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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205716

>still no practical hoverboard
STEMites are miserable failures

Anonymous No. 16205731

>no practical hoverboard
is coating a whole skate park in copper platting unpractical?

Anonymous No. 16206011

Now it's time for your to start kicking and screaming and rejecting future that happened.

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Anonymous No. 16206015

Why do you need one? to dress like a cyberpunk idiot and fly around with a soiface?

Anonymous No. 16206056

Yes, because most skateboarders are drug users so one of them will eventually sell that copper as scrap.

Anonymous No. 16206067

They don't even know about the concept of self-repairing smart concrete.

I'll design concrete that both seals its own cracks, generates electricity, and reacts to strong magnetic fields in a way that dampens inertia of field emitters.

$cience has failed.
Time for the real mad scientists to take the lead.

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Anonymous No. 16206126

Are you putting together a team?

i'm an angstrom away from quitting my job, taking welding/machine shop courses to build this right next to a future hydrogen plant cause
>This process is being replaced by gas metal-arc welding, mainly because of the availability of inexpensive inert gases.
i'll bet that plant will tank the price

at the same time, we remake the patents of tesla, and herman plauson, and try to put an empirical basis behind walter russels alpha and beta anons. test etc etc etc etc

Anonymous No. 16206130

>>I'll design concrete that both seals its own cracks, generates electricity, and reacts to strong magnetic fields in a way that dampens inertia of field emitters.
Do it faggot.
(You won't.)

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Anonymous No. 16206147

the term faggot derives from the term fasces, a bundle of sticks tied together that strengthened the arm of an axe. You can see them all over us state capitol buildings.

This is the actual 'faggot' anon needs,

now are you going to help him
or are you going to continue to substitute phonology for syntax, and try to stick sqrt(2) on a number line?

Anonymous No. 16206174

You won't do it, NIGGER FAGGOT.

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Anonymous No. 16206191

It'll likely be this or carving a water totem on the equinox and having it dressed in the wampum of the deh cho for the purposes of securing 500 000 000 cubic meters /year fresh water from great slave and starting the great northern irrigation project.

If i dont believe in what i'm doing i literally self sabotage my self back to my path, its like i'm guided, you wouldn't understand

Anonymous No. 16206193

>he's not doing it
as predicted

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Anonymous No. 16206196

haha, you guys dont have the degrees of freedom for this one

Anonymous No. 16206207

>says he's going to do a thing
>doesn't do the thing, and instead just posts schizo collages

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Anonymous No. 16206214

not my problem what your perception is

Anonymous No. 16206219

All science fiction was just that, fiction. Technology has been more or less stagnant since the 70s
The real reason innovation has stifled is that there’s nothing to innovate anymore. We’ve been repackaging the same tech since the 70s
The only real progress in the last 40 years was in computing and that has now hit diminishing returns.

We are at peak tech progress. There’s nothing to do anymore.

>wake up
>waer high quality garments for cheap due to textile industrialization just like the 70s
> eat high quality food by Groccery system just like the 70s
>take asthma medication invente in the 60s
>get in ICE car used for the last 100 years, built by autimation robot invemted in the 60s
>get to work
>it’s hot, turn on Air Cinditioning (technology figured out in the 70s)
>catch intercontinental flight on a plane 747 invented in the 70s

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Anonymous No. 16206539

>Technology has been more or less stagnant since the 70s
>The real reason innovation has stifled is that there’s nothing to innovate anymore

You're wrong, there's plenty to innovate but the money isn't there unless you innovate in the same way as everyone else.
The markets have learned a dangerous lesson, that in order to be competitive and on the same level as other companies, everything must be disposable or planned obsolescence so customers are forced to come back again and again. All innovation today is being driven by this important fact!! Breakthroughs are being made on how to make this cheaper and cheaper. Both in material cost as well as production costs. There is innovation in marketing this idea of everything being replaceable. The concept of fixing something that's broken is so foreign to people today that when people see it they either stare in awe as if they've just witnessed a unicorn, or they stare in disbelief thinking someone was a fool for wasting their money when it'd be cheaper to throw it out and buy a new one.

