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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206324

This must be embarrassing for the people on this board who thought they were smart and "following the science." Turns out you are a retard just like the "schizos" said you were

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Anonymous No. 16206327

Sad that so many people blindly followed.

Anonymous No. 16206337

leeches and blood letting unironically have more merit than most modern pharmaceuticals.

Anonymous No. 16206342

I've had 3 shots, but I won't get a 4th!

Anonymous No. 16206351

Pathetic. I never even got tested. I hope you have your affairs in order.

Anonymous No. 16206400

>I made it up
That's based
He should have said it from the beginning

Anonymous No. 16206402

blood drawing works. there was a study that used firemen to see if certain chemicals were reduced from their frequent blood donations.
>Effect of Plasma and Blood Donations on Levels of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Firefighters in Australia: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Anonymous No. 16206406

I don't donate and I don't fight fires.

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Anonymous No. 16206427

is that manlet into memes lmao

Anonymous No. 16206431

Almost no one is going to care. Part of the point of getting 90%+ of the population to be complicit was to ensure everyone would be too embarrassed to push the issue when it was discovered to have been a load of shit.

Anonymous No. 16206439

Voting for an orange retard is embarrassing. Listening to a real scientist and doctor is not.

bodhi No. 16206454

lmao get a load of this fucking retard doubling down. you are a fucking loser of the highest order

Anonymous No. 16206480

didn't ask. I'm blood letting and flushing it. You're a slave

Anonymous No. 16206490

Improperly disposing of hazardous waste is a crime.

Anonymous No. 16206500

you better never have sex then, your sperm is highly dysgenic

Anonymous No. 16206545

What an insane time, a grown man in his 50s tried to start a fight with me in a super market, because he thought I was too close to his 6ft bubble.

I literally had to reason with him that fighting me would almost certainly put him in a hospital, which is supposedly what he was trying to avoid in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 16206563

The Fringe were empowered and they were immune from your logic. I shall recall those dark times with my grandchildren someday.

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Anonymous No. 16206566

Here is the plebbit reaction to "chuds" posting about Fauci's admission.

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Anonymous No. 16206610

>"they made it up"
This is a double entendre. It may even be speech that is designed to speak 2 different messages to 2 different groups.

OP has found 1 meaning, but the meaning that is lost on ITT is:
>"it's a novel virus so no rules currently exist and we have to invent new rules or 'make them up"
No fucking duh they made it up, but how why is that a bad thing? I would think they "made up" the rules based on all the available information, sound logic, and educated guessing with the best interest of everyone in mind.

I know you idiots are going to argue over which meaning is intended because, arguably, arguing over this type of stuff is what this board is for, but before you do that can you take a moment and make note of who's publishing this double entendre? What kind of complete failure and moron of a publisher to say such a double entendre? Where they simply not thinking or was an intentional act of stupidity?? Maybe they want you people to get mad and argue about it because it'll drive up their views and clicks. Can a double entendre be used as clickbait? They could say it was an accident and have plausible deniability, so it's not entirely a dumb idea, but boy is it dumb!!

Anonymous No. 16206616

He was asked what studies the rules were based off of and he said there were no studies. You wrote so much text for absolutely no reason but nice try defending your hero even though he himself just blew you the fuck out of the water.

Anonymous No. 16206645

The Hague waits

Anonymous No. 16206668

>The most mercantile, pragmatic, end-justifies-the-means, deceptive and corrupt government in the world is going to benevolently host trials to bring justice to the world that even God would recognize as the greater good.
Only a non-Dutch brown person would be impressed by ''The Hague''.

Anonymous No. 16206691

I didn't do it because doctors told me to, I did for myself to be safe. Wtf, don't you have a brain? You don't know how to be careful?
You see someone sneezing and coughing and what do you do? hug them? kiss them? Fuck no, I keep my distance, I don't want to deal with a fucking flu.
Now imagine a novel, unknown disease we're not sure what the fuck it actually does or how much it actually kills or not?
If you want to be a guinea pig, go ahead, but I'm staying away. Fuck yes, I am.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16206731

Remembering when covid was just starting and people in Italy were encouraged by the authorities to hug Chinese people? Yeah

Anonymous No. 16206767

Was he supposed to divine guidelines out of the alter of the universe?

