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Anonymous No. 16205776

I know how to build human level AGI right now, with today's technology.

The costs exceed $100 mil, but are below $200 mil

Is there any chance I could get this funded, if I'm just some nobody? (Hypothetically, let's say I'm correct, and my method really does work, how can I get someone to backcheck it, to make sure it is legitimately a good attempt/design. Without them stealing the idea? I don't want to openly patent it, because then any country can swoop in and build it.)

Anonymous No. 16205792

just threaten to publish the information publicly
considering you so stupid you don't know basic game theory you probably can't

Anonymous No. 16205837

Iron law of retards annihilates yet another OP

Anonymous No. 16205940

Show that your method works better than other methods at a smaller scale in a way that will plausibly scale.

Anonymous No. 16205947

>I know how to build human level AGI right now
just show it in the wild and let the chinese burn the world

Anonymous No. 16206047

Explain how you arrived at the $100 mil figure, you sound like a fraud.
If you are serious just publish a paper about it.

Anonymous No. 16206049

>I know how to...
No you don't.

Anonymous No. 16206055

AGI is impossible because intelligence is not a mechanically driven epiphenomenon like you retards assume it is (with 0 proof, mind you - you have just been brainwashed with the idea that that's how it is and you accept it without question). The sooner you realize this the better off you will be.

Anonymous No. 16206063

>The costs exceed $100 mil, but are below $200 mil

how'd you reach this figure, and how can you be confident?

Anonymous No. 16206071

I know how to do it with $70 mil. Say goodbye to your funding, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16206301

Or just let it run by itself discretely developing super intelligence leading to our enslavement by superior machines

Anonymous No. 16206304

oh yeah? I can do it for 10M directly into my pocket

Anonymous No. 16206309

Of course there's a chance you could get funded. If what you say is true then lots of organizations would line up to give you money. Note that the word "if" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in the previous sentence.

Anonymous No. 16206376

Give contact nfo

Anonymous No. 16206390

The Zelenskyy of ai

Anonymous No. 16207082

On a serious note, 100$ mill could get him a lot of coke. If he didn't have to spend 20% of donations on ammunition, weapons and equipment like Zeleny