We are innovating and coming up with new ideas, but the ideas are only helpful to a very select few and are detrimental to the larger group. We're in a toxic death spiral that is unsustainable.

Anonymous No. 16206615

Planned obscelesnce is (probably) a thing but it's not the issue. The core of issue is really that there's nothing to do anymore.
Using electromagnetic waves to transmit data at really has speeds and accuracy, and using electrical signals to do computation are at the limits of ingenuity allows you to do in this universe.
And we have nearly mastered both of those things, we can beam 4k videos across our planet with little delay. There's nothing to do from there, not even an idea of where to go next.

If we fixed planned obscelecnecce, it wouldn't results in a sci-fi future, it would just eliminate a lot of waste. For most people nothing in their lives will change.

Anonymous No. 16207179

>If we fixed planned obscelecnecce, it wouldn't results in a sci-fi future
I disagree. Innovation and creativity comes from the ground up, not the top. Even if some guy sitting at home has an idea that'll change the world forever, they'll never act on it. They both don't know how and don't have the tools.
Remove planned obsolescence, and what you get is older technology that still is 100% functional but a little old being passed from one generation to another. Maybe it'll break but it can be repaired by the end user. With people repairing their own stuff, they'll learn how it works and thus indirectly how to make new stuff. With stuff lasting much longer, people will always have access to the tools they need, even if they are a few generations old. Remove planned obsolescence and eventually with time people will gain both the skills and the tools they need to invent what ever crazy ideas pop into their heads. You'll get lots of people making lots of crazy shit and some of it that's pointless and won't work, but that's fine too. Through mass hobby experimentation bad ideas get eliminated, and through process of elimination good ideas that are new and original will emerge naturally over time.

Remember, almost all great inventions were created by some dude in his garage. Not by a fortune 500 mega corporation. The mega corps can only maintain themselves and grow by consuming smaller pieces, like the unnamed Joe Smoe inventing out of his garage or his tiny start up business.
In some ways the world of creative ideas and originality mirrors the animal world of autotrophs and heterotrophs. The worlds needs more autotroph who generate their own ideas, and less heterotrophs who consume the ideas of others. Grassroots and all that. Build up from the base. From ground up, not top down.

Anonymous No. 16207498

>Using electromagnetic waves to transmit data at really has speeds and accuracy, and using electrical signals to do computation are at the limits of ingenuity allows you to do in this universe.
>And we have nearly mastered both of those things, we can beam 4k videos across our planet with little delay. There's nothing to do from there, not even an idea of where to go next.

You can throw all the inventors you want at the problem, it's not gonna fix shit. The technology we have now is very complicated and required a lot of special knowledge to operate and maintain.
A dude working out of his garage was never going to invent the iPhone or the Internet. But that besides the point, there's literally nothing to do anymore, no matter how many dudes you put in garages, or how many people get Phds.

Anonymous No. 16207553


Anonymous No. 16207562

Here is a small list of "something to do"
1. Explore and Colonise Space
2. Nuclear Fusion
3. Solve Aging

Anonymous No. 16207586

>STEMites are miserable failures
triggering attempt

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Anonymous No. 16207587


Anonymous No. 16207604

>Explore and Colonies Space
Not gonna happen. Limited by the metaphysical fact of the speed of light.
Rocketry is pretty much the same as it was in the 60s and it's pretty fucking hard to get the moon, let alone other galaxies with enough payload to colonize.
> Nuclear Fusion
5% chance it pans out but all it would lead to is cheaper electricity, hardly a sci-fi future. The electric grid is already black magic, no one will notice we switched one form of energy for another.
>Solve Aging
No chance, 0 progress in all of 100 years of trying maybe even all of human history of trying.
The best anti-aging technology to this day is still "Just eat healthy and exercise bro!"

Anonymous No. 16208240

So if hoverboards existed, how would they steer? Skateboards can steer because they have wheels and wheels can resist lateral forces. How would you even do that with a hoverboard?