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🧵 cut off your death nuggets

Anonymous No. 16207103

Scientifically speaking how do we square this with the 41% thing?

Anonymous No. 16207148

If you wanna cut your dick off for an extra year or two of BINGO nights at the nursing home be my guest. I personally will be keeping mine.

Anonymous No. 16207467

testicle envy

Anonymous No. 16207472

Women get way more of a boost by ripping off their tits and pulling out their uterus, btw.

Anonymous No. 16207474

>the guardian

Anonymous No. 16207623

>41% thing
reminder please

In regards to the article, it seems that testosterone had a bad long-term effect. But maybe it's something else that is either gained or lost when the testicles are removed; they're not only about testosterone. Testicles are a meiosis factory, for example, who knows what side effects that could have over the decades.

Anonymous No. 16207634

>This or that particular part of biochemistry is good or bad
>Because biochemistry is a completely separate phenomenon from the variable context in which biochemistry is functioning
Many such cases.

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Anonymous No. 16207664

>>41% thing
>reminder please
Studies show 41% of eunuchs die of self-inflicted gunshot wounds or crushed windpipes.

Boo-ker No. 16207667

I suppose I will install a Strategy Mainframe and a Context Mainframe, then.

Boo-ker No. 16207676

And the fact we are more a pastural fission and squares ought be treated like pastures - there's a who factor.

Anonymous No. 16207697

>grauniad faggotry
Nobody should care about this shit.

Anonymous No. 16208387

>tranny science

Anonymous No. 16208471

oh I see, lol, thanks

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Anonymous No. 16208815

A solution in search of a problem from a woman presenting the most dishonest argument possible.

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twum shenanigans .jpg

Anonymous No. 16208921

Thats science these days

Anonymous No. 16210037

They take a very selfish, self centered and unscientific view of what life is.
According to science a living creature is just some temporarily animated compost who's sole purpose is to breed in order to keep their DNA alive for another generation and the DNA is potentially immortal, but the individual incarnation of it never will be

Anonymous No. 16210999

thats what the atheist "science" death cult people are like, they're so selfish that they couldn't possibly consider the possibility of ever caring for another person, not even their own children. thats why the idea of life extension appeals so strongly to them, because they live only for themselves

Anonymous No. 16212207

scientists will lie about anything to shill their political agendas, they have no consciences

Anonymous No. 16213327

We should holocaust them

Anonymous No. 16213483

>that part of your body associated with a hormone that will make you more risk taking and higher blood pressure makes you die younger
What a big revelation.
Now compare the mental states of the two groups… go on

Anonymous No. 16218486

for sure someone should