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🧵 Fuck Mars

Anonymous No. 16206216

Honestly, fuck this planet. Why would anyone want to go here? Why are people deluded enough to think that we could ever live or establish a colony on this dusty rock?

Nothing but rocks and sand, I hope you can make everything you need out of metal, ceramic and glass and don't need silly frivolities like rubber or plastic to, for example, insulate electrical wires. No you can't just shit in the dead martian dust and grow potatoes, that's bullshit, you need a functioning biosphere to grow plants, and even if you could grow something the cosmic radiation will fuck them up because of Mars' piss weak magnetic.

We'd need Star Trek levels of replicator technology to live on Mars. If you have sufficient technology to live on Mars you have sufficient technology to live indefinitely in space, or on Earth itself after fucking it up.

Fuck Mars

Anonymous No. 16206234

Go home Jeff Bezos, you're drunk.

Anonymous No. 16206237

We came from there. Saturn was our sun.

Anonymous No. 16206240

Something else a lot of people don't realize is that Mars is only about twice the size of the moon. That's the primary reason it doesn't have (basically doesn't have) an atmosphere. The second reason is that it's got no magnetic field so enjoy your space radiation.

Anonymous No. 16206308

>it's got no magnetic field
If it is trapped in the sun's orbit, then it has a magnetic field.

Anonymous No. 16206311

It was a nice and comfy place before it was nuked twice with massive bombs that destroyed all life.

Anonymous No. 16206315

Elon, is that you?

That was analysed on 4chan and found to be wrong.

Anonymous No. 16206330

there are processes to convert co2 (95% of mars' atmosphere) into methane by basically sticking it in a high pressure high temperature oven together with hydrogen. you could probably get most useful forms of plastics and silicone out of that if you really wanted to.
setting up the kind of off-planet self sustaining industry for all of the manufacturing steps in that chain seems really not worth it though, since mars is and always will be a cold dead rock with a dwindling atmosphere and no magnetic field. it's just a shittier moon that's further away, harder to land on and take off from, and the only redeeming quality is its thin co2 atmosphere for making hydrocarbons in-situ.

Anonymous No. 16206364

I wanna live there.

Anonymous No. 16206379

We should launch all our nuclear stockpile there to see what happens desu.

Also, the image looks like it has 4 poles, which would be based.

Anonymous No. 16206382

It's so hot that it would melt a human. How would anyone think it's possible to colonize that shithole planet

Anonymous No. 16206393

>It's so hot that it would melt a human. How would anyone think it's possible to colonize that shithole planet

Retard, we are going to live in comfy underground cities built in lavatubes.
Water is available in Mars, metals can be harvested in the belt by robotic probes, only thing we will need is a regular supply of manure and fertilizer to be send in starships.

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Anonymous No. 16206425

>you need a functioning biosphere to grow plants
not at all
all you need is hydroponics, water recycling and a trickle of nitric acid (because of denitrifying bacteria)

>silly frivolities like rubber
rubber can be made from dandelion or synthetically
there are two reasons why nobody is growing dandelions for rubber commercially right now
1) rubber trees grow in tropics and labour cost is pennies on the dollar there
2) dandelion roots are fragile and unsuitable for soil farming, so you need to use hydroponics (which you need on Mars anyway)

Anonymous No. 16206434

and as for plastics
there's also pretty likely chance there's abiotic oil/NG on Mars (as evidenced by impossibly high trace amounts of methan in atmosphere as well as traces of benzene and propen is rocks)

and even if you could not find any, there's still
all you need energy, CO2 and water, all of which are available

Anonymous No. 16206438

>oil/NG on Mars
Michael Bay thanks you for inspiring Armageddon II: Martian Boogaloo.

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Anonymous No. 16206499

So essentially people on Mars are meant to wear >>>/s/latex?

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Anonymous No. 16206514


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Anonymous No. 16206643

Mars moons look kinda cozy.

Anonymous No. 16206658

What planets on our solar system would be better for humans to settle? Maybe Venus?
I know some of the planets are GAS giants so you can't even land of them.

Anonymous No. 16206664


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Anonymous No. 16206666


Anonymous No. 16206672


Anonymous No. 16206676

Why not just live in comfy underground tunnel cities in the Antarctic bedrock beneath the miles of ice? With simpler technology and logistics than it requires for Mars you could build something that survives any disaster on Earth short of the physical annihilation via of the planet itself. Name me ONE disaster which could befall Earth which couldn't be survived in terrestrial subterranean bases more easily than Martian ones.

Anonymous No. 16206771


Anonymous No. 16206773

Venus has a day 243x longer than ours and is like 900 degrees on the surface so no not venus

Anonymous No. 16206967

Atmosphere is so dense, you need no parachute.

Anonymous No. 16207000

Humans of low light reflectivity.

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Anonymous No. 16207013

Heh... You're right. The thing most dummies don't realize is that the planet dosen't have a magnetic field around it. Probably why it's losing it's atmosphere. If humans ever go there, they're gunna need to dig underground real fast or already have domes built by robots. The Sun don't give a fuck about farting deadly radiation across your planet.

Anonymous No. 16207025

mars sucks, if space is ever colonized its going to be in places with weak gravity wells like asteroids and the moon since the weaker gravity wells make it viable to export extracted resources from them. Mars is unsuitable for mining but it also sucks to live on so whats the point?

Anonymous No. 16207033

Given enough time I think at least some humans are going to end up on all of them except maybe Venus. Earth will always have most people though since life support is free, so any industries in space will probably just be a few maintenance workers and shit tons of robotic equipment

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Anonymous No. 16207039

Humanity started around rocks and sand

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Anonymous No. 16207043


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Anonymous No. 16207058

Anonymous No. 16207126

>Why would anyone want to go here?
bragging rights

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Anonymous No. 16207161

>Why would anyone want to go here?
I think it would look cool. That's it. Honestly that's any reason to visit any terrestrial world in the solar system. btw some of the replies in this thread make me sad from how stupid they are.

Anonymous No. 16207195

The stored hydrogen gas is injected into the combustion engine, where it is ignited to power the vehicle. Colonization project opportunity for new economic fuel.,hydrogen%2520straight%2520from%2520the%2520Martian%2520surface%2520into%2520orbit.

(planet S)
(planet U)
(planet J)

Anonymous No. 16207207

Good luck!

