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🧵 Computers can not think

Anonymous No. 16205844

Computers don't actually perform linear algebra because linear algebra is a concept invented by mathematicians to describe certain patterns common to various algebraic theories of space. The people constantly trying to attribute human properties to machines consistently make category and ontology errors that they're not aware of until someone points it out for them. Computers can not think, computers execute programmed instructions and it's important to keep this in mind when discussing AI because it is fundamentally just software.

Anonymous No. 16207077

calculation is thought.

Anonymous No. 16207080

What they believe is that if a meteor breaks just the right way, then it can be thinking for those moments. And if your have just the right bowel movement, that could be equivalent to consciousness.
All of the absurdities of people who think punch cards are alive.

Anonymous No. 16207093

I retain this belief. But artificial intelligence or AI is just a marketing term. I don’t think the people that develop AI actually believe it will be intelligent as humans. Just a useful tool to lower the cost of redundant work in the economy. It’s just a tool of the capitalist to lower the cost of production and increase efficiency and scale. All this hype about AGI being smarter than humans are just being sensationalist for clicks and views.

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Anonymous No. 16207993
