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Anonymous No. 16206836

Conclusive proof the the vax causes deadly heart disease.
How do the vaccinated posters of /sci/ feel about this new science news?

Anonymous No. 16206853

>Epoch Health

Anonymous No. 16206862

>survived the largest medical experiment ever
we was so science and shit

Anonymous No. 16206933

Results Amongst 820,926 previously unvaccinated adolescents, the incidence rate ratio (IRR) for positive SARS-CoV-2 test comparing vaccination with no vaccination was 0.74 (95% CI 0.72-0.75), although the 20-week risks were similar. The IRRs were 0.60 (0.37-0.97) for COVID-19 A&E attendance, 0.58 (0.38-0.89) for COVID-19 hospitalisation, 0.99 (0.93-1.06) for fractures, 0.89 (0.87-0.91) for A&E attendances and 0.88 (0.81-0.95) for unplanned hospitalisation. Amongst 441,858 adolescents who had received first vaccination IRRs comparing second dose with first dose only were 0.67 (0.65-0.69) for positive SARS-CoV-2 test, 1.00 (0.20-4.96) for COVID-19 A&E attendance, 0.60 (0.26-1.37) for COVID-19 hospitalisation, 0.94 (0.84-1.05) for fractures, 0.93 (0.89-0.98) for A&E attendance and 0.99 (0.86-1.13) for unplanned hospitalisation. Amongst 283,422 previously unvaccinated children and 132,462 children who had received a first vaccine dose, COVID-19-related outcomes were too rare to allow IRRs to be estimated precisely. A&E attendance and unplanned hospitalisation were slightly higher after first vaccination (IRRs versus no vaccination 1.05 (1.01-1.10) and 1.10 (0.95-1.26) respectively) but slightly lower after second vaccination (IRRs versus first dose 0.95 (0.86-1.05) and 0.78 (0.56-1.08) respectively). There were no COVID-19-related deaths in any group. Fewer than seven (exact number redacted) COVID-19-related critical care admissions occurred in the adolescent first dose vs unvaccinated cohort. Among both adolescents and children, myocarditis and pericarditis were documented only in the vaccinated groups, with rates of 27 and 10 cases/million after first and second doses respectively.

Anonymous No. 16206946

>survived swine flu
felt like drowning while lying in bed
>survived covid vaccine
got a blood clot and couldn't get my dick up for a year (works fine now)

there's gonna be more shit in the future, that's just how it is.

Anonymous No. 16207090

I know,
regards someone who has already be hospitalized twice after taking only two pfizer shots

Anonymous No. 16207156

Paper gets dropped from peer-review in 3...2...1...

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Anonymous No. 16207270


Anonymous No. 16208149

good news
t. unvax'd

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Anonymous No. 16208924

your me

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Anonymous No. 16210002

Anonymous No. 16210969

vaxxies will even ignore this even though its from their sacred peer reviewed science journals

Anonymous No. 16212043

>27 and 10 cases/million
well... that doesn't seem so much, no?
I mean, it's a whole lot more than "no case in the unvaccinated group" sure, but it's comparable with the data we already knew of, about rare complications, no?

Anonymous No. 16212111

It's not compatible with "it's completely safe and effective so you have no reason not to get it". People who already acquired immunity through a previous infection were required to take an additional risk by getting the injections despite it having no value to them or society. They were told there was no additional risk, now it turns out that was false.

Anonymous No. 16212745

You deserve to be beaten until no one can recognize your corpse.

Anonymous No. 16212748

Junk data. Populations self-segregate.
Why wasn't RCT performed for relevant demographics before mandating experimental gene therapy?

Anonymous No. 16212779

Meaning that the paper hasn't been verified through the peer review process yet.
Not peer-reviewed. The website even says so

Anonymous No. 16212786

You deserved it for bowing down to authority like a cuck.

Anonymous No. 16213224

>How do the vaccinated posters of /sci/ feel about this new science news?

I'm not going to bother with what you posted because it changes nothing: one cannot regret unknowable unknowns.