Anonymous No. 16207208

>He thinks there are no ways to remove perchlorate
you're the kind of person who gives up after one obstacle appears

Anonymous No. 16207400

because earth will be even less hospitable at some point

Anonymous No. 16207514

"not because they are easy, but because they are hard" why not we invest fee trillion buckarinos into space programs and get maybe a self sustained socialist dream world( DDR Mondbasis) but maybe we should try it with the moon or even our own oceans and build undersea cities. And we won't need soil or any other shit if we finally decide to use Formose sugar reactors and synthetic aminoacids. And we could easily make glycine and fat acids. I don't understand botanic faggots and agriculture queers thinking they are the only ones that can make food. Synthetic food is far superior and I won't eat ze bugs even on mars.

Anonymous No. 16207528

Who is your favorite NBA player?

Anonymous No. 16207828

My is diva from cyberteam in akihabara

Anonymous No. 16207986

>a day 243x longer than ours
Have sunshade construction to simulate more than 24 hour.
>900 degrees on the surface
Cloud city base and use artificial moon transport supplies

Anonymous No. 16208624


Anonymous No. 16208770

Not until the sun runs out of hydrogen.
Go glue yourself to a road climate tranny

Anonymous No. 16208775

you can do that with Mars too
>Cloud city
cloud cities are a waste of time. If you're going to do all that you might as well construct rotating habitats in space

Anonymous No. 16208783

There aren't any, some places might be worth visiting but still require a ton of effort. Like Europa, it'd be cool to see if there's an ocean with alien life under those miles of ice, good luck getting there with a submarine though

Also space colonisation means the absolute end of liberalism, given that liberal philosophy is based on the concept of man in a state of nature and natural rights. There are no natural rights in space, whoever controls the life support system is master.

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Anonymous No. 16208791

it's more about the people shitting it up

Anonymous No. 16208806

Use Mars as the sun shade.
>move Venus into Earth's orbit in L3
>move Mars into Venus' orbit in L1
>thaw out Mars and cool down Venus
>maybe set up some kind of conduit to siphon off Venus' atmosphere to Mars
>wait half a million years or so
>you've got a pair of planets that might be usable... but probably not, so just break them down for parts and build habitats out of them.

Anonymous No. 16208982

A trillion money on megaprojects gravity pull spacecraft…

Anonymous No. 16208985

Every time

Anonymous No. 16209151

Fucking cringe, reddit tier cringe

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Anonymous No. 16209609

we just got permission today to go to mars and the factory is NOW producing it.

Anonymous No. 16209615

>If it is trapped in the sun's orbit, then it has a magnetic field.
Explain this to me like I'm a freshman in high school, please.

Anonymous No. 16210020

>there are processes to convert co2 (95% of mars' atmosphere) into methane by basically sticking it in a high pressure high temperature oven together with hydrogen.
Where would the heat and pressure come from? And the hydrogen?

Anonymous No. 16210024

thread theme

Anonymous No. 16210028

Besides Earth it is the only place in the Solar system where the following 3 things all apply:
- it has a gravity gradient
- its surface is rocky. With that I mean silicate rocky, not mostly water-ice.
- it has a significant atmosphere
Because of that, metallurgy and steelmaking are only viable there, just like industry in general.
* for most tasks like steelmaking, you need a gravity gradient. You can't cast iron in 0G
* you can't mine for ores on a place where the surface is to a significant degree just water ice.
* you need an atmosphere so the heat from the foundries and factories can be dumped into it. Everywhere else (besides Titan), having a foundry implies endless radiator fields to get rid of the waste heat. You don't need that on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16210032

Explain the advantage of engineering a flying city over just living in an orbiting station?

Anonymous No. 16210040

>it has a significant atmosphere
You are mistaken, sadly. What Mars uses for an atmosphere would count as a pretty good vacuum in a laboratory on earth.

Anonymous No. 16210042

The Moon is better than Mars for any of that.

Anonymous No. 16210219

>high school
It's true because I said so and if you disagree you're getting detention

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How space looks l....png

Anonymous No. 16210280

It's a desert at the bottom of a gravity well and a total fucking meme. All the good shit mankind or an AI needs to build anything useful is scattered around on asteroids, comets and minor moons, once you get over the biological need for gravity. Musk just wanted an oversized rocket for his Starlink satellites and used a nerd meme to attract investment.

Anonymous No. 16210396

Except the total amount of atmosphere on Mars is about 2% of that on Earth.
So you’d have to filter the air for long periods of time before getting very small quantities of CO2 to work with.

Anonymous No. 16210400

>1 acre
>250 truck tires
That doesn’t seem very good.

Anonymous No. 16210403

Imagine making an entire career and MIT job out of a product that doesn’t work.
And MIT is too proud to admit their mistakes and fire her.

Anonymous No. 16210425

Because it use to have water and can still have it underground, Mars colonies will have to deal with constant wars though

Anonymous No. 16210438

Honestly, fuck the East Indies. Why would anyone want to go here? Why are people deluded enough to think that we could ever live or establish a colony on these unknowable lands?

Nothing but rocks and sand, I hope you can make everything you need out of metal, ceramic and glass and don't need silly frivolities like timber or iron to, for example, create a proper tea kettle. No you can't just shit in the dead island dust and grow potatoes, that's bullshit, you need a functioning biosphere to grow plants, and even if you could grow something the island waves will fuck them up because of the Indies' piss weak shores.

Fuck the East Indies

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Anonymous No. 16210443

As a chud I wanna live on Evropa

Anonymous No. 16210470


speaking about the moon, shouldn't we terraform the moon first?

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Anonymous No. 16210515

Sexy detention? With female teacher's pets who will punish me?

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Anonymous No. 16210518

>that doesn’t work
Source? The reasoning behind the design seems sound.

Anonymous No. 16210918

venus is basically hell

Anonymous No. 16210977

Hey yeah i'm fucking retarded too and haven't heard of an air compressor

Anonymous No. 16210981

>Where would the heat and pressure come from? And the hydrogen?

What the fuck are you talking about? You use machines, like you know, on earth to make heat and pressure? Hydrogen is electrolysed from water which will be done anyway because you need both hydrogen and oxygen for chemical rocket fuel and breathing gas for colonists.

Anonymous No. 16210983

American mad again?

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Anonymous No. 16211065

The principle is sound and was tested and found promising years ago, but that MIT whore has no interest in actually developing it.

Anonymous No. 16211184

7 hours until death

Anonymous No. 16211261

No matter how shitty earth gets, it's basically guaranteed that it's always going to be better than anywhere else.

Anonymous No. 16211296

Mars may have almost no atmosphere, but it also has almost no Jews.

Anonymous No. 16211317

Most of the planets in this solar system are kinda gay. Gas giants moons and dwarf planets are pretty cool tho. But they're obviously even worse choice for living than Mars. If there's a chance to land on Mars and plant a flag to flex, sure, that would be cool.

The only feasable way forward is maybe cancelling the IIS and have a scientific outpost on Earths moon. And focus on finding ayy fish somewhere.

