentralized conspiracy to spawn, which has been seen multiple times in human history with various nation states, world powers, cults, secret societies, etc.

Anonymous No. 16208647

this thread has alot of fairy tales papers posted, soientists are really pathetic, atleast i can use your white papers to wipe my ass sometime

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Anonymous No. 16208754


Anonymous No. 16208763

>If it is indeed real, there would be
That's the thing: It isn't. He's just some schizo faggot who things he has the right of passing judgement because he didn't take his meds and has read too much science fiction.

Anonymous No. 16209009

>>16207997y point it that "sexret kkowledge" is a schizophrenic concept. There can be no such a thing. Knowledge can't be kept secret for the simple reason that nobody needs to spy on you to also obtain it. In fact your attempts to hide something may only hint others where they should look.

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Anonymous No. 16209021

>There can be no such a thing. Knowledge can't be kept secret
>Knowledge can't be kept secret for the simple reason that nobody needs to spy on you to also obtain it
>fact your attempts to hide something may only hint others where they should look

>assuming people even know where to look in order to gain valuable and useful knowledge
>perform experimentation in secret
>have unique knowledge
>keep it a secret
>therefore nobody knows
>misdirect others that are on the path to gaining such knowledge
>knowledge can't be kept a secret lmao
you're a fucking moron. You legitimately believe all humans are capable of all knowing the same things and are incapable of stopping each other from learning things. That's so mind-numbingly dumb fr fr no cap ong

Anonymous No. 16209023

I was talking about something different than that tard.

Anonymous No. 16209041

Let's say you discover America, but won't tell anybody. It isn't secret knowledge. Others can also sail west, and find it. If you try to prevent ships from sailing west, people will know there is something over there that you don't want them to see. If you try to scare them with monsters, they will sail there to find the monsters. Or they even discover it by sailing east.
You can't keep it secret.

Anonymous No. 16209225

Using your analogy...

>requires massive ships to get there (assuming great costs of equipment needed to ascertain certain knowledge, not that you need a giant ship to get across the ocean per se, just assume this is true for this particular metaphor which reflects the massive amount of money and expertise needed to discover certain things)
>discover the place
>harvest the wealth of materials there
>launder it with fake businesses as to not arouse suspicion of great treasure (knowledge)
>you're so rich and powerful that you can buy or do anything
>set up a monopoly on ships
>heavily regulate the ship industry
>heavily regulate the knowledge of ships
>set up the ONE ship school in the country or a network of them that tell the peasants what you want them to hear
>propagandize the people to oblivion
>illegalize building your own ships without the blessing of the crown or whatever
>require ship licensing and inspection
>distract the populace with infinite number of other things unrelated to ships
>monitor the coast with mercenaries
>hire mercenaries to spy on each other to keep each other in check
>they don't know about the land
>spy on all of them
>they get out of line you kill them with your personal massive fucking ship
>in the end, nobody knows that there is a land with infinite wealth. Even if they did know, they wouldn't be able to get there because you control all of the wealth and have such an extensive spy network that if you knew they found out and were trying to build a ship to get there, you could stop them with the wrath of an angry God
Nobody is going to be able to build a multi billion dollar corporation needed to be able to learn certain things, especially in secret, that would advance their level of knowledge on certain topics. All of those steps are also just surface level tactics that don't even assume modern level of tech, which makes the stranglehold much deeper. I could write tens of thousands or hundreds of thousads more words on this

Anonymous No. 16209345

Eventually everybody knows that something is being hidden. People start questioning why there is a massive gap on the globe despite supposed desperate attempts to get there. All other countries know what's there. Your own people know by the sole fact that they live and work there. Everybody gets tired of your bullshit, and you die, likely not in a very pleasant manner.

Anonymous No. 16209348

>So once you have unlimited godlike power, you quickly find out your true limits is ethics and morality. Ethics is no longer an abstract or nebulous thing. No more an after thought or something to fight to avoid and get around, but is actually a true binding and limiting force on you. And with unlimited power you can suffer unlimited consequences should you fuck it up. So taking the easy out simply saying "fuck all this shit I don't wanna deal with it anymore" and ignoring the ethical quandaries you find yourself in doesn't work anymore. So here's a question.... why aren't we heavily invested in ethics and morality? Why don't we have a Lockheed Martin or Skunk Works think tank for solving the ethical, moral and spiritual ramifications of having immense power??
this is pure atheist framework and atheist keep saying morality doesnt exist, same for truth

Anonymous No. 16209785

At least we can dream anon. Idk, heard disclosure will have been complete by 2026. Their method of doing it is supposedly to drip feed us all of the info in as slow and as boring of a manner as possible so there is no big shocking revelation. Like senate hearings and stuff like that. Some of it does seem to be coming out in the mainstream, but it's just surface level shit. Maybe they were referring to disclosure as being, "knowledge that this stuff exists", but not, "this is how deep the rabbit hole goes and how it all works and every detail of everything that ever happened with docs and reports". I know if I had a warp drive I'd gtfo of Earth and go some place I wouldn't be subject to the fucking looney toons that run this godforsaken asylum