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Anonymous No. 16206025

how can one improve in solving algorithmic problems on platforms like leetcode or codeforces at least up to the at least the "expert" rank?
is any specific iq required for that?

Anonymous No. 16206033

I just looked at leetcode once or twice, and it didn't seem like the "hard" problems were really hard - most of them were just tedious.

I suspect that grinding leetcode is just a massive waste of time. I certainly wouldn't be impressed if I saw that on someone's CV.

Anonymous No. 16206036

what about codeforces? i think problems there are slightly more difficult than leetcodes

Anonymous No. 16206046


it seems like the hard codeforces problems might be more about memorizing a bunch of niche algorithms.

I'd say if you can develop the algorithms on your own, then it might not be the worst idea.

I guess it's like solving a rubik's cube - are you just mindlessly applying the rotations someone else found, or are you trying to figure out the algorithm yourself?

Of course, getting an "expert" rank or whatever is fastest achieved by doing the former - but what's the point of that.

Anonymous No. 16206048

>what’s the point of that
To prove you have decent problem solving skills and you know how to apply algorithms, I think it’s beneficial if you’re just starting off your career

Anonymous No. 16206052

Those problems aren't that hard. You don't need a high IQ. But the harder ones do require work and some programming efficiency/experience, or you'll get bogged down and fail. They're a fine way to grind out programming proficiency, if you enjoy them. Or you could make some actual programs, which is probably better if you have ideas/needs and you're motivated to do that. If you wanna solve some genuinely difficult problems I'd go for project euler.

Anonymous No. 16206053

I thought I just explained how having a high rank on those platforms doesn't prove that.

And even if it did, applying algos will be a super rare occurrence in your job.

Anonymous No. 16206054

>or are you trying to figure out the algorithm yourself?
In a perfect world, you would do it all yourself, but you can’t just reinvent the wheel *every* time. On the other hand, just memorizing shit from books is for soulless Asians, who tend to make shit programmers. A good CS education (like all training) has to be a mixture.

Anonymous No. 16206057

>but you can’t just reinvent the wheel *every* time

yeah, but you should try, so that you can eventually invent any wheel.

Anonymous No. 16206123

just grind
I am expert on codeforces myself and i don't think there's that much of an intelligence barrier

Anonymous No. 16206133

It definitely helps to have a drive to answer these kind of questions

Anonymous No. 16206138

If it takes you more than like 30 lines to solve a leetcode problem your solution is almost certainly garbage

Anonymous No. 16206145

>I looked once or twice
>proceeds to spew an opinion where he says "it seems/i suspect/it seems/might be/i'd say/it might not be/i guess" in 5 lines
why do people do this
It's okay to not have an opinion if you know literally nothing about the topic at hand

Anonymous No. 16206168

>I can't do it
>I'll tell others not to do it too
>I feel better ehehe :) I'm le smart shining star

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Anonymous No. 16206206

>fucking pajeet here thinking he's gonna be an epic FAGMAN koder one day and make enough money to marry a white woman
so fucking tired of absolutely pure soulless pajeet climbers polluting every single corner of the internet these days...

Anonymous No. 16206208

You're certainly the expert to tell us about being an epic fagman

Anonymous No. 16206232

Use leet code to learn the syntax of the language then just do a project.

Anonymous No. 16206518


did leetcode land *you* a well paying job?