Anonymous No. 16211339

>fuck Mars
That's kinda gay, OP.

Anonymous No. 16211341

>Not until the sun runs out of hydrogen.
It doesn't have to for everything here to get cooked.

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Anonymous No. 16211357

>almost no Jews
What the fuck do you mean "almost"?

Anonymous No. 16211370

Asteroid mining base

Anonymous No. 16211402

Because nothing could ever be worse than Earth

Anonymous No. 16211404

Mars has
>no murderers
>no rapists
>no crime
>no high interest rates
>no late fees
>no unemployment
>no corruption
>no greed
>no envy
>no loneliness
>no pain
>no suffering
>no wars
vs. Earth

Barkon. No. 16211413

There's gonna be a big change to Mars soon. Mars is ours.

Anonymous No. 16211470

Not so fast, Anon.

First we have to be sure it's completely devoid of life or even devoided of proto-life processes to do something more than a landing mission.

The moment life or a process that will lead to life is confirmed on Mars it will be declared a protected natural reserve and any further mission will comply with very strict ethical standards.

Moon will be easier, to be honest.

Anonymous No. 16211478

Nazis have a base on the dark side of the Moon, and Jews have one on the dark side of Mars.
Try to read more, Anon, this is WWII basic knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16211484

Reminder that 100% of crimes committed in space have been done by female NASA astronauts.

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Anonymous No. 16211832


Anonymous No. 16211853

best option rn is ganymede or europa for subterranean living. Also Syd Mead style ring space stations

Anonymous No. 16211858

Moon has no sufficient atmosphere. Temperatures vary from human soup to human icicle with a 3 day intermediary period. Also fucking with the moon too significantly could be extinction level for Earth.

Anonymous No. 16211877

I'm gonna need a fact check on that

Anonymous No. 16211889

>Also fucking with the moon too significantly could be extinction level for Earth.
You have no idea just how big the moon is.

Anonymous No. 16211944

Minor variances in its tidally locked orbit could completely wreck our oceans. Moon is best left alone.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16211950

No one care if you believe the Sun rises in the east or not.

Anonymous No. 16211952

No one cares if you believe the Sun rises in the east or not.

Anonymous No. 16211959

Do you have any conceptualization of how much energy it would take to change the moon's orbit by so much as an inch?

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Anonymous No. 16212262

So if they haven't developed it, what have they done then?

Anonymous No. 16212268

>Woah cool suit

Anonymous No. 16212486


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Anonymous No. 16212515

It is about time the astronauts looked like the future is here.

Anonymous No. 16212520

That future is only going to be here if Ozempic turns out to not have some serious side effects.

Anonymous No. 16212758

>Also Syd Mead style ring space stations
The best option for space colonisation

Anonymous No. 16212912

Have Venus colonization test to terraforming plan

Anonymous No. 16212975

You have no right to say what is or isn't possible, we can do anything.

Anonymous No. 16218539

No u

Anonymous No. 16219095

Just because you can doesn't mean it's worth it.

Anonymous No. 16219100

theres no other option sojlent drinker, mars is the closest, anything else and you make it years of travel time

Anonymous No. 16219919

There's literally one way closer, go outside and look up. the moon is way more valuable and cost-effective than mars. by the time the moon is developed enough as a colony, the technology will be there to skip right past mars. the most mars will ever get is like a few scientific outposts at most.

Anonymous No. 16219942

>we can do anything
We literally can't though. There's tons of stuff that's either literally impossible or so impractical it's out of our reach.

Anonymous No. 16219959

>the moon is way more valuable
Why? As a thing for people to say we did sure, it's cool. But why is it valuable in any real sense of the word? It's some of the worst real estate in the known universe. It just has the virtue of being kinda relatively close to us.

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Solar System.png

Anonymous No. 16220032

Mars looks like it takes about twice the delta v to land on than landing on the Moon. Getting fuel out of Earth's gravity well is expensive so 2X is significant but not show stopping. Basically one trip to Mars equals two trips to the Moon for equal mass. Equal mass wouldn't be the case if it is a manned mission since life supplies for humans would be greater on the longer trip to and from Mars. Still, compared to the mass of fuel and the ship, it's not all that much.
Finding a way to produce fuel on the Moon would be amazing but I've yet to see anything really solid in that regard, just theories.

Anonymous No. 16220710

this is irrelevant when rockets are cheap

Anonymous No. 16220737


Anonymous No. 16221000

with many anime waifu

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Anonymous No. 16221796

lol planets are so 21st century

Anonymous No. 16222336


Anonymous No. 16222351

They will probably be handy as waystations and fuel depots.

Anonymous No. 16222360

Useful as artificial magnetosphere?
Cut monthly flyby with Venusian gravity pull catapult

Anonymous No. 16222976

It Will always be a dead world as a whole but it's not impossible to make a self sustaining city sized terrarium in the future.

Anonymous No. 16224150

not far from literal hell

Anonymous No. 16224269

>Given enough time I think at least some humans are going to end up on all of them except maybe Venus.
I am intrigued and looking forward to an explanation how Jupiter can be more habitable than Venus.

Anonymous No. 16224286

it's about the same as rubber tree plantation
except you don't need to wait 1-2 decades before you can harvest it and you can stack hydroponic basins on top of each other

Anonymous No. 16224290

Rome was founded by the sons of Mars.

Anonymous No. 16224350

>Strongest gravitational field
I would argue Saturn ring colony and cloud city in Neptune

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Anonymous No. 16225115

>The thing most dummies don't realize is that the planet dosen't have a magnetic field around it

Anonymous No. 16226440

You need 1 atmosphere of presurrized air too which you have to bring from earth becauase mars is a shithole with barely any air and negligible nitrogen

Anonymous No. 16226445

not necessarily? wtf is this retard shit

Anonymous No. 16226492

Earth, retard

Anonymous No. 16226498

Fuck off oil oilkike retard

Anonymous No. 16226508

What a moronic niggerly thing to say. You should kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16226511

The spinqueer fears the gravity well, because once on solid ground he's afraid he'll never get off again.

Anonymous No. 16226512

Moon has very little carbon.

Anonymous No. 16226513

>move Venus into Earth's orbit in L3
Lagrange points don't work that way. They only work with one big object, one smaller object, and one tiny object. You can't put a planet in another planet's L points.

Anonymous No. 16226660

I think the rations should be at least 25 : 1 for this to work. Theia was a bit on the heavy side and gave Earth a bad day.

Anonymous No. 16226698

There's always a few

Anonymous No. 16226785

Another botpost

Anonymous No. 16226802

Perfect opportunity for space
factory production using strategic solutions mining Caelus, Neptune and Jupiter’s atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16226813

We could move all the factories in there and let them pollute in peace, because it doesn't harm a dead planet.