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Anonymous No. 16213282

Fair enough. At least for children, it seems to pretty much confirm that the risks of the vaccine outweigh the risks of the COVID.
But it's not high enough to, for example, explain the number of excess deaths post-COVID, or the apparent epidemics of soccer players suddenly falling dead.
Basically: on one hand you have lots of observers gathering points of data left and right, indicating that the vaccine had a huge negative effects on the population, completely underevaluated by the authorities. While on the other hand, all the data which comes out, while showing the presence of serious side effects with more and more consistency (and showing an ever diminishing measurable positive effect), still stick to a relatively low proportion of injuries at around tens per million.
I'm not vaccinated, you mong. I'm just trying to figure things out before I drop a red-pills to people around me.

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Anonymous No. 16217233

Do cucks bow down to authority or do they just watch other people getting fucked? Antivaxxers are the cucks in this scenario.

Anonymous No. 16218755


Anonymous No. 16218771

So shedding isn't an issue?

Anonymous No. 16219833

This guy has no idea what he's talking about, and at least one of his claims is demonstrably false.

Let's address the first strawman.
>science is peer-reviewed papers
Wrong. Peer-reviewed papers (ideally in a credible journal) are not the entirety of scientific information. The fact that the paper is peer-reviewed just means it passes the bare minimum of scientific standards. It represents only the beginning of determining whether the paper is scientifically sound. Peer-reviewed means it was looked at by people with the relevant expertise, and it "passed."

>If a paper is peer-reviewed, that means everybody thought the same
Wrong. See above.

>An unintended consequence is that when new knowledge comes about, it can never ever be peer-reviewed
This is demonstrably false. For example, some of Einstein's best and currently accepted ideas were published in peer-reviewed journals. See

Anonymous No. 16219856

What makes a journal credible?

Anonymous No. 16219881


Anonymous No. 16219888

Why hasnt anyone died yet? Covid killed way more than "le vax". Do you think covid was a deadly pandemic or some shit?

Vard No. 16219895

I think I did it on my own I'm maybe performing now.

Again I am injured. Although I am intelligent, it's like a power box called using my mind(instead of me), seemingly. I can't think through and thus know what I have acquired, and especially say it, these vibrations are not there. I can't move my body in sync. I can barely sense messages. These ones are clearer than usual. Plus I can think about what's going on, as obvious by this versing. However. If I use my mind like the power, it doesn't fail, and I know how I should stand. Even with real wording.

Anonymous No. 16219900

>It's not compatible with "it's completely safe and effective so you have no reason not to get it"
Pretty sure it's safer than driving a car, stop being a dishonest histrionic nigger.

Anonymous No. 16219920

Pretty much no one alleges that shedding can cause your cells to pump out spike proteins, which is the real problem with the injected substance. It's possible for you to get some spike proteins from someone else through shedding but we're talking about many orders of magnitude less than what a body produces when given the injection. And there's no alteration of your cells, just some annoying, poorly shaped spike proteins for your immune system to clear out, which it can easily do in that quantity.

Anonymous No. 16219932

>Pretty sure
Is that the standard of science now? Also I've never heard of a government mandate for companies to fire people from their jobs for choosing not to drive.

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Anonymous No. 16221071

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Anonymous No. 16222275

Djoker still loling his lmao off over that one for sure

Anonymous No. 16223678

I wish I hadn't been such a wimpy pushover, I wish I had never got it. Hopefully I was in the placebo group and will survive out of sheer luck, thats my best chance.

Anonymous No. 16223686

Nac. Protease enzymes. Anti inflammatory diet (so low carb). Aged garlic extract. Fasting.

Anonymous No. 16224993

the n word is racist

Anonymous No. 16226121

He has won nearly a dozen more major championships since foregoing the vax, seems not to have negatively impacted his health in any way.

Anonymous No. 16227801

especially not with so many of his competitors dead or injured by the vax

Anonymous No. 16227907

fuck ALL the way off and stay fucked off

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twilight zone.jpg

Anonymous No. 16229200

how many boosters are you on?

Anonymous No. 16230590

most vaxxxies are too image conscious to ever admit a mistake, but if you're in the UK you can sue the vax producers and get $20 million free gibes money if you want it

Anonymous No. 16230607

The vaccine prevented the worst cases of Covid from killing you and was certainly far less dangerous. You people have nothing but misinformation.

