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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206142

So, how do we stop old age?
I'm thinking nanomachines

Anonymous No. 16206149

The best bet right now is building superhuman AI, and asking the AI to do it.

AI progress is moving so much faster than any nanobot tech or gene editing tech or anything like that.

Anonymous No. 16206156

You don't, life is literal hell, go back to comfy nonexistence mode

Anonymous No. 16206157

>how do we stop old age?

Anonymous No. 16206159

how do we stop the teeth problem? Give everyone dentures or implant crowns? teeth can barely withstand 50 years

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Anonymous No. 16206167

No such thing as AI. just highly refined programs.

Anonymous No. 16206169

It’s impossible. All human knowledge is based of what is observable. (You only know what you can see) we cannot see how living things build themselves or how life was even created in the beginning. Therefore we will never know.

Anonymous No. 16206173

you would need to rejuvenate the body which in some degree would also require killing a portion of the old dying body.
You end up with a ship of theseus problem when it comes to the brain because killing the nervous system is simply too dangerous.
So at our current technological rate I would think stem cell therapy, organ cloning, and modified bacteria would work well.
I would avoid any dangerous gene therapies even rna based. It's simply to dangerous, like taking a hammer to your genome hoping to knock out the bends but just shattering it. You could end up creating a nuclear human and worse if that creation is semi stable then only god knows what could follow you could get an akira situation.
stem cell mass production and organ cloning are already things that are possible.

Anonymous No. 16206217

We have lots of examples of immortality by age in nature

Anonymous No. 16206223

Something something telomeres. Something something cancer. Something something cloning and consciousness transfer.

Anonymous No. 16206906


Anonymous No. 16206918

tranny thread

Anonymous No. 16207518

Is there a way to reconstruct telomeres? Could AI theoretically reconstruct the code in them?

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Anonymous No. 16207834

Cybernetics, just replace damaged biological parts of your body with mechanical/digital parts.

Anonymous No. 16208023

>So, how do we stop old age?
Death, that stops everything.

Anonymous No. 16208032

>It’s impossible. All human knowledge is based of what is observable.
Okay, but we can see certain things age us quicker than others.

Anonymous No. 16209044

you can't replace brain

Anonymous No. 16209057

we could stop pissing off god for starters

Anonymous No. 16209802

Brains are estimated to live 275 -350 years on their own, it’s the other body parts that typically fail first. Maybe can’t replace the brain but replace everything else and the human lifespan 3x’s or more

Anonymous No. 16211157

>gets alzheimers at 80
So much for that.

Anonymous No. 16211163

solving diseases is a problem anyway, what's your point?

Anonymous No. 16211198

Pure light of my wife, Eve

Anonymous No. 16211201

No such thing as NI, just highly evolved programs.

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Anonymous No. 16211306

First we need to exterminate all the jews. Otherwise all our efforts will be destroyed by those malignant parasites.

Anonymous No. 16211309

A disease created by jews to fill their parasite pockets, $321 billions per year.

Anonymous No. 16211312

There is no such thing as age, it's just inability to support life due to changes in chemical structure

Anonymous No. 16211345

Quantum immortality already naturally solves the problem

Anonymous No. 16211355

You can't stop old age. You will die in a nursing home shitting and pissing under your pants while everyone around you are waiting for you to die to get rid of you

Barkon. No. 16211365

Nano machines are era 4 tech, there are 14 eras. All tech is equal but goddam bro couldn't you pick a more complex tech - at least era 7.

Sorry to pull this wildcard out on you.

Anonymous No. 16213096