Anonymous No. 16226882

There is none.
Anon just thinks the idea of a 'cloud city' is cool.

Anonymous No. 16226915

Not in your lifetime

Anonymous No. 16227135

>only thing we will need is a regular supply of manure and fertilizer to be send in starships.

Mars will be colonized by indians

Anonymous No. 16227357

So the space race will be won by the Japanese?

Anonymous No. 16227365

Canadian/Mexican or Argentine/Brazilian

Anonymous No. 16227517

Venus is based. I wish the earth became more like it to wipe the slate clean.

Anonymous No. 16227529

This board argues over planets like /a/ argues over underage cartoon girls.

Anonymous No. 16227533

>Venus has a day 243x longer than ours
only because of the dummy thicc atmosphere
> 900 degrees on the surface
only because of the dummy thicc atmosphere
i can fix her
just give me sci-fi technology to perform planetary engineering and to crack up her crust to stop the catastrophic runaway greenhouse effect

Anonymous No. 16227600

Stomatal diffusion of atmospheric oxygen is necessary for ATP production during light-indepedent photosynthesis. Plants do need oxygen and they don't get it from the roots. You're right in general about a controlled environment being needed on Mars anyway, though

Anonymous No. 16227720

Plus, it's hollow.

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Anonymous No. 16227753

>dummy thicc atmosphere
>daughter of "Venus" god
She sure does

Anonymous No. 16227759

One day.

Anonymous No. 16227765

>Fuck Mars
Yeah me too I would like to fuck a red hot chick.

Anonymous No. 16227796

Congrats! Yes, people are stupid ignorant peasants. Most have absolutely no idea. Its easy to forget how the general population is absolutely devoid of such basic knowledge. Even if informed most can not grasp the implications.
Remember this if you ever want to exploit these monkeys for your own personal gain.
Also remember it next time you vote.
And remember it when civilization collapses and we are forced to cull our numbers in order to survive.

Anonymous No. 16227808

Lol, the ignorance of you sheltered stupid little fucks is so laughable.

Anonymous No. 16227827

Imagine a space civ where, thanks to robotics, we are all so rich and high in resource abundance that each family can own their own ring home. A family of 5 and 100 worker bots can maintain the plantation and the craft. We all get to live on acres of farmland in space and it's all for ourselves!

Anonymous No. 16227833

Titan has the same gravity as the moon and a denser amosphere
It has no magnetic field

A large part of earths atmospheric density is thanks to outgassing from the ground, which helps offset losses from solar winds

Anonymous No. 16227835

lol, as if that matters, 99.9999% of Earth's population would happily commit planetary biocide if it meant getting a Mars selfie. That percentage gets much closer to 100% if there were any resources worth exploiting

Anonymous No. 16227880

>red hot chick
>Starfire race
Big titty (& eye) anime bae gonna get real.

Anonymous No. 16228057


Anonymous No. 16228208

I dare anyone to explain why bother with Mars before having lunar bases.
All Mars has over our moon is trace atmosphere and some ice.
A bit more gravity is nice, but also makes it much more expensive to move things to and from Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16228217

Why is Venus drawing Satanic pentagrams around Earth with its path?

Anonymous No. 16228233

>trace atmosphere
This makes a ton of difference. You can pump oxygen out of it and vent to it.
>some ice
Another massive advantage. It's not some ultra-rare thing in special craters at the south pole. It's everywhere and you use a shovel.

Anonymous No. 16228308

Mars has valuable resources but the moon is closer and has strategic positions such as Peaks of Eternal Light. IT is likely that the moon will be seen to have military values, especially in the regions with ice, which can be used for fuel.
Many serious military papers have been written on the strategic value of the moon in a space war scenario.

Anonymous No. 16228396

Agreed. Our moon can do everything Mars can, but better.

Anonymous No. 16228399


Anonymous No. 16228561

>Peaks of Eternal Light.
does it have those?

Anonymous No. 16228579

>Many serious military papers have been written on the strategic value of the moon
Faggot literature

Anonymous No. 16228621

>rubber or plastic
Are you fucking retarded? Mars has H2O present as frozen ice, CO2's available in the atmosphere and as solid chunks. You can make a lot of different polymers from just hydrogen and carbon. But wait, there's also nitrogen in the atmosphere + sulfur and phosphorous in the dirt. You can make damn near anything organic with CHNOPS. Silicone can be made with hydrogen and silicon(dirt). All the elements are there to make plastic and rubber
Hydrogen comes from frozen water ice. You get heat and pressure with nuclear power.
>can't cast iron
Why the fuck not? Just pump it in a mold
>can't mine for ores
Why the fuck not? It's just moving dirt and rock?
>need an atmosphere
Radiators can be used to dispose of heat
Venus has fuck all hydrogen. Just refilling a rocket to get back is fucking insanity
The moon has fuck all hydrogen. You know what industry and space bases need? Seals. Seals are best made from elastomers and you can't make elastomers without organics.
Hydrogen and carbon are way, way, more abundant on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16229032

>Venus has #%*k all hydrogen
Converting sulfuric acid and remaining misty vapor into H2

Anonymous No. 16229108

Supposedly several, both on the north and south pole. The lunar inclination is just 3 degrees so it doesn't take much.

Got kicked out of the military?
Some of the space power guys seemed rather cool.

Anonymous No. 16229177

Latins otaku thread?

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Anonymous No. 16229480

Don't ask questions you are ill prepared for.

Anonymous No. 16229486

>Hydrogen is electrolysed from water
>green type
What other color type?

Anonymous No. 16229934

There is "blue hydrogen" made from hydrocarbons.

Anonymous No. 16229941

This is what blue hydrogen looks like. This is not a render.

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venus pentagram o....png

Anonymous No. 16230132


Anonymous No. 16230211

>pink, red and purple
Nuclear energy made into fuel resource
Distracting from natural coal and food waste
Neo-gold rush h2
Solar generate more h2

Barkon. No. 16230214

It depends how good you are.

Skill is one option. Vantage. Finance. Nature. Fame. Etc. There are hundreds of thousands of 'goods'.

You won't be looked passed. You will be offered support if you're more than half-way there.

Boxed investments are possible.

You won't be given any special treatment but you will be considered in the first sitting.

IQ doesn't matter.

Barkon. No. 16230218

Boxes can be worth multi trillions. That's my only 'special treatment's.

Anonymous No. 16230388

Barkon = bot?

Barkon. No. 16230407

No I'm just bicameral.