Fucking retards

Anonymous No. 16231717

no they didn't

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Anonymous No. 16232686

>The vaccine prevented the worst cases of Covid from killing you
No it didn't - refer to pic

>and was certainly far less dangerous
No it wasn't - refer to pic

Anonymous No. 16232745


You need to read the rest of the paper and check the rest of that table and others.

>Of 31 cases of severe, FDA-defined COVID-19, 12 with onset post-dose 1, 30 occrnTed in placebo recipients, corresponding to 96.7% VE (95% CI 80.3-99.9) against severe COVID-19

>(Fig. 2,

>Table 86).

This isn't a matter of opinion. You are objectively wrong.

Anonymous No. 16232821

Shills continuing to confidently claim others are wrong

1. I specifically referred to covid deaths, not severe cases. The trials showed no statistical difference in covid deaths.

2. The trials showed 29 cases of severe covid were prevented in the vaccine arm. That's great and all but to achieve that, 23,040 people needed to be injected with a new drug.

3. "severe, FDA-defined COVID-19" can just be a positive PCR test and an increased heart rate. Severe does not mean death or even long term complications.

4. There were 112 more severe adverse events in the vaccine arm.

You're hallucinating again chatGPT

Anonymous No. 16232858

The only thing peer-review does is slightly change your article in such a way that it satisfies ~3 people by adding citations to their papers and possibly by explaining a concept or two more thoroughly, most likely in the supplement. If you get through the editor, it's unlikely that your peers stop you either.

Anonymous No. 16233950

>when your paper diffraction in graded index refractors gets rejected because the four paragraph diversity equity and inclusion subsection of the climate change statement failed to kowtow to furries obsequiously enough

Anonymous No. 16234077

Awwww, how does it feel being completely wrong?

let me repeat, you have nothing but misinformation

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Anonymous No. 16234125

I don't really care. I got 2 doses of Pfizer, 2 and a half years ago. I've also had covid itself a total of probably 5 times now (some cases before and some after getting vaccinated). I've had multiple physicals since then and my heart is fine, same as it was before - I smoke half a pack of cigarettes a day at the minimum and have for about 6 years.
I also did a gram of cocaine and smoked two whole packs with my buddy the day after I got my second shot, but I'm not sure if that's relevant

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bourla lols at this.jpg

Anonymous No. 16235108

>I got 2 doses of Pfizer, 2 and a half years ago. I've also had covid itself a total of probably 5 times now

Anonymous No. 16235117

I got 3 Pfizers and 1 COVID-Delta a few years back, just upgraded to N100 respirators and said fuck vaccines since then, because respirators actually work.

I think my exercise tolerance was a little fucked when I got the Pfizers, but I ain't have no heart attack. Run 10km a couple times a week now and I have no issues.

so like... sucks if you got heart problems? me personally, w/e man, I'm healthy 'nuff still

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Anonymous No. 16235895

>I come to /sci/ to shill government propaganda

Anonymous No. 16235898


New Barkon No. 16235899

It's bibblin babbling bob and his term 'schizobabble'

Anonymous No. 16236926

sup shareblue

Anonymous No. 16238140

myocarditis take about 5 years to kill you on average

Anonymous No. 16238241

Epoch times is a far-right conspiracy-promoting anti-medicine anti-science anti-vaccine mouthpiece of the Falun Gong.

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muh yellowcake.jpg

Anonymous No. 16239067

>noooooooo, religious groups can't own newspapers!!!
>I only believe in government propaganda!!!
>the government would never lie!!!

Anonymous No. 16239190

>vaxxers will be dead in 2 weeks!
>vaxxers will be dead in 6 months!
>vaxxers will be dead in 2 years!
>vaxxers will be dead in 5 years!

Anonymous No. 16239299

shouldn't I have some impaired-ass VO2 max or oxygen saturation if I'm nearly dead of myocarditis? at least some elevated C-reactive protein or some shit? why have all my blood values just gotten slightly better from working out more?

>maybe my DNA matches the filter designed by the reptilians

Anonymous No. 16240601


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Anonymous No. 16240654


Anonymous No. 16241382

>muh peer review