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Anonymous No. 16206805

His ass was supposed to remain fired until sleepy gave it back to him. He's still making millions, he doesn't give a fuck that he can't show his face to the public again because sniveling connivers like him live alone anyway.
It's not even the most retarded thing he's been paid to say. He's a book learned moron who's told what to do and say by other book learned morons further up the chain. He also has experience and a family history riddled with drug peddling so that also plays a part in him rolling with peddling the clot shot. It's why he's consistently contradicted himself, even going back to his gay bath house saga. A complete tool who was only so adamant towards the end of his career because it was the only moment in his life where he could be seen as someone other than a crooked rat faced.
Tough shit for him though cause he's a laughing stock for the rest of time due to Trump firing him. You just can't recover from that rofl.

Anonymous No. 16206820

"Just do something" is not a scientific methodology. When "science" doesn't know the answer to something, the correct response to a question is "we don't know".

bodhi No. 16206827

Why didnt you just do an anticovid rain dance then? It would have been as effective, likely more effective

Anonymous No. 16206893

PFAS are man made. They didn't exist when people believed in the theory of the four humours.

If you really want to defend leeches find an example where they are actually used in modern medicine. (There are some).

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Anonymous No. 16206911

>Fauci characterized the recommendation as “an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data.”

Anonymous No. 16206938

Looking around at the leftist corners of social media, most of them are completely avoiding this news but the ones who are engaging on it have converged on "Well, what would you have recommended?" as their go to response. The implication is that Fauci had to release some kind of orders to the public and it didn't matter if they were effective or even counterproductive, all that mattered was that he came up with something for everyone to follow.
This is why IFLS! religion does to people's critical thinking skills.

Anonymous No. 16206943

ffs it's social distancing. If you want to split hairs a sneeze can travel 26 feet, but if Fauci had said for everybody to stand 26 feet apart you faggots would have whined even harder than you did. This isn't rocket science, you just social distance enough for it to be convenient.

Anonymous No. 16206951

>IFLS! religion does to people's critical thinking skills.
those people don't have critical thinking skills, thats why they're so easily manipulated an obedient

Anonymous No. 16206952

Women's period blood gets flushed everyday, how is that any different?

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Anonymous No. 16206954

It depends how much birth control is in it.

bodhi No. 16207120

>If you want to be a guinea pig, go ahead,
Ironic. How many shots and boosters did you get? I got zero lil piggy

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Anonymous No. 16207287

>I took an untested experimental medication because I wanted to be safe

Anonymous No. 16207289

anyone taking this cunt to trial? I need him to rot and die alone in prison.

Anonymous No. 16207323

Why would I feel embarrassed over it? He's literally a scientist, so the rules he made to control the pandemic, which were successful by the way, are by definition science.

Anonymous No. 16207329

The current DoJ is a wing of Biden admin. You think they'll take the case? We've had years of investigation by the current House committee, they've submitted recommendations for prosecution but the DoJ hasnt picked up the call. I dont think the current admin wants to prosecute one of their own. The entire narrative of the current political party relies on his clean record. He is their pope for their religion

bodhi No. 16207344

So is Bill Nye and said cut your dick off and become a woman. Do it, it is science. you will love it.

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Anonymous No. 16207349

Will we actually get to see this reality? It seems like we're so close to it.

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Anonymous No. 16208125

>zero argument

Anonymous No. 16208202

Trump's scheme to holocaust the low IQs using the vax was brilliant 1488d chess

Barkon No. 16208207

Zero doesn't exist. How can you have zero argument? Do you mean 'no argument', well that's -1 arguments.

Anonymous No. 16208268

This is part of it. The psychological programming that the general public (mostly leftists) swallowed is insane. But hey, the dumber leftists stay, the richer I get lol

Anonymous No. 16208314

Interesting timing on a University of Maryland study released today that shows that N95 were "completely effective" in stopping to spread of COVID and that cloth masks were "even better". Guarantee all of the news coverage is going to switch over to pushing that story so they can ignore Fauci's ouchie.