Anonymous No. 16230687

There's fuck all sulfuric acid. When you look at how much atmosphere you gotta process to get enough hydrogen from sulfuric acid and other crap, it's insane. The mass flow rate similiar to the three gorges dam to refill starship in a year

Anonymous No. 16230982

Let's assume for a second that moon landing was not a hoax, how fucking lame is it that that decades later, with so many technological advancements, we have not sent people to Mars yet? It's like humans want to rush to extinction.

Anonymous No. 16231086

That is essentially the debate over in >>16221937

Anonymous No. 16232042

I agree. Wanderlust is a very human drive, and it is a sign of the time that people do not want to go out to explore.
Also, Mars has an eerie beauty of its own with a great landscape such as Valles Marineris.

Anonymous No. 16232111

>That was analysed on 4chan and found to be wrong.
But was is analysed by snopes?

Anonymous No. 16232254

The 4chan analysis was plausible, the guff from Snopes is thinly disguised propaganda.

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Anonymous No. 16232474

It not insane. This is space king!

Anonymous No. 16233498

Built nuke reactor instead bomb it?

Anonymous No. 16233699

cope sneed dilate

Anonymous No. 16233722

I think it's just the closest rock that won't crush us to death or burn us alive. Also it had water sometime in its history opening up the possibility for martian life sometime in the past.

Anonymous No. 16234268

>that won't crush us to death or burn us alive
And what about the moon, can that do either??

Anonymous No. 16234581

prove it. How would you refuel starship on Venus then? Show your math or GTFO!

Anonymous No. 16234634

>You can't cast iron in 0G
Obviously not true.
About heat you can use water, abundant for example on ceres.
Lack of water is a real obstacle about asteroids, it's useful on many levels.
For the record mars atmosphere at such low pressure isn't that great either, radiators would need to be large anyway if you want to use that.

Anonymous No. 16235201

>- it has a gravity gradient
Really?? How can you have a body with its own strong gravitation without a gravity gradient?

Anonymous No. 16235211

I'd probably have it aero drag into low orbit then descend and inflate balloons. Certain altitudes of venus are pretty earth like and the starship could float around and fuel off that atmosphere.
Next. ..

Anonymous No. 16235319


Anonymous No. 16235424

sigh... do I have to explain everything to you? I said to SHOW YOUR MATH. Does that post have any math in it? NO.
>Certain altitudes of venus are pretty earth like
Never disputed that, HOWEVER, these are not the best altitudes for harvesting clouds. Peak cloud mass loading as measured by the Pioneer Venus Large Probe occurs at about 50 km and temperature's 77 C. That's a bit warm. Mass loading data from here:
Peak mass loading is about 90 mg/m^3 at 50 km and that's pretty much 100% sulfuric acid. This translate to droplet about 2 mm in diameter. Starship booster and all needs something like 4600 tons of methane. This means you need about 1160 tons of hydrogen. And hydrogen's 2.1% of the mass of H2SO4. So you need 1160 tons/0.021= 56,434 tons of sulfuric acid. Which means you need to process a volume of atmosphere equal to 56,434 tons /90 mg/m^3= 6.27e11 m^3
density at this altitude's about 1.6 kg/m^3, so assuming we refill starship in one earth year we need a mass flow rate through whatever's filtering cloud out of the atmosphere of:
(1.6 kg * ((56 434 000 kg) / (90 mg))) / (1 year) =31,792 kg/s
or a volumetric flow rate of 19868.8554 (m^3) / second
In comparison, a GE90 turbofan at take off has a mass flow rate of 1350 kg/s. So you need a mass flow rate roughly equal to 23.5 GE90s. Sucking clouds through a filter or cyclonic separator could work, but you need a lot of power. So one option is to take advantage of different wind speeds at different altitudes to pull a filter through the air

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Anonymous No. 16235438

The world highest kite was flown to about 4.9 km. The difference in mean wind speed from the Venus International Reference Atmosphere between 50 km and 55 km is like 6.2 m/s
we need a surface area of 19868.8554 (m^3) / second / 6.2 m/s =3204.65 m^2. Which means we need a sail or filter of some sort of 61 m in diameter. Which is sort of comparable to the wing span of a 747. I'll admit this isn't too insane. In fact, fishing supertrawler drag nets that are 200 meters across. This does assume you can collect 100% of cloud particles that pass through the filter. In reality, this isn't likely to be the case. The other problem is that your 'cloud trawler' needs to overcome a ~3.4 m/s wind that's pushing it to the poles. Counteracting this is nontrivial.

Anonymous No. 16235558

Europa (origin of Europe)

Anonymous No. 16235657

the better place to do stuff like that is Venus, by FAR - last time i did back-of-the-napkin calculations for it it seemed like Venus has substantially more carbon in its atmosphere alone than Earth does from all known carbon reservoirs, including carbonate minerals, which was staggering to me. Venus also comes with a local source of hydrogen in the form of sulfuric acid clouds. and ample solar flux for power. and readily available sources of the pressures/temperatures needed for the Bosch/Sabatier reactions.

the Bosch reaction is probably ideal here if you wanted to terraform Venus by reducing its greenhouse effect - it generates solid carbon from CO2 and uses 1/3 less hydrogen gas. you could just dump the carbon back down to the surface (from your breathable atmosphere floating balloon outpost) if you wanted, the supercritical CO2 down there would keep the oxygen waste product higher in the atmosphere (seriously, there'd be way more of it than could be consumed by breathing), preventing a back-reaction.

i suppose there's the possibility of carbothermal reduction of oxyanion and oxide minerals at the temperatures and pressures at the surface, but for sulfates that would actually help to cool the atmosphere by dredging up more SO2 into it, which in turn would accelerate the generation of sulfuric acid clouds for hydrogen sourcing for your Bosch/Sabatier reactions. oh, and your balloon colony would be floating at about 50-55km from the surface, right near the cloud layer, so you're quite close to your hydrogen source already.

Venus is so much better than Mars.

Anonymous No. 16235666

The difference in temperature between the upper and lower atmosphere of Venus would provide basically infinite energy, you would never need solar there.

Anonymous No. 16235685

also, forgot to mention - the Bosch reaction allows you to reuse all of the hydrogen you collect. the net reaction is just CO2 splitting if you electrolyze the water. sequestering hydrogen in plastics via methane-based plastic manufacture is probably not a good idea long term, using it as rocket fuel is even worse (you're losing most of it permanently with every lauch). you're going to want materials with a very high carbon predominance if you can help it. luckily... that makes for some damn good materials.

people often forget the Bosch reaction exists because methane is commonly produced industrially, and you can just mine for carbon, but in a hydrogen constrained environment like Venus, making highly hydrogenated hydrocarbons is also constrained.

