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Anonymous No. 16206651

I don't get how Newton proved the spheric shape of the Earth

>Newton accepted Huygens’s theory but realized it meant something strange: If Earth is a sphere and its centrifugal effect is strongest at the equator, gravity would vary across Earth’s surface, and the ocean would bulge up at the equator — a proposition that Newton considered absurd.

>Newton began his quantitative derivation of Earth’s figure in 1686, after learning about work by the French physicist Jean Richer. In 1671, Richer had traveled to Cayenne, the capital of French Guiana in South America, and experimented with a pendulum clock. Richer found that the clock, calibrated to Parisian astronomical time (48°40’ latitude), lost an average of 2.5 minutes per day in Cayenne (5° latitude). This was surprising, but it could be explained by the theory of centrifugal motion, recently developed by Christian Huygens: The theory suggested that the centrifugal effect is strongest at the equator, so the net effective surface gravity would decrease as you moved from Paris to Cayenne

Can someone eggsplain those two things in a way a retard (me) would understand?

Anonymous No. 16206654

You can jump higher during high tide.

Anonymous No. 16206851

one word: time dilation

Anonymous No. 16207115


>I don't get how Newton proved the spheric shape of the Earth
He didn't. The earth was proven to be a sphere 2,000 years before Newton.

Anonymous No. 16207154

Maybe he used the ancient jedi trick of looking upwards at the earth's shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse.

Anonymous No. 16207176


Anonymous No. 16207228

rotating bodies want to deform

Anonymous No. 16208305

utterly mindbroken, head back to /pol

Anonymous No. 16208500

the speed of the swing of the clock's pendulum depends on the strength of the gravity puling it down. Stronger gravity = faster swinging.

at the equator, the centrifugal force reduces the effect of gravity by a little bit, and so the pendulum isn't pulled down as hard, and so it doesn't swing as fast, and so the clocked ticked slower, apparently it lost 2.5 mins/day as when compared to the ticking back in Paris

Anonymous No. 16209289

Retarded frog kys

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Anonymous No. 16209426


Anonymous No. 16209427

>one word: time dilation
negligible, the only way to detect the minute relativistic time dilation effects is through atomic clocks.