Anonymous No. 16208323

>makes shit up
>makes normies look retarded
lmao kind of based
normals always deserved the worst

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Anonymous No. 16208376


Anonymous No. 16208382

He can also be jailed by the Sergeant at Arms of the House for any of several offenses, immediately upon certain criteria being met.

Anonymous No. 16208480

>Why didn't you just do an anticovid rain dance then?
because keeping away from sick people decreases the chances you too will get infected.

What distance to keep? That depends on so many variables, you just stay away to be safe. Its not complicated, just stay away.

Anonymous No. 16208485

Well, what would you have recommended?

Anonymous No. 16208489

This is a social distancing thread, no?

Anonymous No. 16208498

I just don't like touching people.

bodhi No. 16208499

how you think you are ever going to get your dick wet with that attitude lil dude

Anonymous No. 16208509

I'll find one woman, and after we've spent some time together, we'll pair off.

Anonymous No. 16208802

Bloodletting has its uses, is not complete stupid nonsense like mRNA vaccines.

Anonymous No. 16208818

Avoiding the media.

Anonymous No. 16208841

if he goes down, the fauci followers will compare him to jesus

Anonymous No. 16208934

Ya but Jesus was only in hell for 3 days.

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Anonymous No. 16209031

When are the hearings for Blackrock and the federal reserve?

Anonymous No. 16209052

it was so fucking obvious it was all made up when they said don't use masks, then made it a fucking mandate 6 months after the virus got here

Anonymous No. 16209200


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head in the sand.jpg

Anonymous No. 16209434


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Anonymous No. 16209436

>When are the hearings for Blackrock and the federal reserve?

Anonymous No. 16209836

/sci/ btfo'd

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Myocarditis and p....jpg

Anonymous No. 16210825

Anonymous No. 16210832

Who cares about a bot farm?

Anonymous No. 16211598

This is just ask a stupid question get a stupid answer isn't it? Is there something magical about 6 feet? No of course not. Is distance a variable that impacts the spread of an airborne contagion? Obviously. There's not going to be a study that confirms that 30 seconds of hand washing is best, but is doing a good job washing your hands better than just running them under water? Of course it is and taking the fact that the number is somewhat arbitrary as an input to argue against the efficacy of an intervention as such is for morons.

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Anonymous No. 16211741

He's not a real scientist, and neither is you.

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Anonymous No. 16212341


Anonymous No. 16213029

you guys should've already known if a jew uses the number 6, it's made up

Anonymous No. 16213995

Duck & Cover

Anonymous No. 16214016

I have a rock that keeps tigers away. I have not yet encountered a tiger, ergo my invention is successful.

Anonymous No. 16214163

All you needed was common sense. That's it. Just enough to say "hmm, maybe I won't take the untested, experimental vaccine for an illness that I have a 99.999% chance of surving with no long term effects"

You didn't need tomes of research, scientific debate, statistics and to wrap a piece of plastic around your mouth for 2 years. You just had to not be retarded.

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Anonymous No. 16214290

When did /sci/ fill up with schizos?

Anonymous No. 16214336

>The man who was in charge of crafting, or "making up" rules to help limit transmission, like standing an arbitrary distance apart, has just admitted to crafting those rules!
What happened to /sci/? Why are there only retards here now?

Anonymous No. 16214943

Don't you think guidelines created for much of the world to follow should have had some more evidence based suggestions and not just "upend your life for 2 years and hope the plague gods don't curse you"?

And don't you dare tell me "w-we didn't have enough information!" because that certainly didn't seem to be the case when advocating for the "safe and effective" vaccines. We apparently knew covid well enough to keep it at bay with cutting edge mRNA technology, but not enough to determine that slapping masks onto people for 2 years and telling them to stay inside was absolutely useless. Pleading ignorance when it's suitable, it seems.

Anonymous No. 16217048

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