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fuck urf.jpg

Anonymous No. 16235691


Anonymous No. 16235715

taking advantage of that differential requires heat exchange infrastructure that's kilometers long - i suppose it's not impossible in theory, once you've gotten local manufacturing going, but getting that going is going to have to start with solar. and you're still likely to do both regardless. and you're gonna have a hell of a time not losing the heat to leakage on that kilometers-long journey up through the Venusian atmosphere before it can power whatever Carnot cycle generator you're using.

solar also provides a potential solution to the day/night issue in the form of large shades covered in solar panels and using slightly less dense lifting gasses to be held above the balloon dwellings. a shade with n openings for a radial, equidistant arrangement of n balloon dwellings would only need to rotate fully once every n Earth days if the balloon dwellings were given enough space between them. the need to adjust for solar angle would be basically nonexistent - you'd be getting ideal angles for solar panel operation at all times if you set things up right.

Anonymous No. 16235731

oh, shit, i was wrong - Bosch only uses HALF the amount of hydrogen as Sabatier (per mol of CO2), not 2/3rds. i was thinking of the H2 fraction in CO methanation, not Sabatier

Anonymous No. 16235736


Anonymous No. 16235791

so how do you harness that temperature difference?

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Anonymous No. 16235797

Why can't Mars and Cares get together?

Anonymous No. 16235799

>crash ceres into mars
Dangerously based

Anonymous No. 16235804

I would reckon you cycle a fluid and use the expansion to spin a turbine

Anonymous No. 16235811

Would be a much fancier moon than the two potatoes

Could provide tidal heating for mars


Anonymous No. 16235814

You can just stick a really long u shaped pipe out the bottom of the balloon that dips far enough down to make supercritical steam and you have infinite free energy and heat to keep your cloud city afloat

Anonymous No. 16235836

>two potatoes
Put em in a Slingshot and send them to Jupiter!

Anonymous No. 16235874

Sure, if you have a method of moving such a huge load then go ahead.
However, I don't really see the point.
Mars has 10% the mass of Earth, and Ceres only has like 0.01% of the mass of Earth.
Best case scenario, the impact restarts Mar's core and the conditions shift very slightly closer to those of Earth.
In fact, I'm fairly certain that even if you took all the sub-earth celestial bodies in the solar system (excluding Venus) and smashed them all together you'd only get something with around 20% of Earth's mass.
While I'm not sure how much mass you actually need to hold a substantial atmosphere, given that Venus is roughly 80% Earth's size and has a pretty robust one I say we use that as our benchmark.
So yeah - unless you somehow cannibalize the larger rocky planets like Neptune and Uranus on a massive scale - we're a little short on materials.

Anonymous No. 16235878

This is reddit cringe

Anonymous No. 16235905

that was exactly the system i was imagining, and the problem of heat loss from that supercritical steam through the massive surface of the kilometers-long pipe, just dumping it uselessly into the higher, cooler parts of the Venusian atmosphere before it gets to your generator, is exactly the problem i was describing.

not an insurmountable problem. hell of a problem to surmount, though.

Anonymous No. 16235907

The energy is inexhaustible so efficiency doesnt really matter. Were already doing it on earth, venus would be even easier since theres no drilling

Anonymous No. 16235937

On earth it travels 500m

Anonymous No. 16235941

>Venus rocket refueling
probably gonna want some kind of exclusively C/N/O based bipropellant, because those are all stupidly abundant in the Venusian atmosphere.

there's always the ol' dicyanoacetylene/ozone rocket for your "the engine has become a fuel additive" needs at a chilly flame temperature of >6000C, merely hotter than the surface of the sun.

the point is you can get some pretty energetic fuels without hydrogen (thank you, stupidly high stabilities of the dinitrogen triple bond + carbon-oxygen double bond, and your gaseous products). yes, it'll never have SI as good as a hydrogenated fuel, but there's so much energy available at Venus and so much fuel feedstock just floatin' around everywhere, lack of hydrogen doesn't strike me as a rocket fuel dealbreaker. you're gonna want to keep your hydrogen in closed loop systems as much as you can in a place like Venus - i imagine it would look a lot like what we sometimes do with helium

Anonymous No. 16236036


Anonymous No. 16236092

>and smashed them all together
>crash ceres into mars
All these fantasies of crashing together. W
hy no let them orbit around each other without photos and Deimos.

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Johan Norberg och....jpg

Anonymous No. 16236125

You are simply Dead Wrong™ with Johan Norberg. One day Elon Musk will colonize Mars! The road there is long but worth it. And even if we don't succeed, it's worth it that we've dreamed about it for 40-50 years. Think of all the research you can do for SpaceX revenue. The million who colonize Mars are the winners leaving the rest of humanity behind, or the losers. They say Mars is unsuitable because it has no magnetic field & the atmosphere is thick enough to carry dust storms but too thin to protect against meteor impacts. To protect ourselves from that, we have to live underground. It's not that dangerous, it's like living in a mall. Another thing Elon Musk will arrange with his research is boy pregnancies. Then everyone, even MIGAs, will finally get their "trad wife".

Anonymous No. 16236127

>the larger rocky planets like Neptune and Uranus

Anonymous No. 16236219

/sci/ in a nutshell

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Anonymous No. 16236228

And how would this be done? By "terraforming"™?
Chris McKay estimates 100,000 years for a simple approach to reach a breathable atmosphere, Zubrin estimates it could be accomplished as quickly as 900 years in an "optimistic scenario", more complex approach, with mega-engineering (aka Star Trek fantasy bullshit) such as giant space mirrors to reflect more sunlight to Mars.
There is the danger of all the CO2 getting turned into limestone or other forms of calcite or similar minerals, and is permanently removed from the atmosphere and is extremely hard to release again, we don't even know how early Mars lost its atmosphere. Or a micro-organism or higher organism evolves on our transformed Mars which is either hazardous to humans, a disease or an allergen, or damaging to our crops or animals. Because of the lower gravity it needs about 3 times as much mass for the same atmospheric pressure, similarly needs three times the mass of oxygen per square meter for a breathable atmosphere, this might also cause issues for humans if they live there permanently.
Mars is further from the sun - so we just get about half the light we get here on Earth. It has also no continental drift, so long term it may lose all its atmosphere - on Earth the atmosphere is maintained long term by volcanic eruptions - which is also probably the main thing that got Earth out of its ice phases.
The planet has much less nitrogen than Earth, which is important in our atmosphere as a buffer (77% of the atmosphere), as well as needed by many plants. A CO2 atmosphere with no buffer is poisonous for humans even when it has enough oxygen to breathe. An almost pure oxygen atmosphere (as in spacesuits) is breathable, but hard to achieve biologically, is also flammable, and you get oxygen toxicity on long timescales for humans. Some compromise might work, using smaller amounts of nitrogen than for Earth, but this is not certain.
Humanity will die on this planet.

