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🧵 it's OVER

Anonymous No. 16206861

completely done
cosmology is canceled
all the models were wrong
everything was wrong
the Big Bang is wrong
all the retard diversity hires are about to get fired

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JWST & olives.jpg

Anonymous No. 16206871

Anonymous No. 16206888

you think this is a joke you retard libtard?
you wont be laughing soon
JWST has been self suicide by you tranny freaks

Anonymous No. 16206890

that looks absolutely delicious but I don't understand

Anonymous No. 16206895


he's asking for sauce ffs

Anonymous No. 16206927

link shit you retard

Anonymous No. 16206936

search retard

or has all the BLACKED porn rotted your brain?

Anonymous No. 16206941

That something was wrong is normal, happens all the time. Best we can hope for is to be less wrong than yesterday.

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Anonymous No. 16206956

how exactly does this mean everything is wrong with cosmology and IT'S OVER

YOU have brainrot

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Anonymous No. 16206960


Anonymous No. 16206962

>all the models were wrong
>everything was wrong
>the Big Bang is wrong
Stop making shit up. You've skipped a few steps between a redshift 14 galaxy and all of these conclusions.

Anonymous No. 16206973

>idiot tweets something wrong
>therefore science is wrong

Anonymous No. 16206976

It doesn't. OP is retarded enough to think that the redshift record going from 13.2 to 14.1 means the sky is falling. Unsurprisingly a 10 billion dollar high-redshift telescope is great at finding early galaxies.

Anonymous No. 16206981

I wish we some how find a 100 billions years old galaxy so we can shut up all the big bang faggots.

Anonymous No. 16207042

>That something was wrong is normal
of course it's normal when you're led by satanists
>Best we can hope for is to be less wrong than yesterday
only way to stop being wrong is to find our lord Jesus Christ

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bodhi No. 16207044

>mfw I told you so #5763
I cant stop winning

Anonymous No. 16207051

Explain the picture

Anonymous No. 16207053

its just more AI slop from NASA

Anonymous No. 16207056

it's good cause it says space is fake

Anonymous No. 16207923

science = bad

Anonymous No. 16208000

It's an infrared spectrum of one of the most distant known galaxies, from JWST NIRSpec. It was just published this week with another similar object. The galaxy is redshift ~14, which means the wavelengths are strengthen by the expansion of the universe by a factor of 15. So this infrared spectrum was ultraviolet light. The break is hydrogen Lyman alpha. Back when the light was emitted the universe was only 300 million years old.

Anonymous No. 16208099

no it isn't you moron

Anonymous No. 16208282

Correct and we have known this for decades. Only leftist brainlet retards believed any of this trash

Anonymous No. 16208339

That pic. You're not a Santa Denier, I hope.

Anonymous No. 16208364

Holy fucking shit this is hilarious. I understand why people fell for it, the average person (me) has no clue how a deep space image usually looks and it looks pretty swell. Beau jork mon frère.

Anonymous No. 16208375

Different anon, thank you. I still don't understand how this conflicts the Big Bang Model. >>16206976
How could a larger redshift mean the sky is falling? I am not disagreeing with you, I just don't understand what the fuck is going on for people to go checkmate cosmologists.

Anonymous No. 16208406

It doesn't. I don't claim it does, nor do the authors of the paper. OP has made similar threads whenever any result comes out they assume it must confirm what they already believe. They are a fan of crank who has been claiming he debunked the big bang since the 90s. He has made all sorts of baseless claims about JWST data.

Galaxies were expected to be detected at these redshifts, so they aren't surprising. There are some claims of other galaxies being impossibly massive for standard cosmology, but these galaxies are only candidates and the claims untested. It may be that these objects are all actually powered by their black holes, screwing up the masses. Interesting, but not beraking the big bang.

The galaxy in the spectrum is interesting however, although these galaxies aren't earlier than expected they are brighter than people expected. This one is earlier and similarly bright to another famous object. These things may indicate that something is different about these early galaxies, like having different stars to modern galaxies.

Anonymous No. 16208426

why are you so fixated on the big bang model?
what evidence have you seen that makes you so utterly certain that the big bang model is the one and only possible explanation for the universe we live in?

Anonymous No. 16208725

it was a REALLY funny joke desu

Anonymous No. 16208756

>trusting jewish models

Anonymous No. 16208793

>I wish we some how find a 100 billions years old galaxy so we can shut up all the big bang faggots.

We will. Big bang creationists will try to conceal it but it will happen. Might take a long time. Took Galileo 300 years for the creationist retrds to admit they are (always) wrong... and that was despite irrefutable evidence against them. They denied the obvious for 300 years.

In the meantime it's best to ignore big bang fggts

Anonymous No. 16208803


Big bang is a religious creationist theory invented by the a catholic priest and the pope himself tied the validity of the religion to the theory. Not a single Cathy will admit this because hypocrisy is literally a cornerstone of their religion (we are all sinner, all liars, all hypocrites, etc....)... and Cathy's have a lot of money, and thete are no shortage of people wants to suck their cauks. There is no deeper answer than this. It really is this simple

Anonymous No. 16208812

Big bang is little more than an atheist/soientism rewite of the first few lines of the book of Genesis. Darwinism is a an atheist/soientism rewite of the next few lines