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๐Ÿงต How do I make useful shit?

Anonymous No. 16207100

You faggots always harp on about how most scientists are con artists/hacks and how most contributions are useless navelgazing or false. So then who the fuck is actually useful in society? Engineers? You shit on them as CADmonkeys only in it for a pay cheque and easily replaceable with no real value. Tradies are undeniably useful because someone had to maintain and put into action what the big boys come up with but who are the geniuses that make the world go around? Anyone can be taught to become a construction worker but who are the guys who actually manifest the erection of towers and keep humanity from regressing into beasts of nature? Where are those few great men and how do I become one?
>inb4 architects, duh
But most of them are women and the discipline of architecture seems to be more useless artsy bullshit and industrial design that never gets manifested into reality. It's like for the srr majors who want some pretense of not being completely useless. And how many do you really need anyway?

I was walking down the city today and I felt so much shame that I couldn't replicate the construction of a high rise or automobile from scratch. I could not replicate the creation of the internet from the underground cabling to companies like IEEE handing out addresses. Someone has to do it and I can't imagine anyone else but me. Every single great advancement has been a miracle from oil to electricity but even you faggots only care about personal gain or just living a chill life doing nothing because work is a scam or whatever. I used to just want to fuck off to Thailand or live on NEETbux but now I want to step up to the challenge of pushing society forward. How do I do that? I feel so much shame

Anonymous No. 16207167

>I was walking down the city today and I felt so much shame that I couldn't replicate the construction of a high rise or automobile from scratch.

Seems like a skill issue. Learn basic physics. Know that three coplanar surfaces are guaranteed to be flat. Learn basic chemistry and materials science. Know that a lot of chemistry is based on a lot of trial and error, but in retrospect, there are patterns.

Try to reinvent some wheels. Take shit apart. Draw plans how shit could possibly be built. A simple 3d engineering program might be helpful: sketchup, maybe solidworks. Take the time to rack your brains for solutions, and then look at how it was actually made. play with FEM to understand structures.. For essence of computing, you can try to learn ASM. Brainfuck might also be helpful. VHDL could be interesting.

The process of invention isn't magical. Use extant inventions as your training wheels. And once you're confident, tackle an unsolved issue.

Anonymous No. 16207171

What are you crazy? Do you have a death wish?
Stupid retard, stick with the grift.

Anonymous No. 16207177

What do you mean?

Anonymous No. 16207735


Anonymous No. 16207833

>How do I do that?
Do you want to find new basic knowledge about existence and the universe? => natural sciences
Do you want to find new knowledge about how to create never before possible things? => engineering research
Do you want to use the knowledge already acquired and create new things? => engineering

Anonymous No. 16208306


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Anonymous No. 16209176

Anon, truth be told, most people will never ever have any contribution to humanity, either large or small. Most people will never do anything creative a single time in their life. It's the nature of the average person. If you have any level of specialized skill in anything then you're one of the only people doing anything at all and are top percentile already. Even so, hardly anyone can do 1 skill well, let alone multiple that would set them apart as a great contributor. There's a reason people like Tesla are legendary, because they're extreme outliers. Everyone else in society that has a skill only contributes incrementally in a team of people that do the same in their own domains with great difficulty and mediocre success and it eventually adds up to something worth creating, but it's a team effort.

Bottom line is if you were destined for greatness you likely would have always been great in everything and would have already done something to summon a great creation, but to expect even a fraction of that is simply foolish and puts the world on your shoulders when it's ridiculous to expect that from a normal person. Just relax man. Do what you can and don't expect anything more than your best, which likely is not that great.

Anonymous No. 16209201

If no one does anything useful, then why are most people paid by someone? I don't think employers are employing people just for the fun of it.

Anonymous No. 16209208

You make useful shit by being a politician and fixing the country. Science has no capacity to do this.

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Anonymous No. 16209248

Read bullshit jobs. Also, of the jobs that people do, a single person doesn't make that much of a contribution. Like an ant in a colony. A ton of ants make a difference.

Anonymous No. 16209306

don't listen to this post OP, don't succumb to mediocrity

Anonymous No. 16209329

Not telling him to succumb. But just not to worry so much about it. Worrying about things won't make him more successful and useful to society. It will only stress him out and ruin him over time. Relax about it. Find a useful skill that you enjoy. Study that shit. Do something with it. Also don't worry too much anyway. 50% of jobs will be gone in 3 years due to AI. Soon AI will literally do all human tasks. Definitely in our lifetimes

Anonymous No. 16209407

What are your passions?
Have you ever had a thought like "hey, this could be improved.", especially if followed by "How about this idea to improve the thing?: ..."

Anonymous No. 16209490


Anonymous No. 16209847

I work in IT but like other anons have said I'm an ant. It's not even about feeling important, I just feel a great sense of shame. The miracle of the modern world only works based upon the miracles that were spearheaded by a few men. If I was a caveman I wouldn't be capable of anything greater than the status quo. I wouldn't even provide the slightest step forward to modernity. I would be collecting berries and shit. I want to be the caveman who at least thinks of some sort of trap that makes hunting more convenient

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Anonymous No. 16210004

>How do I do that?
First step is to stop being retarded but you already failed. There is nothing you can do about it because intelligence is genetic and you can't change your genetics to make yourself smarter

Anonymous No. 16210171

>If no one does anything useful, then why are most people paid by someone?
Usefulness isnt the same as creativity. Do you think some truck driver is creative? Hes still doing real work

Anonymous No. 16210244

if you can't even make a good thread on 4chan, you'll never succeed at a higher goal

Anonymous No. 16210961

very much this ^^^. OP too dumb to understand you don't need to be smart, creative, hard-working, or focused to make a difference. Just have to do something and keep doing it over time. Literally nobody gives a shit about your single relative contribution to society except for yourself. His ego can't take that he hasn't put anything out yet. As long as you are not a net negative then nobody cares.

Anonymous No. 16210993

Your whole post is a red herring to the topic.
Creating useful shit starts with having vision. Break the vision down into the steps necessary to get there. Then start walking. That's it.

Anonymous No. 16212130

>How do I make useful shit?
human feces can be used as fertilizer, but it's really not advisable