Anonymous No. 16236388

that's great anon, but how the fuck do you move the heat like 10s of kilometers?

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New Barkon No. 16236412


New Barkon No. 16236414

Just making sure the board is cleaned.

Anonymous No. 16236477

Hmm it's definitely going to be some kind of tube

Anonymous No. 16236487

The pressure is already high enough in certain places for liquid water to form under the right conditions. Even a small increase in pressure will likely result in the creation of lakes.

Anonymous No. 16236588

Finnish-Japanese new pact:,-OKG-announce-hydrogen-plans

Anonymous No. 16236596

Cool. And? How does this make it anymore likely that one day humans will settle on Mars?

Anonymous No. 16236635


Anonymous No. 16236845

Someone have already. And there are rules in place.
The only thing that realistically can reverse this, is if someone finds ancient ruins indicating a past with intelligent life.

Anonymous No. 16236956

that's fucking ridiculous. Instead you could do something like a slocum glider, but like a balloon that repeated goes up and down using the temperature changes to cause changes in buoyancy. How you actually generate power with this is beyond me, but I think NASA made some floats like this that do this in the ocean. You could certainly use the up and down motion to move a filter through the air to do cloud harvesting. My autism demands that I watch anime right now, I'll dig out the VIRA tables later

Anonymous No. 16236992

we left poop on the moon

Anonymous No. 16237706

It would be easier to study potential life on Mars with a colony there.

Anonymous No. 16237733

We never went to the moon.

Anonymous No. 16237739

The Tardfucker has spoken!
All hail the mighty Tardfucker!

Anonymous No. 16237750

I say we round up all the people who think colonizing Mars is feasible and a good idea, give them all the resources they say they need, and send them off. The cost would be astronomical, but in the long run it would be worth it to just get rid of these mouth breathing worthless pieces of shit.

Anonymous No. 16238062

Essentially, you are threatening with what people want.
And who will remain, telephone sanitizers?

Anonymous No. 16238103

the best part is:
they'll round themselves up for you

Anonymous No. 16238341

Yes, we know you're just mad that Mars didn't grow to be the same size as Earth. No, venting about it won't change anything.

Anonymous No. 16238753

Do any pop-sci retards have a solution for Mars’ gravity problem? Permanently living in a place with only .38% gravity would be terrible for a persons health. It might even be impossible to reproduce on Mars since babies in the womb won’t develop properly.

Anonymous No. 16238764

You take medications and wear weights distributed across your joints. If you can trick your body into thinking you're a 120lb woman you're golden.

Anonymous No. 16239194

Centrifuges have been proposed for decades.

Anonymous No. 16239372

holy fucking what

Anonymous No. 16239440

About gestation is probably possible instead, the biggest doubts are more about children growing up correctly after birth.
It's just doubts though, we have currently no real evidence about any of that.
An unrealistic solution doesn't improve with age.
If you need centrifuges you remain in space.

Anonymous No. 16239447

>Permanently living in a place with only .38% gravity would be terrible for a persons health.

only for earther shitters, their place is somewhere else. The planet where they get raped and extorted by jewish pedophiles, Klaus Schwabb young leaders and Biden's homosexuals.

Anonymous No. 16239473

1 hour 14.88 g sessions every day.

Anonymous No. 16239479

Hell even a slight decrease or increase in gravity by a few percent up or down would have major long term health implications. Given that humans are only adjusted to live on Earth, I guess it does make sense where the rotating space habitat proponents come from.

Anonymous No. 16239494

Have there been experiments on gestation in mice on the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16239503

pure speculation based on nothing whatsoever

this is no different to the idea that steam trains go too fast and would damage uteruses, cause blindness and/or madness by rapid change of visual stimuli, if not straight up liquefy occupants by going over 100mph

Anonymous No. 16239506

the did not report any difference between 1g and 0g

New Barkon No. 16239549

I promise you prosperity. Read my Twitter for more like this @ WorldofVard. To be updated tonight.

Anonymous No. 16239842

yeah, until its government imports muslim immigrants for "more diversity" and they blow up some vital system of the ship

Anonymous No. 16239848

V-Venus chan??? what are you doing???

Anonymous No. 16239903

I think you misunderstood

A single family owns an entire ship
There are no immigrants, just a billion micro ring worlds scattered across the solar system

Anonymous No. 16240047

>An unrealistic solution doesn't improve with age.
You fail to point out why this is unrealistic.
>If you need centrifuges you remain in space.
Here you just fail.

Anonymous No. 16240100

that's hot

Anonymous No. 16240103

obviously he was talking about planets other than Earth, retard

Anonymous No. 16240158

Now that more hotter

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Anonymous No. 16240282

i talk about MARS in my BRAND NEW RELEASE of CRYONEWS made by 4chan tards FOR 4chan tards!

Anonymous No. 16240368

>just a billion micro ring worlds scattered across the solar system
what would ring wars look like?

Anonymous No. 16241252

Bet Jeff Bezos next business is hydrogen vehicle, competition against Tesla

Anonymous No. 16241266

Oh from your lips to God's ears.

Anonymous No. 16241514

People want to go to Mars because it's a good place to attempt terraforming research projects dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16241543

Terraforming is a syfy meme.

Anonymous No. 16241674

One word. Fungus. Actually maybe three words. Genetically engineered fungus.

Anonymous No. 16241695

One word: pressure. Not enough pressure.

Anonymous No. 16241729

Idk man, I'm just one guy. AI and a group of genius scientists using their brain cycles could figure something out given enough time.

Anonymous No. 16241787

>terraforming research projects
You know that's basically entirely doable by planetary systems modeling, right? The basic chemistries necessary don't require on-location experimental research, we can test them in any laboratory. The only part of terraforming 'research' that might necessitate on-location infrastructure is prospecting, and even then you can use probes.

Besides, the actual best place for a test run is Venus - it's substantially out of thermal equilibrium already, providing an energetically favorable path towards modification to more livable temperatures (that's why solar shades alone would cause such a massive effect). The lack of hydrogen and magnetic field are the biggest problems, but they're both possible to remedy even in worst-case scenarios for local resource availability (i.e. assuming zero remaining mineral hydrates, including hydroxylated minerals).

Anonymous No. 16241808

You can't dump all the CO2 from Venus, it has nowhere to go

Anonymous No. 16241850

You don't dump it, you sequester it. The only thing you might actually need to dump is oxygen.

Anonymous No. 16242321

Well the most compelling reason to have colonies in space beyond research would be extracting elements that are rare in earths crust and dropping them to earth. A lot of shit would be harder in space, but all you need is the ability to purify whatever you are mining enough so it is economic to ship, likely with electrolysis since nuclear power and solar energy is super easy to do in space. Speaking of this, launch costs will likely stay expensive, so if manufacturing solar panels in space proves to be cheaper per kilogram of panel than launching them from earth, asteroid mining could support orbital solar power which is pretty neat.

Anonymous No. 16242776

Re-converted into oxygen & ammonia, ship it to Mars

Anonymous No. 16242782

>There is no evidence that fungi or any other form of life exists on Mars. While some types of microbe, like the black mold fungus, might be able to survive on the Red Planet's surface for a substantial timeframe, it is not clear whether fungi are already alive, well, and thriving on Mars. A research paper uploaded to ResearchGate implied that Mars provides an environment in which fungi could thrive, but this does not mean that fungi are actually growing on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16243644

NTA, and terraforming is a meme and a waste of time, but lichen have been shown to be capable of surviving in the vacuum of space, let alone in simulated marslike conditions.

Anonymous No. 16244086

Fungus can't turn rock to air. Terraforming's a meme

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Mars Korolev crat....jpg

Anonymous No. 16244375

>rubber or plastic
Mars is still easy mode for those thanks to the CO2 atmosphere and huge water deposits. You will already be processing them to make methane and oxygen. Now try doing it on the Moon.

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Anonymous No. 16244555

Mars was always my favourite planet as a kid. Fuck you. The cold desert planet is cool.

Anonymous No. 16244599

Why would that future ever be provided for you?

Anonymous No. 16244601

Dumb idiot doesn't realize these figures are what happens when you have a point of a sphere rolling around another sphere.

Anonymous No. 16244629

Carbonate rocks an in fact turn into air

Anonymous No. 16244681

Autists have a difficult time understanding dry humor.

Anonymous No. 16244687

>Act like literally every mentally ill /x/phile
>"Bro it was obviously dry humor what r u autistic."

Anonymous No. 16244713

>still unable to distinguish between obvious sarcasm and literal expression of beliefs
>still doesn't realize 95%+ of /x/ is LARP
pretty clearly autistic

Anonymous No. 16244745

There's nothing obviously pointing to it being a joke when many people sincerely believe that stuff, you didn't say anything they don't believe or use any hyperbole that would suggest lampshading.
>95%+ of /x/ is LARP
Bullshit, if you actually believe this you're a rube.
But if it were true that would be endlessly more pathetic than genuine schizos.

Anonymous No. 16244751

anon you're literally incapable of discerning tone. this is fucking textbook autism.

>that would be endlessly more pathetic
what delusions are you under that would lead to the conclusion /x/ ISN'T endlessly pathetic? about the only thing it has going for it is not being /pol/, /b/, or /r9k/

Anonymous No. 16244758

Beep boop, there is no evidence of joking here, beep boop

Anonymous No. 16244775

Or maybe your jokes aren't as obvious as you think.
I literally have family that believe lizard people control the world.
All the Saturn black cube/ sacred geometry shit anons post is genuine, just because you think "oh yeah all these people are just playing a decades long joke to nobody" doesn't mean it's true.

Anonymous No. 16244841


Anonymous No. 16244928

Better than Earth by virtue of having no horrid humans on it, but that's about it. Entire galaxy is honestly kind of worthless

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Anonymous No. 16245191


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Anonymous No. 16245865


Anonymous No. 16245895

>just live in the inner earth bro
>just live in Agartha with the breakaway Nazis bro

Anonymous No. 16245923

Fuck huge rotating cylinders in space would unironically be more comfortable more hospitable and safer than living in Mars.(Better gravity, better radiation shielding and no meteors constantly smashing the colony from the nearby asteroid belt)

Anonymous No. 16245956

>Like Europa

Jupiter's magnetic field is like nuclear levels of insane. Enjoy your radiation AIDS and third eye growing on your balls.

Anonymous No. 16246013

How do you know there isn't oil on Mars?

Anonymous No. 16247059

>Permanently living in a place with only .38% gravity would be terrible for a persons health.
Why exactly?

Anonymous No. 16247312

Everything to toxic soil and airless dust storm

Anonymous No. 16247332

Mars should only be a resource planet, I would hate for humans having to suffer seeing orange dogshit all their lives, especially mars born human and the discrimination they'll face anyways for not being born on earth

Anonymous No. 16247354

musculoskeletal degeneration

Anonymous No. 16247508

Hey, at least got underground hydrogen tanker for fuel business

Anonymous No. 16249180

Now we need bigger moxie converting H2

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Anonymous No. 16250031

What in the fuck? Is this bait? Mars is not a moon of Saturn, Mars is its own planet with its own separate orbit, and Saturn does not emit light and cannot function as a sun

Anonymous No. 16250034

>No you can't just shit in the dead martian dust and grow potatoes
This is true but it wasn't known yet when The Martian was made. The toxic perchlorate content of Mars' soil was discovered later

Anonymous No. 16250102


Anonymous No. 16250107

>nobody ever talks about how much perchlorates want to get rid of those extra oxygen atoms all grabbing electrons off the chlorine
>like, explosively so
>they fucking love to decompose

Anonymous No. 16250163

Ammonia carrier of fuel cell/IC engine

Anonymous No. 16250889

Ballin -

Anonymous No. 16250992

>Obviously not true.
Whatever tech we use needing gravity, would be obsolete in 0G and likely greatly handicapped on an asteroid with like 0.02% Earth gravity.
Of course, we can develop tech that does not rely on significant gravity. But that is an additional demand that has just been introduced, instead of posing no additional demands like with the Martian option.
>About heat you can use water, abundant for example on ceres.
Good answer. Ceres could of course also be a good location for industry. But I don't think it will ever attract a human settler, unlike Mars could. Reasons are as pseudo-trivial as Mars offering sunrises and a bright sky, while with Ceres there is no perceptual difference from just inhabiting open space (besides grav).
>For the record mars atmosphere at such low pressure isn't that great either, radiators would need to be large anyway if you want to use that.
As the head honcho says, the best part is no part. Early industry will profit greatly from one giant headache (heat) being downgraded to a small headache or even just minor consideration, like the aid of 1% atmosphere does.

Non-local resource extraction is a very involved process. At the minimum at the start of space colonization, all the resources will be extracted locally. Waiting for asteroid mining is a fool's errand when you could just start a low-tech iron mine (pressurized as well, so you don't even need to have some spacesuit. You can LARP like it's 1899 as a miner with a pickaxe) on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16251089

EV company gonna get dunked